
Chapter 216: the journal of the 6th duke of hanover (i)

Chapter 216: the journal of the 6th duke of hanover (i)

IT was a couple of pictures from pages that were seemingly taken from a book. But Argent knew that it was from the record that her father said in his letter. This 'record' was written in a journal like way. As if detailing some important events, writing it down so that the following generations would be able to read it.

On the first picture, the words 'Julian Blackbourne, the 6th Duke of Hanover' in beautiful cursive. Followed that was a picture of what seemed like a journal.

The 6th month, 908 A.A.

- I finally arrive at the Mythos Continent. It's been my dream to go here since I was a child. I wonder what kind of adventures I will be facing.

The 7th month, 908 A.A

- It's been a month since I arrived at Mythos Continent. It was everything I imagined and more. I was staying at the region controlled by the elves. My impression of elves was not that good. Last year, an elf visited Albion and became a guest at the royal palace. He was very haughty and proud, looking at everyone condescendingly as if all humans were beneath him. I thought all elves were like that. Just because they were the most loved race of the goddess, Gaia. But arriving here in Mythos and interacting with the elves for the past month, I know now that not all are like that. Yes, they are a proud race. But that was only because they took pride in their heritage. Most of them were pure and kind hearted. And it didn't take long for me to get along with them.

The 8th month, 908 A.A.

- I met someone. Her name is Raenisa. She was a warrior elf. I almost fell off a cliff while I was searching for medicinal plants in the forest. She saved me. I don't know if it was because she saved me and I was just feeling grateful, but I always wanted to talk to her and befriend her. I also think that she's incredibly pretty. Probably the prettiest girl I have ever seen.

The 10th month, 908 A.A.

- It's been two months since I met Raenisa. No matter what I do, I couldn't get her out of my mind. Whenever we met, my heart would always beat so fast, as if I had just been in a race. I don't even care that she always glares at me or the fact that she always seems to be in a bad mood whenever I'm around. Is this some kind of illness?

The 11th month, 908 A.A.

- I can't fool myself any longer. I'm in love with Raenisa. Unbearably and undeniably so. But what should I do with this love? In six months' time, I have to leave Mythos and return to Albion. And Raenisa seems to hate me.

The 1st month, 909 A.A.

- There was a banquet in the village I was staying. I attended and drank a little bit too much. No, I probably drank a lot. Because if not, I wouldn't confess my feelings to Raenisa in front of so many of her kin. I actually have no recollection of what happened. Someone only told me about it. I've never been so mortified in my life. But I was also secretly glad that I managed to tell her my feelings. Albeit in a very unconventional manner.

- I immediately went to see Raenisa after. But she refused to meet me. She probably was very embarrassed because of what I did.

That was the end of that page. This was very much like the journal of the 6th Duke of Hanover. Since Aurum sent a picture of it to him, the things that were written here must be connected to this 'child of all' situation of the main line of the Blackbournes. She looked at the date where it all started. It was more than 900 years ago and 400 years before Mythos Continent closed. The A.A. here meant After Ascension, which talked about the years after the goddess Gaia ascended to the heavens and left the five continents that she created. 

Then she proceeded on looking at the next picture.

The 2nd month, 909 A.A.

- Raenisa has been avoiding me for a month. Whenever she sees me, she would quickly turn to another direction as if I'm some sort of plague. She must really hate me. I think I shouldn't show myself in front of her any more. So as not to annoy her. I'll just look at her from a distance.

The 3rd month, 909 A.A.

- Something incredible happened today! Something I never thought would ever happen! I was planning to spend the remaining three months of my stay in Mythos at the Beastkin region when someone unexpected ambushed me along the way. Yes, ambushed. She stopped the carriage I was in. Almost destroying it, in fact. And yes, it was Raenisa.

- She accused me of being a coward and running away when things didn't go my way. I became a bit angry as well when I heard her accusation. So, I told her that since she hates me, what does it matter if I leave or not. Then she said that she doesn't hate me. She's simply just doesn't know how to react around me. I was surprised, then I had a sudden epiphany. So, I took that chance to ask her if she also feels the same way for me as what I feel for her.

- She said yes.

The 4th month, 909 A.A.

- We held a marriage ceremony at the Elven village where we met. From this day on, we will spend the rest of our long life together.

The 5th month, 909 A.A.

- I returned to Albion today. But unlike when I left, I returned with my wife Raenisa. The new Duchess of Hanover. 

- She told me about her worries. Like what if his family won't accept her. I told her that that wouldn't happen. Marriage between a human and another race was rare, yes, but not really unthinkable. My parents are no longer there. The only opposition we could face is from the branch family. But I assure her that their opinions don't matter. Because I won't let anyone separate us.

The 10th month, 909 A.A. 

- We learned that Raenisa is pregnant. I'm going to be a father!

The 4th month, 910 A.A. 

- Raenisa gave birth to a lovely boy. We named him Regan.

The 4th month, 930 A.A.

- Our son, Regan, turned 20 today. He asked if he could go to Mythos Continent to have his own adventure. I was worried at first. After all, we only have him. But Raenisa convinced me to let our son go. Saying that it's not right to curb his potential by forcing him to just stay at one place. At the end, I could only agree.

The 6th month, 930 A.A. 

- Today was the day that Regan would sail to Mythos Continent. Just like me back then, he would stay there for a year. I wish that he would find his stay there as fulfilling as I did.

The 6th month, 931 A.A.

- Regan returned today from Mythos Continent. And just like me back then, he didn't return alone. He was with a girl. Her name is Elmyra a dragon and beastkin hybrid. Which was very rare in itself. Regan asked us to give them our blessings for marriage. Although I was very worried because of the possible problem that might occur from this union, I and my wife still gave them our blessings.

After reading that passage, Argent felt a bad premonition. She could already tell how the main line of the Blackbourne family suffered from the 'curse' her father talked about in his letter.

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