Noob Player

Chapter 31: Even a Fish on the Land Is Stronger Than the Noob

Chapter 31: Even a Fish on the Land Is Stronger Than the Noob

"Oh, God! How can the developer create this kind of area!?" Shen almost screamed as soon as he got respawned.

He had gone into all directions of the village, however, there was no escape from this place. He could not find a weaker monster as well.

The two weakest monsters were the fish and the chicken. Both monsters needed to hit him two times to kill him. So far, those two were the weakest monsters while the other monsters instantly killed him.

"How am I supposed to play this game? This is unplayable!!!" Shen sat on the stair of the respawn spot and laid down on the wooden floor.

The thought of restarting the character flashed in his head. That was his second plan if he could not find a way to level up or get away from this place. He restarted the character and he would jump into God Burial once again after he reached level 30 or even higher so he could get the Legendary Class back.

That was a solid plan for him, but there was a chance that other players would find this place, sooner or later. If that happened the chance of getting back his class would be gone.

He was in a dilemma, "Should I restart?"

Shen had spent six hours looking around, but his effort was futile. He could not find a single solution to survive in this place.

He tried to email the developer, thinking this was another bug. The Sky's service was quick with the reply. He got a reply in a few minutes, telling him that it was not a bug.

They did not explain anything about the village or help him. They just told him it was not a bug and asked him to explore the world.

"...Maybe you can find the answer after exploring the world? Yeah, thanks for the tip, I died six times because of your tips," he muttered in a low voice.

He rubbed his chin, thinking hard. He believed that the developer would not create a situation that could not be solved like this. There must be a way to get out of this place or a way to slay those high-level monsters.

"Ah!? The fish, yes, that fish! There's a chance for me to win against those fishes," Suddenly Shen's eyes brightened as he found the solution to his predicament.

The fish would leap from the water to strike at him. That was his chance to dodge the strike. If he dodged their attack, those fishes would land on the ground.

Fishes on the land, it was the same as pigs ready to be slaughtered, "Maybe it will take me a long time to kill the struggling fish because of our gap, but this is my only chance!"

With the plan formulated in his plan, Shen rekindled his hope to survive in this place. He suddenly got excited at the thought of killing the fish.

He stood up and dashed out of the village. He was so excited that he forgot the chicken's existence. Thanks to his stupid impulse, the chicken feasted on his dead body.

"Hehe, stupid Shen. How can you forget your mortal enemy?" He let out a silly laugh as he respawned back to the village.

Shen was quite happy to find the solution, he did not mind dying again. This time he departed from the village cautiously. Thanks to the six hours he wasted exploring the area, he was quite familiar with the area now.

The first time he went to the river took an hour, but now it took him less than thirty minutes. He had mastered the art of sneaking around, avoiding all the chickens with his soundless steps.

"Fish! Here I come!" Of course, he did not dare to say that out loud. He stood a meter away from the river edge, holding the spear.

The spear provided him a long-range attack, so he chose the spear even though it would cost him a skill. The fish after all had a speartip-like snout. If he got too close, there was a risk he would get killed by the speartip-like snout before he could attack the fish.

"Alright, come to me, fishes! I am ready!" He was ready to cast [Void Step] any time for a burst of movement. It would compensate for his slow reaction. The first step, luring out the fish to attack him.

Seconds quickly passed, and minutes passed as well. However, no fish attacked him. Shen's forehead creased as he squinted his eyes toward the river.

The calm river remained calm. He could not see the fish in the water despite the clear water, "What? Does the fish know that I am prepared this time!?"

Shen could not believe it, how could the monster be this smart?

"Wait a moment, maybe there is something that may trigger the attack from the fish" Shen contemplated for a moment as he recalled the moment where he was getting attacked by the fishes.

He looked toward the river, then he looked down at where he stood, "Aha! That is the reason," he quickly figured out why the fish did not attack him.

He was too far from the river so the fish did not attack him. However, Shen was hesitating to come forward. If he stood too close, he was afraid that he would not be able to dodge the spearfish.

Shen gritted his teeth as he took the smallest step in his life as an adult, barely moving from his original spot. He waited for two minutes before he took another small step.

Minutes passed, he was standing at the river's edge. In the same position where his chest was pierced by the fish.

"No matter where the fish come from, your only job is to dodge their attack, Shen!" He told himself while facing the river. His eyes were moving around to see if any fish came close to the edge.

Shen could not see the fish in the water until he heard a splash. He had been telling himself to dodge, so the moment he heard the splash, Shen moved to the side.

He did not bother to see where the fish came from in which direction as he rolled his body to the ground.

The spear in his hand became a hindrance to his movement, but he managed to dodge the fish's initial attack.

"Yes!" He yelled out as he stood up from the ground. The first thing he did was to make some distance from the river. One fish was enough for now. He did not want to be greedy even though he was facing the fish on the ground.

While distancing himself from the river, he looked toward the fish. To his surprise, the fist was looking at him too. He was surprised because the fish was staring at him calmly instead of struggling on the land.

The fish was a meter long, it was similar to catfish but with a speartip-like snout. The mouth did not gasp for air just like a normal fish would do when they were on the land.

That was weird for sure, but Shen's judgment was clouded over by his excitement. In his thought, the fish in the land was powerless hence he made his way toward the fish while holding the spear tightly.

When he got closer to the fish, Shen then found something that should not be on the fish, a pair of hind legs. The hind legs folded to the side, making it hardly noticed from a distance.

As Shen was weirded with the discovery, the fish leaped toward him like a bullet. The fish accelerated in the air toward his head. He was shocked by the discovery and failed to react in time.

The speartip-like snout pierced his face and his vision immediately blackened.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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