
Chapter 130: being robbed

Chapter 130: being robbed

THE early morning sun shone brightly on the town of Achea. There were wonderful shops everywhere. A lot of vendors on the side selling different trinkets. A variety of people could be seen on the streets - nobles and rich merchants wearing expensive clothing, hawkers and peddlers selling their goods, and ordinary people enjoying their morning. A group of guards could also be seen roaming around town. But their presence didn't detract the enjoyment of the people around.

On the street, a pair of black haired siblings were walking amongst the crowd. The girl was pretty and the boy was handsome. Both were wearing expensive clothing and had a certain temperament that was unique to those who came from nobility. But no one paid them too much attention. Because in this town, seeing nobles was almost an everyday occurence.

The town of Achea was the closest town to the city of Victoria. If someone wanted to enter Victoria City, it's inevitable that they had to pass in this town first. That's why almost everyday, there were nobles coming and going in this town. Their purpose was mostly to visit the holy city. They treated the town of Achea as a resting stop before continuing their journey. With the help of those nobilities, it's only natural for the town to be prosperous.

But it was not only the nobles, there were also a lot of ordinary citizens who passed by Achea. Although some of them couldn't really afford to pay the amount needed to enter Victoria City, they were satisfied just being able to glance at the magnificent gate of the city. These ordinary people also added to the prosperity of Achea.

Especially during this particular time when the day of the Festival of Creation was coming closer and closer.

The two black-haired teenager walking on the street were of course Argent and Aurum.

Aurum looked around the busy street. It's only morning and yet there were already many people walking around. This town sure was lively. "Brother, do you think most of the people here will go to Victoria City to celebrate the Festival of Creation?" she thought of asking.

"If they could afford it," Argent simply answered.

The Festival of Creation was an annual event celebrated across the five continents. It was said to be the day when Gaia created everything in this world. Different countries have different ways of celebrating it. Some just offered a simple prayer while others planned an event that could last for days. Although there were some places that didn't necessarily celebrate it, most of the countries in the world still did.

But it was a widely known fact that the most extravagant and magnificent Festival of Creation was the one given by Victoria City.

"Why do you think the Pope chose the day of the Festival of Creation to meet with us?" Aurum asked. "Wouldn't he be, like, super busy that day? Or does he plan to give Mother back while he's giving one of his speeches?"

From what Aurum researched, the festival was mostly being supervised by the Pope. It would start and end with one of the Pope's hypocritical speeches. As the current leader of the Temple, he needed to be there during the whole celebration. When would he have the time to negotiate with them?

"That's his problem, not ours. But considering who we're dealing with, he definitely already has a plan." The face of Lucern Faust with his deceptive smile flashed in Argent's mind. "He's the type of enemy that's hard to deal with."

She remembered the report that Jaxon sent her about the Pope. He was a kid born in a small village in the Northern continent. When he was tested and found that he had an SS level light Gift, he was taken in by the Temple of Gaia. And by taken, it meant that the Temple bought him from his parents. Who more than gladly sold their son.

The Temple put high importance on people with light Gift. Light was like the symbol of holiness and purity, the one that could vanquish the darkness. It was the perfect match to the image of goodness they wanted to portray. That's why most of the Popes elected were people with light Gifts. Like Lucern Faust.

He grew up in the Temple, given the best education, and slowly cultivated to be the perfect priest. The Temple's teachings all paid off when he was ordained as the Pope ten years ago. The former Pope suddenly died and Lucern took the Papal seat. He was only 16 then but not one priest in the Temple complained about his designation. It's enough to show just how much trust the Temple had on his ability.

After being ordained, he easily took control of everything. With his high level Gift, the priests of the Temple respected him. And with his charm, the masses adored him. He became the perfect Pope.

But Argent already learned not to trust whatever mask he's showing. She wouldn't even be surprised if she found out that he killed the former Pope just so he could have his position. A man like that, someone who's cunning and ruthless, was the kind of enemy that was most difficult to handle. Because they had the brain to analyze any situation and they wouldn't hesitate to kill anyone that got in their way.

"Even so, we will make him pay. Along with those annoying sidekicks of his. Won't we, Brother?" Aurum said.

Argent grinned at her sister. "Of course we will."

"But before we do that, let's eat breakfast first. I'm kind of hungry," Aurum said while patting his stomach.

"Then, shall we eat here?" she said, stopping in front of a luxurious restaurant.

They entered the restaurant and a waiter immediately led them to a private box. They ordered food and it didn't take long before the waiter brought the food they ordered to them.

The waiter was about to leave when he thought of something. He observed the two teenagers, from their high quality clothing to the way they moved and talked. They were clearly nobles. But unlike the other nobles that came in this restaurant, these two didn't have any servants with them.

"Respected guests, is this your first day in Achea?"

"Yes, we just got here," Aurum answered.

"Then may I ask where are your servants?"

Aurum was a bit confused why this waiter suddenly asked that. She wanted to read this waiter's mind to know if he was planning something against them. So she looked at her brother who only nodded at her. Which in her interpretation meant that she could what she wanted. She spread her Mana towards the waiter and she easily read what he was thinking. When she found out that there was not any bad or dirty thoughts in his mind, Aurum genuinely smiled at the waiter.

"We don't have any servants with us. Actually, we secretly came here just so we could participate in Victoria City's Festival of Creation. We wanted to go there for years now but our parents just wouldn't take us. So we just ran away," Aurum easily lied. "Don't tell it to others, okay? It will be our secret," she added playfully.

The waiter blushed slightly when Aurum smiled at him. But he didn't forget his purpose in asking that question. After hearing that they ran away from home, he just shook his head. Kids these days were just becoming more and more rebellious. But looking at the two, they seemed to be good children. So the waiter didn't hesitate anymore to give them warning.

"I should warn the two respected guests. There's a thief roaming around town for a week now. He targets nobles such as yourself. He kidnaps them and then takes all the gold coins in their space ring. He even dares to do it during daytime. The two guests should be careful."

Argent raised her brow in interest. This thief was probably the reason why there were guards roaming around the streets.

"Thank you for your warning. We appreciate it," Aurum said and took a small bag containing a thousand gold coins from her space ring. She gave it to the waiter. "Please, accept this."

"Oh, no, no. I didn't tell you that just so I could receive this," the waiter declined.

"I know. But still." Aurum liked people like this waiter. Honest and kind. He almost reminded her of Felicia. "Or else I'll cry if you don't."

The waiter didn't have any choice but to accept the bag and thanked them. Then he went out of the private box.

"I take it he's telling the truth?" Argent asked.

Aurum nodded. "Should we be concerned about this thief?"

"Well, if a petty thief could rob us, then we might as well deliver ourselves on the Pope's doorsteps."

After they ate, their next stop was to hire a carriage that would take them to Victoria City. There was a station in town dedicated for that, so that's where the twins went. Argent had a map of the town in her light brain. According to that map, from where they were, they would arrive at the station faster if they entered the next alley. So that's what the two did, completely disregarding the waiter's warning.

That's why when they entered the alley, they totally didn't expect what happened next. Argent was suddenly surrounded by a cage made of soil. Then she heard Aurum calling her. She put her hand on the surface of the cage and it immediately disintegrated. But Aurum was no longer there.

A violent glint passed through Argent's eyes. That thief, he really dared-! She opened her light brain and followed the signal coming from her sister's bracelet.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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