
Chapter 225: blooming sadness and a bowl of porridge

Chapter 225: blooming sadness and a bowl of porridge

CLAY stared at Aurum, observing all the subtle expressions on her face. They just finished eating breakfast and was now sitting inside the pavilion located at the back garden. Black was playing at a distance, running after a small butterfly. He looked quite stupid but adorable at the same time. 

When Clay arrived earlier, the Duchess welcomed him warmly. As if he was a long lost relative or something. It threw him off, really. He just accounted it on the Duchess being a kind person. Someone who didn't mind interacting with a commoner like him.

After he ate breakfast with Aurum, they decided to walk at the back garden of the manor to help their digestion. Then they ended up here in this small pavilion. 

"If you want to ask something, then ask. Don't just stare at my face, it's embarrassing," Aurum said, almost muttering the last part. 

A red tint appeared on her white cheeks, making her even lovelier. Clay couldn't help but stare at her more intently. He knew objectively that Aurum was very beautiful. It wouldn't even be an exaggeration to say that she was one of the most beautiful girls in the world. But his admiration for her was nothing more like admiring a beautiful gem. It's nothing remotely deep.

But spending time with her, he realized that what his initial opinion of her was slowly changing. Getting to know her, finding out things about her that probably no one outside her family knew, it made him happy. He discovered that despite being an aristocrat, Aurum was also like any other girl her age. She could be stubborn, spoiled, and could throw a tantrum like a three-year-old. But at the same time, she was also kind, mature, and extremely smart.

It probably made him feel a bit proud. Because that showed that she was not afraid to show those sides to him. That she already considered him as someone close and trustworthy. 

But Clay also knew that his thoughts towards Aurum was starting to take a dangerous turn. And he knew that the result of this was something he couldn't afford. Not now and probably not ever.

So, he could only put down all the complicated thoughts inside his head right now. 

He gazed down and just said the thing that had been bothering him since he called her earlier, "I was just wondering if you're really okay. You're voice earlier over the sPhone when I called you, I thought there was a problem."

Aurum was not surprised hearing what Clay said. During that call earlier, she already suspected that the other noticed something in her voice. But she still couldn't help but feel warm. Because it meant that he was worried about her. 

She smiled. "It's nothing. I'm fine now, really."

It would be easy to just confide in Clay about everything. To tell him about her rejecting the feelings of the first friend she ever made. But she couldn't do that. Because it involved not just her but also Mishla. Telling another person about what happened between them was like rejecting Mishla all over again. Especially telling it to Clay. It was like he was humiliating Mishla by doing that. So, it never even entered her mind to tell Clay about it.

Clay stared at Aurum's clear expression. Although there was still a little bit of gloom between her eyebrows, he could tell that as of now, she was indeed already alright. As alright as someone who encountered a problem could be anyway. But looking at her face, he knew that she wouldn't tell him what that problem was no matter how much he asked her. It's probably something very personal. So, despite the loss he suddenly felt, he no longer continued on asking her.

"That's good," he just chose to say. And then proceeded on changing the subject. "By the way, I made a decision. I talked to my sister about it and he also agreed with me."

"What decision?" Aurum asked, a bit confused by the sudden change in subject.

"I decided to help you and your brother in whatever it is you're doing right now."

Aurum didn't expect to hear that. She wanted to quickly reject Clay's offer. After all, there's really no reason for him to get involved in their affairs. Especially since there's a lot of dangerous elements involved. But when she saw the determined expression on his face, she couldn't utter a word of rejection. 

So, instead, she asked seriously, "Do you have an idea what we're doing?"

"You're searching for the three ancient artifacts."

Aurum was startled when she heard that straightforward answer. But when she thought about it, Clay had been with them in Victoria City. It would be weirder if he didn't even cross his mind that searching for the ancient artifacts was their goal. After all, if one was just observant enough, they would definitely see the clues lying around.

"And you don't think we're just grasping on straws?" she asked.

"No, I don't. Your brother is definitely not someone who would do something that wouldn't give any result. The conclusion is that you found a clue that tells you that the artifacts are real and not just part of a legend."

Aurum raised one of her dainty brows. Well, he's not wrong on the part about her brother. Even his guess was a bit close to the truth. She smiled inwardly. She couldn't help but give Clay an appreciative glance. "Then let me talk to my brother about this matter first."

Clay nodded. He looked around at the spacious back garden. Remembering the huge manor that almost seemed like a castle, he was suddenly reminded again how big the difference was between his and Aurum's status.

And unknowingly, a little bit of sadness started blooming in his heart.


Argent was holing herself inside her room at the suite they were in. After reading the records made by the past dukes of Hanover, her brain couldn't help but start thinking a lot of things in regards to the events that led to the current situation of the main line of the Blackbourne family. 

But she knew that this was not really the time to think about that. What's important right now was to save the elf being held captive by the emperor of Kievan. Only then would they be closer in finding the elven artifact. 

So, her first priority right now was to save that elf. That thing about their bloodline's 'curse' should be focused on later once the current situation had been dealt with. 

And with that, she decided to burry herself in work. Programming the appearance of the people they were planning to imitate onto the holographic chokers. That's why the table in her room had some equipment she needed to do just that. She was immersed in her work when someone knocked on the door. 

Argent wanted to tell the person who was knocking to go away and not disturb her, but then she thought they might want to tell something important to her. So, she reluctantly stood up and opened the door. The one who appeared in front of her was Lei Feng, holding a tray with some bowl on it in his hands.

Lei Feng, who finally saw Argent, couldn't help but show worry when she saw the dark circles under the other's eyes. She obviously didn't sleep well. He wanted to reach out to her and wipe out those dark smudges if he could. But he knew that only proper rest could do that. 

"I made you breakfast. It's only porridge but I hope you will eat it," he said. "It's not good to continue the day with an empty stomach," he added, because it was already nine in the morning and Argent hadn't eaten anything yet.

Argent looked once again at the tray Lei Feng was holding. Then she raised his head and looked at the other's face. When she saw the undisguised worry in those obsidian black eyes, she suddenly couldn't bear to reject him. So, she reached out towards the tray and held it. 

"Thank you," she said simply.

She closed the door before the other could say more. She walked towards where she was sitting earlier and put the tray on the table. She removed the lid on the bowl and the delicious scent of porridge filled the room. After she smelled that, her stomach suddenly grumbled. As if telling her how hungry it was. So, she picked up the bowl and the spoon on the side and started eating.

When she ate her first spoonful, she felt like the warmth from the porridge traveled straight to her heart. The taste was just right, not too strong and not too bland either. It seemed like Lei Feng had already mastered her taste. An image of him wearing an apron and cooking with his usual serious expression suddenly flashed in her mind.

Unknowingly, a small smile already crossed her lips. 

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