Not-So an Extra

Chapter 146 Ch. 146: Making Money [4]

Chapter 146 Ch. 146: Making Money [4]




**AYC 557




A year had passed since the dark organization launched a devastating attack on Agatha, the Capital City of the Empire.

And honestly speaking, it took him months to overcome the weight of guilt that haunted him.

During this time, Agatha had been slowly rebuilt, piece by piece.

As there were no further attacks from the organization, the Empire gradually lowered its state of high alert to normal.

The past year had been relatively uneventful, with no major incidents occurring.

However, since Adrian screwed up the plot, the peace treaty between the Aeon Empire and the Kearny Kingdom, which was later secured through the marriage of Arthur and Charlotte, occurred.

Given that a year had passed, you should have anticipated what happened next.


A few weeks ago, a new Prince was born, which diverged from the original storyline.

Today, Adrian and Nathaniel decided to visit the newborn Prince after lunch—after all, he was their new family member.

Adrian had no idea, but he was filled with excitement.

Perhaps it was because he never had a little brother before, so he was eagerly looking forward to it.

"Your Highness, you seem to be daydreaming once more."

Suddenly, a voice interrupted his train of thought, causing Adrian to shift his attention towards the source.

There, across from him sat an elderly man in his seventies, with a few strands of white hair blending in with his dark brown locks.

It was Antonio, his engineering tutor and one of the higher-ups of the Engineering Division of the Tower.

Adrian could sense the disappointment on Antonio's face as he sighed in disbelief.

"Is my study truly that dull, Your Highness?"

Antonio had been thrilled when the Emperor appointed him to teach Adrian about engineering, knowing that the Prince excelled in both academics and martial arts.

However, in recent days, Adrian seemed distracted and disinterested in the subject matter.

The fact that he was unable to capture Adrian's attention and engage him in his studies made him question his abilities as a teacher.

Antonio couldn't help but feel deeply ashamed as a teacher.

However, Adrian shook his head and posed a troubling look.

"No, it's just that I was contemplating something that has the potential to change the world."

Well, he wasn't lying, though.

"May I inquire about what it is? Perhaps I can offer my assistance."

Antonio offered, hoping that it would re-engage Adrian's interest in their studies.

Upon hearing it, Adrian couldn't help but inwardly burst into maniacal laughter.

'Of course, you can! You are quite literally my stepping stone!'

Over the past year, Adrian had acquired a significant stake in coal mines across the Empire and purchased land for the construction of his invention.

With these accomplishments, he felt well-prepared to bring his long-planned idea to life.

Furthermore, having studied engineering for over a year, Adrian believed that everything was proceeding according to his plan.

With that, Adrian retrieved a paper from his Magical Sphere and handed it to Antonio.

He began to study the blueprint in his hands.

However, as he read further, surprise became evident on his face, which only added to Adrian's jubilation.


Antonio lifted his face towards him and exclaimed.

"Your Highness, this could revolutionize transportation in our world!"

In contrast to his teacher's expression, Adrian wore a gloomy look.

"That is true, but... I seem unable to fully complete it. There are still many things I need to learn. I wonder if we could collaborate on this...?"

Fun fact, he was a mercenary in his previous life, where he acquired engineering skills to carry out his missions effectively.

For instance, he specialized in demolitions and explosives to conduct sabotage or breach obstacles such as doors or walls.

He was also adept at creating and disabling various types of explosive devices and even disabling enemy infrastructures.

Since he had completed 88% of the work, he decided to delegate the remaining tasks to Antonio.

As Adrian intended to share ownership with him, Antonio had to put in a lot of effort.

After all, nothing in this world comes for free, and Adrian wouldn't simply add Antonio's name without his contribution.

Soon, Antonio's face immediately lit up and exclaimed.

"Your Highness, it is truly an honor!"

"But I hope we can maintain confidentiality until we complete this project, as I would like to present it to my father as a surprise."

Adrian reminded him, and Antonio nodded in understanding, then replied.

"I understand. I will keep it in mind, Your Highness."

As a thought occurred to him, Antonio inquired.

"If I may, Your Highness, what is the name of this mode of transportation?"

"It is called the Steam Train."

"Steam Train…"

Antonio repeated, nodding his head.

He then placed the blueprint on the table before continuing.

"Upon examining the blueprint, it appears that this project is nearly complete. I believe we could finish it in approximately three months or less."

