
Chapter 154: aurum vs viper

Chapter 154: aurum vs viper

IN A small empty plot of land at the residential area of Victoria City, three figures could be found.  One was a tall, handsome young man with an indifferent air around him.  Beside him was a pretty, black haired girl.  And the last one was a man wearing a white silk mask.  It's the trio - Argent, Aurum, and Clay.

They were there waiting for the two assassins from Dreich Gallere.  Argent chose this plot of land for the meeting because she observed from the camera she set up around the city that this particular area was not a place where people often passed by.  It's a good place to talk especially if you didn't want others to hear your conversation.

She already sent a message to Viper where they should meet.  From the dozens of messages that he sent back, she knew that they would arrive here today.  Argent told Viper that she would be in disguise.  Just in case he thought that they were suspicious and attacked them.  That's definitely something that guy would do. 

"Brother, are you sure we can trust those assassins?" Aurum asked still a bit doubtful.  No, she was really doubtful.

Her brother told her some things about that Viper.  Like how he was the assassin responsible for the deaths of those delegates from Xing when they were sailing at the Andromeda more than seven years ago.  He disguised himself as those delegates translator and then later disguised himself as that plain looking girl who kept on pestering her brother then.

Later, she learned that he also disguised himself as one of the maids at the McAllister mansion.  Aurum could still remember that annoying maid.  Then she also found out that he was the one who killed that Gecko who kidnapped them and put them in that underground auction.  And from what her brother told her, he also helped when Argent went to that island in Xing.

The last two were the only reason why Aurum was stopping herself from completely objecting to the idea of two assassins helping them.  She's not being judgemental.  But even she knew how dangerous assassins from Dreich Gallere were.  Some uncontrollable factors might happen with their participation.  But the most important thing was, she could feel that Viper person had some unhealthy attachment to her brother.  If not then he wouldn't do all the things he did.

Aurum wasn't really the best judge when it came to unhealthy attachments.  Because she, herself, knew that her attachment to her brother was unhealthy.  She probably progressed a bit in the past years.  She no longer stared daggers to anyone who tried to get close to her brother.  The feeling that Argent would be taken any moment by anyone was no longer there.

She was insecure as a child.  Probably due to the incident that happened when she was four.  Then it was followed by her being locked up in that tower for three years.  A lot of psychological problems could be developed in a child by just one of those experiences.  And she experienced both.  Her brother was the only warmth that held her together.  If Argent didn't appear in the tower that year, Aurum's mind would probably continue to get twisted and twisted until all she could think of was destruction.

She could freely admit that now.  Because she was no longer in that state of mind.  Probably because she knew that no matter what happened, her brother would always be there for her.

But this Viper person was a different matter.  Him having this attachment to her brother might be dangerous in the long run.

"They won't do anything to harm us, if that's what you're worried about," Argent said, answering her sister's question.  "And they're enemies with the Apostles, so that's a plus."

Argent still wasn't sure what's the real goal of the master of Dreich Gallere was.  But she could at least tell that he really wanted to bring them down.  If not, then he wouldn't send Viper to Xing to get in those Apostles' way.  And he wouldn't send Viper again and another assassin to help her here in Victoria City.

Clay just remained silent.  He truly didn't have any opinion.  Heck, he couldn't even imagine that one day he would meet a Dreich Gallere assassin face to face.  And not just one, but two assassins even.  When Argent told him about the meeting that would happen today, he almost didn't believe it.  Because he said it in a way like they're just going to eat ice cream today.  It was so unemotional, he almost thought he was joking.

But here they were, patiently waiting for two of the most dangerous killers-for-hire in the world.

They heard footsteps and all three turned to the direction where it was coming.  They saw two person walking towards them.  One was a tall man and the other a young boy.  Both had plain looking face and wearing simple shirt and trousers.

The man looked at the three standing on the empty lot and his gaze immediately stopped on the handsome young man.   

"Argent!" he called, in that very familiar voice.

Viper rushed forward to hug Argent but before he could even come close, Argent immediately jumped back.  "I told you, no hugging, remember?"

Viper pouted.  "We haven't seen each other in almost a month!  You're not answering my calls and not even replying to my messages.  Don't you even feel a shred of pity for your sweetheart?" 

Lynx who saw this scene suddenly had goosebumps.  How could Viper act like this?  He's like a wife who had been bullied by his husband.  Did staying in Sin Island for seven years affected his brain?  Or was it just because of this Argent Blackbourne?

He looked at the black haired youth.  Lynx knew that was not his true face.  He had seen the young duke's pictures and his real face was a hundred times better than what he had now.  There's probably only one thing that didn't change - those pair of indifferent eyes.  That's probably why Viper immediately recognized him.

Clay, on the other hand, almost fell from the boulder he was sitting on.  He was expecting some scary looking people.  And yet what he got was a puppy eyed man who's looking at Argent like he abandoned him or something and a young boy who's definitely younger than them.  He knew he shouldn't judge - and they're probably wearing a human skin mask - but this wasn't the image he was expecting.

Aurum immediately scowled when she heard what Viper said.  "Who the hell is your sweetheart?"

Viper turned to the black haired girl.  This one was probably Argent's annoying sister.  "Argent, of course.  Certainly not you or that guy over there."  He looked at the masked guy.  "Who are you anyway?"  He suddenly remembered that jerk general in Xing and then stared carefully at the guy.  He found out that he's not that general but Viper was still not relieved.  "You don't have any kinky thoughts towards Argent do you?"

Clay almost choked on his own saliva because of that last question.  What the heck?  "No, definitely none.  I assure you, I have a very normal sexual orientation."

Viper nodded in satisfaction.  "Good."

Aurum snorted.  "If there's someone here who would have those kind of thoughts about my brother, it would definitely be you."

"Well, of course I do.  Argent's my sweetheart after all," Viper said as if what Aurum said was only natural and she's being stupid by stating it.

Aurum just felt like all the muscles in her face started twitching.  "Don't you dare get close to my brother or I'll turn your brain into mush!" she growled.

Viper sneered.  "Try it.  I'll poison you to death before you could even try."

Argent standing on the side just felt she's already starting to have a headache.  She walked between the two.  "Stop.  No one's going to harm anyone.  We're here to work together, understand?" 

Aurum hugged her brother's arm and raised her head, her current black eyes were watery as if she would cry at any minute.  "Brother, that ugly snake is bullying me." 

Viper, of course, wouldn't lose.  He also hugged Argent's other arm and started to act pitiful.  "Argent, that obnoxious sister of yours was the one who threatened me first.  So, she's obviously the one bullying me."

"I'm not!" Aurum shouted.

"You are too!" Viper shouted back.

Clay and Lynx were both bewildered.  What with this scene?  It's like they're witnessing some sort of love triangle drama.

And Argent, well, she's already feeling that headache.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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