
Chapter 136: the fall of icelyn

Chapter 136: the fall of icelyn

ICELYN walked back and forth inside her room. She hadn't been out of this room since that blasted birthday party. Which meant she'd been confined here for close to four months already. Yes, there were still a lot of servants catering to all her needs. But the fact that she couldn't go outside was just grating on her nerves.

That bastard Winter just kept on using that opportunity to attack her. Recently, reports of her being connected to a man that trafficked humans started surfacing on [Jiffy]. She was deeply baffled. She knew those posts were talking about Harlequin. And she also understood that the source of it all was that bastard, Winter. But what she couldn't understand was how in the hell did Winter find out about her connection to Harlequin?

Icelyn had always been careful. She never met with Harlequin in person. Whenever she called him, she always made sure that she was alone. So just how? But before she could even think of a reason, those posts just became bigger and bigger. Even without concrete evidence, the people in Albion started to see it as the truth. She knew it wouldn't come to that without someone's instigation. She had no doubt that Winter was the one behind it. She couldn't even defend herself against those malicious posts.

All she could do was to drown in hate. She hated and hated to the point that she almost destroyed this whole room. At the end, the only thing she managed to destroy was her sPhone. Because she knew that if she continued on reading all those things, she would completely lose her mind.

Her pristine reputation was now completely down the drain. Her father completely ignored her pleas. Her mother was useless. The only one Icelyn could rely on was Harlequin. No, to be more precised, it's the man behind Harlequin. The current head of the most powerful religious organization in the world - Lucern Faust.

Icelyn met the Pope when he visited here in Albion six years ago. She was 16 then and was given the responsibility of entertaining the Pope's entourage. The first time she saw him, it's like she was directly looking at the sun. He was so bright anyone would want to be surrounded by his light.

During those times, Icelyn already guessed that his father had a preferential treatment over his bastard son. Icelyn spent all her life to get her father's approval. But that bastard easily received it. All because he had an SS level Gift similar to their father's. It was unfair to say the least. She wasn't that strong mentaly then. Everyday, all she wanted was to destroy Winter. And it just showed on the day of the Pope's visit.

Winter who was asked to showcase his great control over his Gift in front of the Pope was applauded. While Icelyn who prepared almost everything for the Pope's visit didn't even get a nod of appreciation. Her self-control almost snapped that day. Before that could happen, she decided to just walk away. She went to the garden to cool her head. What she didn't expect was that the Pope would follow her there.

Even now she could still remember the conversation they had.

=Six years ago...=

"Are you alright?" said a very gentle voice from behind her.

Icelyn turned around, startled. She couldn't help but feel flustered when she saw the Pope's handsome face. "Y-Your Holiness."

The Pope walked to her side. "I couldn't help but follow you. I noticed earlier how you're feeling down. I want to make sure that you're alright. Since it's because of your arrangement that me and my company have been having a comfortable stay here." He smiled down at her. "I think it's only proper to give my thanks."

"Y-Your Holiness, k-know?" she said, unbelieving. Her father didn't even appreciate what she did. And yet, here was a man, a stranger, showing her his gratitude. She almost had the urge to cry.

"Of course. With your attention to details, I think the first princess would definitely make a wonderful Queen."


That simple sentence completely resonated with her whole being. For the first time in her life, Icelyn truly felt that she could be the Queen. That even without his father's approval, she could be one.

Then after the Pope left Albion, Harlequin suddenly appeared in front of her. Telling her that the Pope sent him and that he would help her to get the throne. She didn't want to believe at first, but Harlequin contacted the Pope using a defaro crystal. And the Pope himself confirmed his decision to help her. She suddenly felt like she was on cloud nine. This amazing man believed in her ability. How could she not be happy?

From that time on, Harlequin had been assisting her in everything she needed to be the next ruler of Albion. It was going well so far. Until that birthday party happened.

Since then, it became harder and harder for her to contact Harlequin. And just recently, that contact completely disappeared. She couldn't even get a hold of him. It's like she was... abandoned.

Icelyn shook her head. No, His Holiness wouldn't do that to her. She was sure, one of these days, he would definitely help her.

Then suddenly she heard a number of marching footsteps outside her room. Before she could even think of what it was, her door was unceremoniously opened by the captain of the royal guards. A number of royal guards were standing behind him.

"What's the meaning of this?" she asked, completely offended by the sudden barging in of the guards in her room.

"Icelyn Jade di Albion, you are accused of treason by collaborating with unsavory characters who could cause harm to the stability of the whole kingdom. And thus, you will be stripped off of your title. You are hearby sentenced to imprisonment until the King decides otherwise."

Icelyn stared incredulously at the captain of the guards. What did she just hear? Her father wanted to imprison her? She couldn't move. It's like she was nailed on the ground. She didn't even completely understood what was happening until the captain put restraint on her. The cuffs were made of nullum stone that could temporary stopped her Mana.

"No! Let go! Don't touch me!"

But the guards just dragged her outside her room. When they walked a few steps away, they saw the Queen running towards them. She looked completely panicked.

Icelyn's eyes brightened when she saw her. "Mother! Mother, save me!"

Callista stopped in front of the guards. When she heard about the order that Arthur had given out, she immediately ran here. She still couldn't believe that he would really imprison their daughter. But standing here, seeing the guards holding Icelyn, the facts were already staring straight at her. How could Arthur do this? He already exiled their first born and now he's planning to imprison their daughter? What else would he do next, kill her other two children?

"Stop right there! Let go of the princess right at this moment!" Callista ordered.

"Our apologies, Your Majesty. But this is the King's order," said the captain of the guards.

"No, Mother, please save me. I don't want to go to prison!" Icelyn begged. She could no longer keep her calm.

Callista felt heartache seeing her daughter like this. "I said let go of her!"

"Pardon us, Your Majesty." The captain nodded to two guards who moved the Queen out of the way. And then he proceeded on dragging the first princess.

"No, Mother! Mother!"


At a distance, Vale was watching all these farce. His blue eyes were filled with condescension. He took a defaro crystal from his pocket. There, an image of a man with long gray hair and a black domino mask appeared.

"Icelyn was just sent to prison," he said.

"His Holliness already gave permission that if she said anything she shouldn't, you can go ahead and kill her," Harlequin said.

"Understood," he answered as if the one Harlequin was ordering to kill was not his sister.

"And please, don't mess this up like you did on the island."

Annoyance flashed in Vale's blue eyes. "I didn't mess up. That duchess was not taken and that son of hers agreed to the exchange, didn't they?"

Harlequin rolled his eyes. "Yes, if you think that almost dying from poison was not messing up, then go ahead and delude yourself."

Vale just ended the call before he ended up destroying the crystal. "Prick."

And then he walked out of there.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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