Not-So an Extra

Chapter 137 Ch. 137: The Reward [2]

Chapter 137 Ch. 137: The Reward [2]

The atmosphere was filled with a distinct clatter and murmur, as a crowd of onlookers watched intently, their eyes fixed on the unfolding scene before them.

One by one, the Knights lifted the children out of the wagons.

There were so many of them, estimated to be hundreds in number.

Their conditions were far from satisfactory; their clothes were not just tattered, but torn and resembling mere rags.

Their bodies bore the unmistakable signs of abuse, with visible bruises and dried blood marring their already fragile forms.

Some of them even showed signs of severe malnourishment.

Overwhelmed by the horrific sight, a woman in the crowd raised her hand and shouted with urgency.

"I'm a physician, please let me pass!"

The people around her immediately made way, recognizing the importance of her presence.

One by one, individuals with the ability to control blood, stepped forward to offer their assistance in providing much-needed first aid to the rescued children.

In the midst of the chaos, a man in the crowd suddenly widened his eyes as he caught sight of a familiar face among the rescued children.

With a surge of adrenaline, he pushed through the crowd, frantically exclaimed.


His voice trembled with a mix of desperation and hope, as he had been searching tirelessly for his long-lost child.

Tears welled up in his eyes as he continued to call out for his daughter.


Hearing the faintly familiar voice amidst the chaos, the young girl named Marina turned her head, her eyes scanning the crowd in search of the source.

Soon, her eyes widened as she spotted her father struggling to make his way through the throng of people.

Without a moment's hesitation, she ran towards him, tears streaming down her face.

"Huaa! Father!"

Marina cried out, her voice filled with a mixture of relief and overwhelming emotion.

Finally reaching her father, they embraced tightly, their tears mingling as they held each other close.

Amidst the heartwarming reunion, the scene continued to unfold, as one by one, the other children were reunited with their families.

The sight was truly touching, and even those in the crowd who had no personal connection to the children couldn't help but be moved to tears.

Observing the heartwarming scene, Nathaniel couldn't help but voice his thoughts.

"So... that woman kept her promise, huh?"

The unlikely fulfillment of a villain's promise seemed almost too good to be true.

Adrian, however, couldn't fully shake off his skepticism.

His forehead furrowed as he pondered the situation.

How could someone who had acted as a villain keep their word?

It seemed highly unlikely, and he couldn't help but question the woman's true intentions.

Before Adrian could voice his doubts, his Telesphere began to ring, interrupting his thoughts.

—Ring! —Ring! —Ring!

Upon seeing an unknown Tele-code displayed on the screen, his sense of unease intensified.

"Who is it?"

Nathaniel asked and Adrian shrugged, equally clueless.

"I don't know."

Without much thought, Adrian received it and the voice of a woman resonated through the device.

"Greetings, Your Highness. Do you like the reward?"

It was Annelise.

Adrian and Nathaniel exchanged glances, their confusion deepening.

How did she manage to contact them?

Their eyes darted around, searching for any sign of her presence in the bustling crowd, but their efforts proved futile amidst the sea of people.

Without beating around the bush, Adrian got to the point.

"What do you want?"

His tone was guarded and cold.

Annelise sighed audibly, a hint of resignation in her voice.

"Ah, as cold as ever. I simply wanted to inform you that I have kept my promise, nothing more."


Silence enveloped the conversation as Adrian refused to engage further.

Sensing his indifference, Annelise spoke once more.

"Anyway, I hope you enjoy your reward, Prince Adrian."

With those final words, she abruptly ended the call, leaving Adrian and Nathaniel in a state of confusion and bewilderment.

Shaking off the lingering sense of unease, Adrian and Nathaniel redirected their attention to the front, where the rescued children were being tended to.

The crowd had come together, offering them drinks and light food, providing comfort and solace while others helped reunite them with their families.


A groan pierced through the air, drawing everyone's attention.

It was a young boy who had been receiving treatment from a physician.

Concern etched in his voice, the physician asked.

"Are you okay?"

But instead of answering, the child continued to wail in agony, drawing the attention of everyone present.


Adrian, upon witnessing this, widened his eyes in shock.

'Could it be—'

As a flicker of realization sparked within him, and without a moment's hesitation, he sprinted towards the boy.

