
Chapter 185: a new day, a new beginning

Chapter 185: a new day, a new beginning

ARGENT opened her eyes and sat up from the makeshift bed she was lying on.  She looked down and saw that her sister, who was lying on the bed beside her, was still fast asleep.  She looked around.  Her mother was still unconscious.  Black was charging his system.  Only White was, well, in a way, awake.

"Do you require anything, Master?" asked White in a quiet voice.

She shook her head as an answer.  She stood up and walked.  As she did, she winced a bit because of the wound on her calf.  When she went out of, she saw that the sun hadn't risen yet.

The shuttle was still parked on the forest, of course it was still on stealth mode.  Just on the off-chance that someone from the nearby village would come this way.  Argent decided to stay the night here and just wait for her mother to regain consciousness.  After all, that bastard Lucern said that she would wake up today.  Although she shouldn't really put any weight on that guy's word.

If it was just them she, her sister, their mother, along with Black and White she would definitely fly straight to her lab.  But Lei Feng, Clay, and that elf was with them.  As much as she considered Lei Feng as a friend, even Clay to some extent, she wasn't sure if she could trust them with the location of her lab or if she could even welcome them there.

Well, Argent could probably trust Lei Feng.  After all, he did make that vow to her.  That no matter what happened, he would never be her enemy.  But Clay and that elf was another matter.

She made a deal with them.  Something that could benefit everyone involved.  That was simply not enough reason for her to fully trust them.

So she was waiting.  Waiting for her mother to wake up and then decide what to do after that.

Argent glanced around.  He saw Clay still sleeping inside the sleeping bag Aurum gave him last night.  The elf was also still sleeping, leaning against a tree and hugging the thick blanket covering him.

After agreeing to make a deal with her, the elf Janea no longer acted like he wanted to be part of the background.  Even the depressive atmosphere around him somehow subsided.  As if some of the weight on his shoulder had been lifted.

Argent was not sure what kind of help he needed.  But she could guess.  It definitely had something to do with his elf mother.  If he truly was Jaxon's son, that is.

She looked left and right but didn't find Lei Feng.  Where was he?  Then she noticed a trail of footsteps going to the deeper parts of the forest.  Was he hunting game again?

Argent followed the trail.  With her movement, she fully felt the stiffness of the right part of her body.  It's because she'd been leaning on it through the whole evening so she wouldn't aggravate the wound on her shoulder.  Thus, she couldn't fasten her pace even if she wanted to.  But she still continued following the trail.

Until the trail lead her to a cliff.  There, he found Lei Feng.  He was sitting on a flat rock; his back was facing her.  Far in front was the view of a mountain range.

She walked towards the rock.  But despite that, Lei Feng seemed to not still notice her presence.  Which was very peculiar.  Being a general at such a young age, he needed to hone his senses to the fullest.  So why didn't he notice her arrival?

Argent sat down beside him.  The moment she did, Lei Feng's body twitched and then turned to her with a slightly startled expression.  Before turning back to his usual stern face.

"You shouldn't be walking around with a leg injury," he said, looking at her with disapproval.

"It's just a scrape," she shrugged.  "I think you have more of a serious problem than me.  A general who lets someone sneak up behind his back, I think it's time for you to retire from your job."

Lei Feng showed a wry smile.  "I was just deep in thought.  But maybe I should just retire so I could join you in your many adventures.  Dangerous things seemed to be always happening around you after all."

"Don't even joke about that.  I'd rather not have these things happening around me." In fact, she'd rather stay in her lab.  She wouldn't even mind being trapped there for a decade.

"I'm not joking about your safety.  I'm just saying that, if things like this one continues to happen, it would be good if I could be there by your side to offer an extra hand."

Argent turned to look at Lei Feng and saw his usual serious expression.  "You really treasure your friends, don't you?"

Considering how Lei Feng was definitely not the type to befriend others that easily, she's probably one of the few he had.  That's why he'd been concerned by her business.

Lei Feng's expression suddenly cracked.  And then, he suddenly chuckled.  "Yes, I do."

Argent stared at that smile and all she could think of was; Ah, Lei Feng sure had a nice smile.  It's like radiance spreading from the cloud-surrounded moon.  Maybe because he's not doing it often that's why it had that kind of effect.

She's glad that the listless expression Lei Feng had since yesterday was now gone.  He probably got a lot in his mind.  Maybe some kind of problem that's been plaguing him.  Seeing him smile, he probably just needed someone to lighten up his mood, even just a little.  So he could put those thoughts away.

"Lei Feng, if you ever are in trouble, you're free to tell me.  I will gladly offer my help.  Just like what you would have done if I'm the one in trouble."

A small smile escaped his lips.  He was happy that Argent noticed that something was bothering him.  Because that meant, in some level, she was keeping an eye on him.  Although her assumptions were incorrect, he was still glad for the care she'd shown.  Because he knew that only those she deemed as important, even a tiny bit, could warrant such a response from her.

"I'm not in trouble, don't worry.  I'm just thinking about things."

Argent was wondering if she should ask what it was that got him so listless - to the point where he couldn't even sense the presence of another person, but then, she suddenly felt the warm rays of sunlight touching her skin.  She looked to the distance and saw the slowly rising sun behind the mountain range.  Filling the sky with shades of orange and pink, peach and magenta, amber and rose, radiating hope and new beginnings.

Then suddenly, she felt her light brain vibrate.  This vibration was solely designated for White.  So she immediately opened it and only saw a simple sentence.

[Master, the Duchess is awake.]

Her eyes widened.  She didn't even notice that her hands were slightly trembling when she turned off the light brain.

Lei Feng, of course, noticed this.  "What's wrong?"

"My mother is awake."

Lei Feng stoop up.  "Then let's get you there at the fastest speed."

Before she could react, he was already holding her up, carefully avoiding the wound on her shoulder.  And then they just flew.  Argent had no time thinking about anything because all she could think of was her mother was finally awake.

Soon, they arrived at the area where the shuttle was parked.  The moment Lei Feng put her down, Argent immediately ran towards the shuttle's currently opened door.  Once she entered, her gaze only focused on one person.

Anthea was sitting on the makeshift bed, stroking her sister's hair who was currently sitting on her side.  Aurum's face was burrowed on their mother's shoulder, her arms wrapped around her waist.  Based on the shaking of her shoulders, she was definitely crying.

Anthea raised her head and a smile bloomed on her handsomely beautiful face when she saw Argent.  "I seemed to have caused you a lot of trouble."

When Argent heard her mother's hoarse voice, a sign that she wasn't able to use it for months, she felt like there's a sudden clog in her own throat.  "It's no trouble at all."

And then she ran to her mother's arms.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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