
Chapter 199: to stand by her side

Chapter 199: to stand by her side

ARGENT'S desire to rest was temporarily put on hold because of that call she received from her sister.  She couldn't help but wonder what could have happened for Aurum to show such a troubled expression.  Since it obviously happened while she was with Clay, so it most probably had something to do with the place they went to.  Or maybe even the guy himself.

Could it be, that guy finally took action and decided to act on his dark thoughts?  She shook her head.  What was she thinking?  Even if Clay's thoughts towards her sister was not so innocent, Argent never really believed that he was capable of acting on it.  He wasn't stupid enough to do something that could be detrimental to their existing partnership.  Besides, if he did do something, Aurum wouldn't look anxious when she called her.  She would look pissed instead and give her the bad news that she accidentally killed Clay.

So, what was it?

Argent fell into a deep thought.  Now that she eliminated Clay, another answer easily came into mind.  The pendant!  But if it was, what could have possibly happened that had her sister shaken?

She wouldn't really know the answer until Aurum went back.  So while she's waiting, she might as well do some work.  Because she knew there was no way she could rest when her brain was so active like this.

She stood up and walked out of the villa.  Then went straight to the very center where the main control room was located.  She saw White already attached to the main system.  She's probably checking the system since it she had been out of the island for a couple of days.  Very efficient.

Argent wished that Black could also be as responsible as White.  She truly wondered how Black developed the kind of personality he had now.  Though honestly, even if Black behaved like an ADHD child most of the time, she still preferred him that way.  If he changed, then he was no longer Black.

She didn't disturb White and just sat in front of the three big computer screens.  Before doing what she went there to do, Argent contacted her master.  A moment later, the face of a man with long black hair tied in a ponytail appeared on the screen on the middle.

"Argent?  Why did you call?" Hattori asked, curious as to why his apprentice suddenly called.

Argent stared at her master.  She resisted the urge to rub her eyes just to make sure that what he's seeing was right.  Because her usual sloppy looking master was now looking very, well, neat.  A thing that she hadn't seen in the more than seven years since she met him.  His usual stubbles were now shaved.  He was wearing black shirt instead of kimono.  This made him looked a lot younger, as if he was only in his early twenties.  She never imagined that her master could actually clean up nicely.

It's been a month since he and Felicia left for Xing.  What could have happened in between that could make her master clean up like this?

"Wow, Master, who would have thought that you're actually this handsome?" she teased.

"Hey, kid, don't tease me," Hattori said, trying to sound reproachful. 

He pulled the neckline of his shirt.  He still felt uncomfortable wearing Western clothes like this.  But what choice did he have?  When he accompanied Felicia to the main company of Silver Corporation in Amexem, he had been mistaken as some weird uncle by the people working there.  What, uncle.  He wasn't even that old!  Granted, he's older than Felicia.  But not to the point that he should be mistaken as some old weird uncle.

Because of his extraordinary hearing, he could perfectly hear what those people were saying.  Like how he's someone who looked like a homeless person who didn't deserve to walk together with their Madonna.  Yes, those were their words.  Apparently, Felicia was quite famous in the company.  It both infuriated and annoyed the hell out of him.

Hattori never cared about how he looked to people.  But hearing others say that he didn't deserve to stand beside Felicia was simply unacceptable.  How could it not be?  When people were literally saying that the two of them didn't match.  Or rather, that he didn't deserve her.

Felicia never commented on how he looked or the way he presented himself.  Maybe she just didn't care.  Because his outward appearance was not the thing that attracted her to him.  That sounded a bit egotistical, but it was the truth.  It's actually one of the reasons why he fell for her.  Because she saw him.  The real him.

So, he cleaned himself up, combed his hair and dressed in a neat way.  He'd been doing that for the whole duration of their trip to Xing.  It was uncomfortable, yes.  But it was a small amount to pay so he wouldn't hear anyone say that he shouldn't stand beside his girl. 

Argent only chuckled.  "Have you and Felicia already arrived in Xing?"

"Just a little more than a week ago.  Felicia is currently preparing to meet with that prince.  What was his name?  Ah, Li Jun.  He's the one in charge of the project on the Xing's side."

Li Jun was the one in charged?  Remembering the playful prince with the penchant for the color red, she was somehow not that surprised to hear that.  "You didn't have any problems getting there?"

"No.  The trip was smooth," Hattori said.

It was probably because the ship they traveled in was owned by Silver Corporation.  So even their travel time was cut short.  That was probably the fastest ship he'd been in.  He had no doubt that his apprentice was the one who designed it.  Maybe he even made it himself.

"The people there in Xing not giving you any trouble?" Argent asked, remembering the problems those royals brought to her sister.

"I don't think they dare.  The Emperor put a lot of importance to this project.  Apparently, he very nicely told the Empress not to mess with us or he would strip the crown prince of his title.  Well, that was only all according to Li Jun."

That was definitely something that Emperor would do.

"Do you want to talk to Felicia?" Hattori asked.

Argent shook her head.  "No need.  I actually called because I have something to tell Master."

"What is it?" Hattori said, full of interest.

"I met someone in Victoria City.  We kind of fought and he recognized the sword style I used.  He even mentioned your name.  Since he knew who I am, if he searched very carefully, it wouldn't be long before he discovers your whereabouts.  Most of all, I believe he's also from Kano and might be connected to Master's past.  Considering how close you are right now to Kano, I just want to ask Master to be careful," Argent explained.

Hattori fell into silence after he heard what Argent said.  He seemed to be thinking about something.  "What were you doing fighting someone in Victoria City?"

Argent raised one of her brows.  "Really, Master, out of all the things I said, that's what you focused on?"

Hattori only shrugged.  "What did this man look like?"

"He was wearing a fox mask covering the upper half of his face.  But his Gift, any object he flung and landed on anything solid would explode.  Does it sound familiar?"

Hattori's brows furrowed.  "No."

"You should be careful, Master.  Aside from this guy being a bit crazy, he's also a member of a group called Apostles.  They are people who works directly for the Pope."

Hattori looked at his apprentice.  "Just what kind of trouble did you exactly get yourself into?"

"It's a long story.  Just be careful, okay, Master?"

"Don't worry, I can handle whatever is thrown at me," Hattori assured Argent.

Although he also began to worry because Felicia was with him.  It didn't matter if it was only him.  But now, he had someone to protect.  Maybe he needed to do some disguise just in case.

After a while, the two finished their talk.  Then Argent proceeded on editing the video that was taken yesterday during that whole mess at the plaza of Victoria City while the Festival of Creation was being celebrated. 

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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