"Ian! Wait!"

Nathaniel called out, hastily following his brother's lead.

Oblivious to the world around him, Adrian's pace quickened, his heart pounding in his chest.

He shouted at the top of his lungs, desperately trying to warn others.


However, before Adrian could reach the boy, a sudden presence materialized beside him and Fredinand swiftly wrapped his arms around him.


A deafening explosion erupted, shattering the tranquility of the scene.

The force of the blast sent shockwaves through the air, engulfing the area in a cloud of dust and debris.

The ground trembled beneath them, as if an earthquake had struck.

Adrian and Fredinand's bodies were violently flung several meters away, their forms tumbling through the air like ragdolls.

Amidst the fog of dust, their bodies collided with the ground and separated.

They rolled several times in different directions before finally coming to a stop.

For a brief moment, Adrian lay there, dazed and disoriented, the world spinning around him.

The impact of the explosion had left Adrian disoriented, his senses overwhelmed by the sheer force of the blast.

The surroundings were filled with the sounds of wails and screams.

Some cried out for help, while others groaned in agony.



The once vibrant scene had transformed into a chaotic nightmare.

Amidst the chaos, Adrian felt himself being lifted, and a familiar voice called out to him.

"Ian! Ian!"

Nathaniel's voice pierced through the chaos, pulling Adrian back to reality.

With a series of gentle smacks to Adrian's cheeks, Nathaniel tried to shake him out of his daze.

Adrian closed his eyes, taking a moment to collect himself.

He blinked several times, gradually bringing his senses back into focus.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Nathaniel standing before him, concern etched on his face.


Adrian's voice was shaky, but relief washed over him as he realized his brother was unharmed.

"Are you okay?"

Adrian nodded, offering a reassuring smile.

"I'm alright, thanks."

With Nathaniel's help, Adrian managed to stand, his legs still shaky from the impact.

As he regained his composure, he scanned the area, his cerulean eyes darting from one direction to another.

"Where's Fredinand?"

It was all thanks to him, he didn't sustain any serious injuries.

Nathaniel's expression darkened, and he shook his head.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know."

"Arrghhh!! Help me!!"

However, their concern for Fredinand was momentarily interrupted by a piercing scream that cut through the chaos.

Adrian's attention snapped towards the source of the sound, his heart sinking as he realized it came from the direction where the children had been gathered.

"Wait. What happened to the—"


The moment a shriek entered their ears, they were stunned.

With a swift motion of his hand, Adrian unleashed a gust of wind, dispersing the smoke that had shrouded the area.

As the black haze dissipated, Adrian and Nathaniel were confronted with a scene that surpassed their worst nightmares.

Countless bodies lay strewn across the ground, their forms twisted and mangled beyond recognition.

Limbs were torn apart, flesh was shredded, and bones jutted out at unnatural angles.

The once pristine ground was now a macabre canvas, drenched in a sea of crimson red.

But what truly sent a chill down their spines was the number of Chimeras scattered throughout the Plaza.



Grotesque and nightmarish, these abominations charged ferociously in all directions, their twisted forms lurching and writhing.

Their monstrous roars filled the air, drowning out the cries of the wounded and terrified.


"Huaaa!! Help!!"


The shrill, inhuman screeches of the Chimeras echoed through the chaos, a haunting soundtrack to the unfolding horror.

Amidst the confusion, a man found himself cornered by one of these monstrous creatures.

With a thunderous crash, the Chimera descended upon him, its weight sending him crashing to the ground.

The man's desperate screams for help were abruptly silenced as the monster's sharp claws slashed across his face, leaving deep, bloody gashes.


His agonized cry reverberated through the air as the Chimera continued its relentless assault.

Its claws tore through flesh, leaving trails of red on the ground.

Meanwhile, on the other side, another Chimera reveled in its sadistic violence.

With a sickening crunch, it sank its teeth into a man's neck, ripping his head from his body.


The man's final howl of pain echoed briefly before being cut short.

The beast, unsatisfied with its gruesome act, proceeded to wrench a limb from its joint, the sickening sound of bones breaking accompanying the grisly display.

Blood splashed onto the ground as the arm separated from the man's body, adding to the already gruesome scene.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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