Ah, indeed, as expected of one of the esteemed individuals of the Tower, Adrian had anticipated that it would take at least half a year, if not longer, to complete.

But who could have foreseen that it would be accomplished in such a short span of time?

"Then, let us collaborate!"

"It is an honor, Your Highness."

Antonio replied eagerly.

He was thrilled at the opportunity to contribute to something that would benefit the Empire.




—Clip —Clop —Clip —Clop

The sound of the hooves reverberated throughout the surrounding area.

The guards stationed in the watchtower immediately turned their attention towards the sound, their eyes catching sight of the Second Prince's pennant fluttering atop the carriage.

Recognizing the insignia, one of the guards swiftly swung open the Palace gate, allowing the carriage to pass through without any hindrance.

As the carriage came to a halt in front of the grand entrance hall of Charlotte's Palace, the coachman pulled on the reins, bringing the horses to a stop.


A soft neigh escaped one of the horses, Fredinand quickly descended from the carriage to open the door.

Shortly, a white-haired young man, followed by a black-haired young man, climbed down from the carriage.

They were soon joined by a middle-aged woman with brown hair and black eyes, who approached them and curtseyed respectfully.

"I greet His Highnesses, the First and the Second Prince of the Empire."

She greeted them with a polite tone—it was Leilla, Charlotte's Lady-in-Waiting.

"You may rise."

Nathaniel ordered, and Leilla straightened her back before eventually speaking.

"I sincerely apologize on behalf of Her Highness the Second Consort. As she is still weak after giving birth, she was unable to greet both His Highnesses."

"It's alright. Just show us the way."

Leilla nodded and motioned for them to follow her.

Adrian and Nathaniel followed her inside the Palace, with Fredinand trailing behind them.

After a few minutes of walking, they arrived at the new Prince's chamber.

Upon seeing them, the guards immediately announced their arrival.

"His Highnesses the First and Second Princes are entering!"

The door swung open, revealing a room brimming with an abundance of gifts.

In the center stood a baby crib, emanating the unmistakable scent of a newborn, which wafted into their nostrils as they entered the room.

The maids inside the room hastily curtsied in the presence of the Princes.

Charlotte, who was seated on a chair next to the baby crib, inclined her body slightly.

"I extend my greetings to His Highnesses, the First and Second Princes. I sincerely apologize for not being able to properly greet you."

"No need to apologize. We won't take up much of your time. We simply wish to see our brother."

Nathaniel replied.

With those words, Adrian and Nathaniel approached the baby crib.

As they peered inside, they saw a baby with white hair.

The baby opened his eyes, revealing a pair of beautiful ruby eyes.

'He took after Arthur so much.'

The baby stared intently at Adrian, seemingly lost in his gaze, before flailing his tiny hands in excitement.

Adrian extended his index finger towards the baby, who instinctively gripped it.

A smile formed on the baby's face, causing Adrian to smile in return at the sheer cuteness.

As the baby's gaze shifted towards Nathaniel, Adrian couldn't help but steal a glance at his brother's Status Window.


[ Frey Leillucis ]

? Overview ?

Title: The Third Prince of the Aeon Empire

Race: Human

Age: 3 weeks

Gender: Male

Occupation: #N/A!

? Character Statistic ?


STR: #N/A!

PDF: #N/A!

TEC: #N/A!

AGI: #N/A!


MAG: #N/A!

MDF: #N/A!


INT: #N/A!

MP: #N/A!

? Elemental Affinity ?

Water: #N/A!

Fire: #N/A!

Lightning: #N/A!

Earth: #N/A!

Wind: #N/A!

? Skills ?


? Gifts ?

? Chrono's Blessing : [Present] - "The Existence"


To be honest, there wasn't much to see.

However, just like him and Nathaniel—all of Arthur's children were blessed by Chrono, the founder of this Empire.


Suddenly, a loud cry pierced the air, snapping Adrian back to reality.

The baby in the crib was wailing, and the maids rushed in to attend to him.

Adrian and Nathaniel stepped back to give them space, but Adrian couldn't help but notice a dark aura emanating from Nathaniel.

His brother's face was devoid of any expression, his golden eyes burning with intense hatred as they remained fixated on the baby being held by one of the maids.

Confused, Adrian furrowed his eyebrows and whispered to Nathaniel.

"What is wrong with you?"

Nathaniel's voice dripped with venom as he replied.

"I hate him."


Adrian was taken aback.

How could Nathaniel hate a newborn baby they had just laid eyes on for the first time?

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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