
Chapter 128: initial preparation

Chapter 128: initial preparation

ARGENT woke up because of a little bit of pain in her stomach. She reluctantly opened her eyes and she immediately heard a loud growling sound. She massaged her stomach for a bit and sighed. She's hungry it seemed. She looked at the digital clock on her bedside table, it's already 11 o'clock in the morning. No wonder her stomach was complaining to her. She didn't eat dinner yesterday and just simply went straight to bed. And now, she even missed breakfast. Looked like she was really tired after all.

She stood up and stretched a bit then walked out of her room. As soon as she did, a delicious scent wafted in the air. Argent went to the direction of the dining room and saw her sister putting dishes on the table. Aurum's golden hair was tied in a messy bun. She was also wearing a frilly white apron.

Aurum raised her head and immediately saw her brother. "Oh, good. You're awake. Come and sit before the food gets cold." Argent sat down at the head of the table. "You didn't eat dinner last night, you didn't even eat breakfast. Brother, how many times do I have to tell you not to skip your meals? This could affect your health, you know?" Aurum scolded.

Argent smiled helplessly. "I know. I'm sorry for making you worry." She looked at the variety of dishes on the table. "Did you cook?"

Since they started living on this island, Aurum made Felicia teach her how to cook. It's because she didn't like the food prepared by the smart robots made by her brother. And since Felicia started to get busy with her work in the company, she didn't have time to cook food for them. They couldn't really let other people enter this island just so they could cook them the food they wanted. The location of this island was top secret after all.

Of course if they were not on this island and there were servants around, Aurum wouldn't be so dilligent.

"I did. These robots you made always make bland food, how could I let you eat those? And besides, on this island, who else would pamper you to this extent?"

After hearing what Aurum said, Argent inadvertently thought of Lei Feng. During their stay at Xing, almost all her food was made by Lei Feng. Following what her sister said, was she actually being pampered? Argent shook her head. She's probably just thinking too much.

"Thank you. I actually missed the food you made," Argent just said. Because just like Lei Feng, Aurum knew exactly what her taste was like. She didn't like her food to have overwhelming flavors on them.

The twins started eating.

"Has Felicia and Master already left?" Argent thought of asking.

"Yes, more than a week ago already. And don't worry, I already told Felicia your message that she should coordinate everything with Finn," Aurum answered. "I bet when they get back, Hattori would have already proposed to Felicia. Do you think Gregory and Nelly would approve of him?"

"Master is a good man. Gregory and Nelly would certainly see that."

"True. And he seemed to really care about Felicia. That's already plenty of reason to approve of him."

After they finished eating, Argent started putting the dishes on the dishwasher. Aurum was by her side, drinking hot chocolate.

"Brother, when will we leave for Victoria City?"


Aurum was slightly surprised. She didn't expect that they would leave so soon. The Festival of Creation would be held 16 days from now. If they go there using her brother's flying shuttle, they would arrive there in no less than two days. "So soon?"

"We will do some reconnaisance first in order to avoid any problems that may occur afterwards."

Aurum only understood one thing from what her brother said. "Then Brother, do you already have a plan?"

Argent nodded. Then started telling her sister about her plan. The more Aurum heard, the brighter her eyes became. As expected of her brother. Now, she couldn't wait to beat those people up.


Before preparing things for their trip tomorrow, Argent went out of the villa to look for Black and White. A major point of the plan hinged on the two, so she needed to at least properly explain everything to them. She found the two at the part of the island where a lot of wildflowers were blooming.

Black was holding a lot of flowers in his hand, his face full of concentration. White was sitting beside him. Although her face showed nothing but calmness, Argent could still see a hint of happiness in her eyes. Finally, Black finished what he was doing and excitedly turned to White. He happily put the crown of flowers on White's head, making her show a rare smile.

A certain memory suddenly flashed inside Argent's mind when she saw this scene. She shook her head and chose to ignore it.

Argent decided not to bother the two for the time being. She leaned on the closest tree and opened her light brain to check for any messages. As expected, she found one from Viper. There were probably more but White probably just filtered it out for her. She opened it.

[Argent! Why are you not answering my calls again? Can you feel my grievance? You totally could, right? You have to appease me. So just tell me where you are and we'll go together to Victoria City.]

After reading it, Argent replied; [No. Let's meet on the exact day of the Festival of Creation.]

After sending the message, she then thought of calling Winter to tell him about the possible connection of his good sister to the Temple of Gaia. Soon, a handsome young man with blue hair and ice blue eyes appeared on the screen. Suprised clearly written on his face.

Winter was indeed surprise. He didn't expect Argent to call him. He didn't know why but he suddenly felt nervous and excited at the same time. It was a very unexplicable feeling. He wanted to call Argent a number of times but he always stopped himself. What if he called and Argent was busy, wouldn't the young duke just end up being irritated with him? Especially since he didn't really have anything important to say. Wouldn't he only be wasting both of their time if he did that?

He actually planned on calling the young duke once he deposed Icelyn and blocked any possibility that she could fight for the throne. But it was taking a little bit longer than he expected. And now Argent already called him.

Winter first returned his expression back to his usual cold face before speaking, "Argent."

"I have some information for you here," Argent said immediately getting to the point. "The man I told you about, the one your sister was in cahoots with. He's connected to an organization under the Temple of Gaia."

Winter wrinkled his eyebrows when he heard what Argent said. "The Temple?"

"They are called the Apostles of Gaia. If you mention it to your father, he would know who they are." If the Empress of Xing knew about them, there's no way that the King of Albion didn't. "But be subtle about it. Don't directly mention the Apostles, just slowly hint about them. The King might doubt you himself if you just go and tell it to him directly. If you do this, your father will definitely deal with your sister himself. And if all goes well, he might not only remove her from the line of succession, he might even sent her to prison."

Knowing that her daughter was connected to an organization like the Apostles of Gaia, the King would definitely feel threatened. He wouldn't be able to stop himself from thinking that the first princess was planning something against him. Even if she was his daughter, he would definitely not allow her to do something that could potentially ruin him. No matter how low the possibility of that was.

"Can you tell me about these Apostles of Gaia?" Winter asked. He's not doubting Argent. He just wanted more information so he could be ready if something went wrong along the way.

"They're a group established by the current Pope. They mostly work behind the scene and do the Temple's dirty work. That's all I know about them right now. But in my opinion, they're bad news and couldn't be trusted."

"I understand. I will slowly mention it to my father," Winter said. "Thank you for telling me this."

"Well, your sister is annoying. I'd be more than glad to help you get rid of her," Argent shrugged. And she hated the Apostles. So removing one of their pawns was definitely not something she would lose sleep over.

"Master!" Black called when he noticed her presence. He pulled White towards her direction.

"Well then, I still have something to do. I wish you luck."

Winter still had a lot of things to say but in the end he could only say, "Thank you."

Argent ended the call the same time that Black and White arrived in front of her.

"What are you doing here, Master? Are you going to play with Black and White?" Black asked, his eyes shining.

Argent crouched down in front of the two. "I'll play with you later. But I have something to tell you first. You have to listen carefully, okay?"

"Yes, Master," the two said at the same time.

And she carefully told them about the plan.

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