
Chapter 172: it's time

Chapter 172: it's time

ZHANG LEI FENG hovered above the clouds.  Quite a distance below him was the Holy Temple.  But he knew that between him and the temple, there was still an invisible floating vehicle at the middle.  From what he and Argent talked about, Black was inside the floating vehicle guarding another person responsible for activating the mechanism that would trigger the start of the ensuing chaos.

Thinking of that kid Black, he again remembered that scene when he saw the kid wearing a little maid's dress.  His expression immediately turned constipated.  He hurriedly shook his head and pushed that image out of his mind.  Just imagining it could give him goosebumps.

But despite that, there was still an undeniable bittersweet emotion lingering in his heart. 

The first time he saw Black, he already suspected that he's probably not human.  After all, having a face so similar to someone who belonged to a different world was just too coincidental.  And he didn't mean that metaphorically.  It's not hard to guess that Black was probably an AI robot made by Argent.

Lei Feng was not surprised by that.   Argent managed to make sPhones in this world sorely lacking in technology and even successfuly made it work.  Creating an AI robot was really not that surprising.  What shocked him though was the face she used as a model for Black.

It was the face of a boy she should have long forgotten.  A boy who gave her promises he didn't manage to keep until the end.  To that boy who had long been used to violence and pain, she was the only one who brought warmth to his desolate and cold heart.  She was like an angel who descended from heaven, giving him unconditional happiness.

To that boy, she was more than a treasure.  She was his heart.

Even so, in the end, he still failed her.  And he failed quite miserably.  The boy thought he already understood pain, that he already suffered all the sufferings he could possibly experienced.  But no, that night taught him how wrong he was.  All the pain he had suffered before couldn't be compared to the pain he experienced on that cold winter night.  Perhaps, that night was the start of his real tragedy.

And yet, despite all that, the girl still remembered the boy who failed her.   It was most probably not intentional.  She was probably just doing it unconciously.  A sign that she didn't really forget that boy.  That her memories of him was still buried somewhere in her subconcious.

Knowing that, Zhang Lei Feng wasn't sure if he should be happy or sad.  Because that meant that she didn't completely forgot those dirty things.  He'd rather not have her remembered if that was the case.  But that small selfish part of him where that little boy still resided, couldn't help the simple joy that filled his heart.

He shook his head.  This was not the right time to think about those things.  Didn't he already make his own conviction?  They were given a new life in this world.  Even without the past, Argent's life right now was already as complicated as it was.  If even the things of the past were mixed in, then it would only bring trouble to Argent.  Something that he didn't want to happen.

Lei Feng promised that he would support her and fight alongside her.  That's what he should focus on now.

He looked down at the lively plaza below and waited.


Just as Lei Feng thought, there was indeed an invisible flying vehicle floating between him and the Holy Temple.

Inside, a girl was sitting at the very center position.  Her long white hair was tied up in a bun.  Several cables were attached to her nape and were connected to the floor of the vehicle.  Three screen monitors were in front of her.  On it was the image of the Holy Temple in different angles.

White was staring at these three monitors.  Everything was ready.  All she needed to do was to send the signal to the people her Master mentioned and then pull the trigger.  She already calculated everything.   All that was left was to wait.  Wait until there were no more signs of life inside the Holy Temple.

How would she know that?  It's because one of the devices she was currently connected could detect the heartbeats of people in a limited area.  It scope was enough for the size of the Holy Temple.  Then once the place was emptied, she would activate the device her master especially made for this event.

Black was standing beside White, staring intently at the girl.  Master told him that he should make sure that nothing would go wrong with White.  He didn't understand things that well.  He only knew that nothing could happen to White.  Because then, Master's plan would fall through.  Of course Black couldn't let that happen.

But even without Master's orders, he would definitely protect White.  He might not know a lot of things like his Master, but he knew that he and White were a kind of unique existence in the world.  They were created by the Master.  The only two in this world.  White was his pair.  How could he let anything happen to her?

So for his Master, and for White, he would do his best.

At the side, the elf was silently looking at the two.  When that boy who could pass through walls brought him here last night, he was really confused at first.  How could he not?  They were just jumping over the Holy Temple then the next moment, they appeared inside some weird contraption.  That moment, they didn't see anything but he truly felt that they just passed through something and then they appeared here.  Which meant that this weird contraption was not visible to others.

Then that boy left him here, telling him that he should stay here for the time being.  That the person who arranged his rescue would come and meet him later.  He was then left alone with these two children.  But should he really refer to them as children?

Elves were creatures who celebrate life.  They could naturally feel the life force of the living beings around them.  But these two, he couldn't feel any life force from them.  As if they were not alive at all.

He was not the type that would scare easily.  But meeting seemingly normal looking children that didn't have any life pulse in them was really quite frightening for him.  Especially since he was left alone with them.  So he just sat in the corner and put his guard up.  He didn't want to be imprisoned again.  He still needed to find a way to save his mother.

But then hours passed and the two didn't do anything to him.  The white haired girl didn't pay him too much attention.  The black haired boy looked at him curiously at first but soon he just focused his attention back on the girl.  After a while, when he realized that the two didn't have any bad intentions, he slowly relaxed and put down his guard.

He decided to just wait for that person responsible for his rescue.  He's not sure what they did what they did or if they had any other motive for rescuing him.  But he wanted to see with his own eyes what their character was.  Hoping that maybe, just maybe, that person could help him.

The elf looked again at the two children.  Seeing the cables attached to the nape of the girl, he could almost ascertain that they were really not human. But if so, what were they exactly?

"It's time," the voice of the girl floated, cutting the elf's train of thought.   

It's time for what?  The elf thought confusedly.

What the elf didn't know was that a long white cylinder was dropped down from below the flying vehicle.  The moment it touched the Holy Temple, a pillar of white light appeared, causing the ground to shake.

And then, chaos ensued.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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