
Chapter 139: a small seed

Chapter 139: a small seed

WHEN evening came, the three - Argent, Aurum, and Clay - met up at the restaurant closest to Casa Royale. After ordering dinner, they talked about the things they did that day. Well, more accurately, it was Aurum who did all the talking.

"Are you optimistic about getting a positive reply from that priest?" Argent asked when Aurum finished relaying the events of today.

"Not really. But even if that young priest didn't succeed, I can just go directly to that Bishop and convince him myself. In that regard, I'm very confident."

Argent knew about her sister's ability to charm her way into anything. So she didn't ask more. But looking at Aurum right now, she couldn't see the usual confident expression that she would usually have during situations like this. Instead, there was a faint troubled expression betweent her eyebrows.

Argent couldn't help but worry. But then when she turned to Clay, he looked like he had no problem at all. In fact, his expression was quite relaxed. Which only made Argent more curious. The two had been together for the whole day. What could have happened that could affect her sister but not Clay?

She thought of the possibility that Clay might have done something to Aurum. But she immediately refuted that idea. Clay wouldn't be able to sit here all leisurely if he did do something to her sister. Aurum would definitely turn his brain to mush if he even so much as touch her the wrong way. Besides, this guy was not the type who would do that. Even when he saw her sister's real face, he didn't have the least bit of awe or even a speck of admiration. Showing that he's not the type who's easily moved by a person's face.

So then, what exactly did happen?

"I understand. Then, I'll just leave this matter to you two," Argent only said. But she was already thinking of how she should ask her sister if there was something wrong.

After eating dinner, Argent turned to Clay. "Clay, could you go back first to Casa Royale? I have something to talk about with my sister."

Clay looked at the two, Argent was still his usual indifferent look, Aurum, on the other hand, didn't even bother to look at him. He was a bit confused. They were still fine this morning but after they left the Holy Temple, she suddenly started ignoring him. He didn't think that something was wrong at first. But after silently observing her throughout the whole dinner, he realized that there was definitely something wrong.

But he couldn't think of what. Finally, he just chose to blame it to a girl's moodiness. Being hot at first and then cold the next second. His sister was the same. He didn't think about it anymore, shrugged, and just walked out of the private box where they had dinner.

Argent looked at Aurum when Clay left. "Did something else happen today? You seem troubled."

Aurum looked at her brother when she heard her question. She saw her purple eyes filled with worry and somehow she suddenly felt guilty. The reason they're here was to retrieve their mother and to get back at the Temple. And here she was, worrying about unnecessary things. Really, what was she thinking?

She clenched both her fists and tried to show a normal expression. "It's nothing, Brother. I'm just feeling a bit under the weather."

Argent stared at her, observing every bit of her expression. "Are you sure?"

Aurum hated lying to her brother. But in this situation, she didn't have the courage to tell the truth. Could she say that it was all because of Clay? That all of a sudden she was feeling some kind of emotion that she shouldn't? No, she couldn't. It would only make her sound like some simpering girl pining for some guy.

She's not that girl. She was young, yes. But she had longed shed the mask of a child. Since that moment she killed those servants at the age of four, she was already forced to grow up. Staying in a tower for three years with no one to talk to could do that to a child. Then she met her brother and her world slowly widened. She understood and learned a lot of things and matured in a very fast rate. All her experiences couldn't be compared to other girls her age.

Then why was she, at this moment, acting like some lovelorn girl? Aurum understood herself better than anyone else. So she knew exactly what this emotion brewing inside her was. But she couldn't accept it. Not when she and her brother was doing something that's related to the happiness and safety of their family. She wouldn't be that girl who would put a man over what's really important.

"Yes," she said, answering her brother's question. Her amber eyes filled with silent determination.

Aurum already decided. She would cut off this feeling slowly growing inside her. Because she didn't need it.

But what she didn't know was even if she did that, a seed had already been planted inside her heart. And it would take more than that to completely uproot it.


The next morning, Aurum and Clay went to the Holy Temple after they had breakfast. Aurum was already back to normal. And by normal, it meant that she's her usual snarky self again. Which only proved Clay's guess that the girl was simply being temperemental.

They both entered the Holy Temple. Aurum immediately saw the priest she talked to yesterday. She walked towards him, leaving Clay alone.

The young priest also saw Aurum and he didn't hesitate to meet her half-way.

"Good morning," Aurum greeted with a sweet smile on her lips.

The priest immediately blushed when he saw that smile. "G-good morning. I didn't expect you to come so early."

"Well, you see, last night while we're having dinner, we heard a lot of stories regarding this auction. It kind of made us excited, so we couldn't help but come here so early," she answered. "I hope it's not too much of hassle," she added apologetically.

"Oh no, it's fine. It's just that you may end up disappointed," he said, his expression a bit tangled.

"Did the Bishop not agree?" Aurum asked, disappointment clear on her pretty face.

"Yes, Bishop Ernst did not agree." The young priest suddenly regretted that he didn't try harder to convince the Bishop. Then he wouldn't have to see this expression on this girl's face. "But, there might be another way for you and your brother to be invited."

Aurum's expression immediately brightened. "Really?"

The young priest still hesitated at first if he really should tell this to the girl, but upon seeing her bright smile, he still chose to tell it to her at the end. He knew he would definitely be scolded by Bishop Ernst. He was already terribly scolded last night. But he just didn't have the heart to make this girl disappointed again.

"The Bishop will hold a dinner party three days from now. Archbishop Stillwell will be there. He's the one in charge of the auction. If you can somehow convince him to give you an invitation, then you and your brother can definitely go to the auction," he said. "I'm sorry if all I can do is to take you there."

"No. That's already plenty." And Aurum meant it. Meeting the person in charge of the auction, that's definitely better than just talking to a Bishop. "Thank you so much. I really don't know how I could show you my gratitude."

"You don't need to. I'm glad to be of help. Just, may I know your name?" the priest said shyly.

"Then can I know yours too?"

"I'm Father Heinz Magnus."

Aurum smiled. "I'm Lady Stella Deveraux. It's a pleasure meeting you, Father Heinz."

Father Heinz also smiled shyly at her. Then they talked about where and what time they would meet on the night of the dinner party. After that, they said their goodbyes.

Aurum walked back to Clay and they both went out of the Holy Temple. She told Clay about the things she and Father Heinz discussed.

"I guessed your magic is very effective on him," Clay only said once he heard everything.

She turned to him. "I told you, it's my charm." Then she walked onwards.

Clay watched Aurum's back and a smile he didn't even notice appeared on his lips.

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