Noob Player

Chapter 82: Golden Chance or A Suicide?

Chapter 82: Golden Chance or A Suicide?

Shen lost track of time as he kept running away from the King of Guardian Fish. It was fortunate that he did not encounter any other monsters on the way, but he still could not get rid of the King of the Guardian Fish's pursuit. He then opened the window status and saw 921 Stamina left.

He could not keep running or else he would die when his stamina reached zero. By that time, he would be impaled by that huge spear, and he was sure that it would be instant death. He was still wearing starter clothes. He did not have armor, not until Brother Jiang started making it for them.

'What should I do? What should I do?' Shen was panicking inside. He had been running zig-zag, changing direction abruptly, and even tried to use the big boulders or tree as his advantage. Yet none of them worked. The big silver snout blew down the trees, and it crushed the boulder easily.

As his mind was spinning crazily, thinking of a way to survive from the Boss Monster. He kept running with all his might while using [Void Step] on cooldown. The stamina was ticking down until it reached below 500. At this moment, he panicked even more as the King of Guardian Fish was still chasing after him.

Then Shen felt something off. He sensed that the vibration was not as strong as before. With high hope, he looked back. The King of Guardian Fish was still chasing after him. However, instead of running, the Boss Monster was walking with its eight legs. Yes, it was no longer using its leap or even running. The Boss Monster was walking, following after his track.

Shen stopped as well and waited for the Boss Monster. The only possibility was that the King of the Guardian Fish was exhausted. He managed to outrun the Boss Monster with his stamina, "Wait a minute, this is so sus That thing is a Boss Monster, level 68 at that. How could a level 21 player outrun the Boss? Surely I gained a lot of Endurance from the training, but I don't think I can be compared to a level 68 Boss monster yet,"

"I don't care, this is my chance to escape. I have to escape from that thing" He checked his mini-map. He could see that he was far away from the village, farther in the north of the village. His chance to return to the village was to follow the bright path on his mini-map. There was a line that formed in his minimap while the other areas were still dark. He was not going to take his chance to explore the dark area as there was a big chance that he would encounter a strong monster. His only chance to return to the village was to run back on the same path on the mini-map.

However, there was the Boss Monster that blocked the path. He had to take a detour to avoid the Boss Monster. He was about to create a path for him to return until a thought struck him. He looked in the Boss Monster's direction. The giant monster was still walking, and it was very slow.

"Wait a minute" Shen had an idea in his mind. Even though the Boss Monster could walk and even run on the land, it was still a fish, an aquatic creature, "Then is it perhaps running out a breath instead of stamina?" The fish was on land too long after all.

Badump! Badump! Badump!

That was just a wild assumption from his side but if that was what happened to the Boss Monster then this was his chance. This was a golden chance for him to kill the Boss Monster, that sounded crazy but it was worth a try. Instead of taking a detour from the Boss Monster Shen approached the Boss.

The Boss also approached him, but very slowly. When the distance was around fifteen meters, Shen stopped his advance. He recalled that the Boss Monster was capable of taking a twelve meters leap. This was a safe distance for him to find out if the Boss Monster could still fight or not.

The Boss Monster dragged its body and he would take a step backward from the King of Guardian Fish. He wanted to know if the Boss had the last burst of power to kill him with its leap or not. So the same thing repeated for two minutes. Each time the Boss Monster came closer, he would take a step back.

After the first two minutes, Shen confirmed his suspicion. The Boss Monster was running out of breath because it was on the land too long or even exhausted. He did not care which one was true, now he only needed to think of a way to kill the Boss Monster as fast as possible before it died by exhaustion or out of breath.

Shen checked his inventory. Weapons, he was checking if he had enough weapons to kill the Boss Monster. He had a sword, a spear, and ten stacks of Guardian Fish's snouts. He did not know if this would be enough to kill the Boss Monster or not but he was going to try it anyway even though he would lose all his weapons.

Below level five weapons against level 68 Boss Monster, they would lose durability quickly. That was why he was worried about whether he had enough weapons or not. Returning to the village to retrieve more fish snouts was not possible. He was afraid that the Boss Monster would die first. He was racing against the time.

Shen took out the sword and approached the Boss Monster. He was not going to attack the Boss Monster directly but he wanted to make sure that the King of the Guardian Fish could not fight back first. He quickly shortened the distance to six meters, and there was no reaction from the Boss Monster. However, he could feel its gaze seething with hatred.

The gaze was so real and disturbing so he avoided the fish's eyes. He walked to the side of the fish, and it still had no reaction. He confirmed that the Boss Monster could not fight back. A grin formed on his face as Shen raised his sword. Then he slashed the sword on the belly side of the massive fish.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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