
Chapter 159: unexpected present

Chapter 159: unexpected present

THE air in Victoria City was filled with festive atmosphere.  The usual quiet and peaceful streets were now filled with busy people preparing different kinds of things.  Some were putting up crystal lights and others were busy setting up their stalls.  But one thing was in common, all of them had an excited and joyful smile on their faces.  This was because tomorrow would be the day of the Festival of Creation.

The people in the city were usually not allowed to do any activities that might disturb the tranquilility of the city.  But the day of the festival was a different matter.  They were allowed to be as noisy as they wished.  They were even allowed to set up stalls on the streets.  But most importantly, they could earn a lot of extra income from the visiting guests.  That's why the day of the festival was the most awaited day throughout the year for the local population.

Aurum and Clay were walking on the streets observing all these.  They just came back from buying another set of suit dress for Clay.  He would be wearing it for the Midnight Auction later in the night.  He actually said that he could just wear the suit that he wore during the dinner party, but Aurum refused.  Saying that he's playing the role of a noble, how could he wear the same suit twice during two consecutive formal occasions?  That would just make him look like he's from a declining noble family.

Clay looked down at the bag he's carrying.  It contained the dress suit, as well as a new pair of shoes.  He couldn't help but feel that he's a gigolo being maintained by a rich lady.  It's quite a novel feeling.  He's not the type that would feel emasculated by this.  He's not one of those men who thought that letting a girl buy something for them was degrading.  Though he did feel embarrassed.  And definitely a bit frustrated for his sore lack of monetary resources.

Maybe after all this was done, he should ask Argent for advice regarding how to operate a business.  Although the both of them were now in a sort of partnership, their deal only included the duke giving them the money to fund their crusade of helping other orphans being brainwashed by the Temple.  It dind't mean that he should mooched off from him from now on.  That would truly make him useless.

Clay glanced at Aurum and saw that she her brows were slightly furrowed.  It seemed like she was still sulking.  He sighed.  Then he suddenly stopped walking when he noticed a particular stall selling some trinkets.

Aurum was indeed sulking.  It was because her brother was currently alone with that snake, Viper.  Although she didn't really want to leave her brother with that guy, she couldn't continue postponing buying clothes for Clay.  She'd been holding it off since she didn't want to give that snake a chance to be alone with Argent.  But in the end, she still didn't have a choice but to leave the two alone today.  So, she  just gritted her teeth and endured.

She understood that her behaviour was really childish.  It's important that she'd be mature especially during a sensitive time like this.  But she just really couldn't help but be annoyed everytime that guy tried to stick close to her brother.  Probably because of her experience with the guy when she was still a kid - like when he disguised himself as that girl in the cruise ship Andromeda or when he disguised as a maid in the McAllister mansion.

That probably left some kind of psychological shadow on her at some level.  Because at that time, her mentality was still kind of unstable.  Anyone who tried to get close to her brother was like an enemy to her.  He appeared in a moment when Aurum was still insecure about a lot of things.  So even now, she could still remember what she felt back then.  That's why she couldn't help but feel antagonistic towards Viper.

Aurum just wanted to return to her brother as soon as possible when she suddenly noticed that Clay - who was supposed to be walking beside her - disappeared.  She stopped walking and looked back.  She saw him rushing forward to her direction.  As if he just went somewhere and was trying to catch up to her.

"Where did you go?" she asked when he finally caught up to her.

Instead of answering, he presented her with a hair pin.  It was silvery gold with two butterflies attached at the end.  The two butterflies had small pink gems engraved in them.  It was simple yet very pretty as well.  "For you."

Aurum was a bit startled.  "You bought this... for me?"

"Yeah.  It's probably not something you'd usually get, it being a bit cheap and all.  But I just found it really pretty and I thought it would look good with your golden hair."

When Aurum didn't accept it readily, Clay became a bit embarrassed.  He'd never really bought anything for a girl before, beside his sister of course.  Aurum probably didn't like it.  After all, she's probably used to more expensive things.

"If you don't like it, it's okay.  I'll just give it to my sister or something."

When he was about to take back his hand, Aurum suddenly grabbed the hairpin and hugged it to her chest.

"Since you already bought it for me, then it's already mine.  Don't you dare give it to someone else."  He didn't properly see her expression because she immediately turned around.  "Thank you," she added softly. 

Clay scratched his nose.  For some reason, he suddenly felt a bit shy.  And also kind of happy.  "You're welcome."

Aurum looked down at the hair pin.  Staring at it, she felt a giddy feeling inside.  So giddy it felt like a small claw was scratching her heart.  All the annoyance she'd been feeling immediately disappeared.  This hair pin was not the prettiest nor the most expensive gift she had received, but it definitely brought a unique kind of happiness to her.

A sweet smile bloomed on her face.  Some of the people walking by couldn't help but be attracted by that smile.

She twisted her hair and then inserted the hair pin.  He looked back at Clay.  "How does it look?"

The smile on her face still didn't disappear.  So what Clay saw was her smiling sweetly at him.  Her smile felt like it was drawn from her very soul that Clay could only say; "Beautiful."

Aurum immediately felt her face heating up.  She turned around again.  How could this guy just throw embarrassing compliments like this so easily?  If she didn't know him, she'd really think he's a huge flirt or something.

Clay didn't notice Aurum's reaction because of his own weird reaction.  He put his hand on his chest.  Did his heart skip a beat just now?

Aurum wanted to continue walking when her gaze caught a familiar figure from afar.  She wrinkled her brows, all the thoughts in her mind just now disappeared.

Was that... popsicle?

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