Not-So an Extra

Chapter 148 Ch. 148: Hastilude Festival [1]

Chapter 148 Ch. 148: Hastilude Festival [1]

A/N: Welcome to the last arc of the first volume.


As the first rays of dawn gently kissed the horizon, the sky transformed into a breathtaking canvas of colors.

Shades of deep purple and indigo gradually gave way to a soft, ethereal blue, as the night reluctantly relinquished its hold.

The gentle breeze carried with it the scent of dew-kissed grass and blooming flowers, infusing the air with a refreshing fragrance.

In the courtyard, usually a place of tranquility, now buzzed with activity as the knights, maids, and butlers were in a flurry of motion.

They packed supplies for the Imperial Family's imminent journey, ensuring that every detail was meticulously attended to.

The air was filled with the sound of horses whinnying and stamping their hooves, mixed with the instinctive clatter of armor being inspected and polished.

The rustle of clothing being carefully folded and packed, and the clinking of glassware and cutlery being organized added to the symphony of preparation.

Neatly stationed near the main entrance were the magnificent carriages, crafted with exquisite attention to detail.

These carriages were a sight to behold, adorned with lavish decorations that showcased the wealth and status of the Imperial family.

Two months had passed since Adrian and Antonio presented the Steam Train to the Emperor, and as the project was approved, the construction was about to begin.

The first track was scheduled to be laid from the Solis Region, the Capital City, to the Synesta Region, Syna.

The estimated completion time for this ambitious endeavor was two years, after which they would proceed to build another route in a different region.

On the balcony near the courtyard, there stood a young man with a head of white hair, accompanied by a pair of striking cerulean gems.

Closing his eyes, Adrian took a deep breath, feeling the cool air fill his lungs before slowly exhaling.


Time had flown by, and unbeknownst to him, six years had passed since he was transported to this world of fiction.

The challenges he faced, the friendships he forged, and the knowledge he gained had shaped him into a person he never thought he could become.

Today marked the Imperial family's departure for the Hastilude festival, which was to be held in the Egberg region.

The Hastilude festival was a grand martial arts game tournament that took place every five years, bringing together every kingdom around the continent under the command of the Aeon Empire.

It was a momentous occasion where the strongest knights from each kingdom would gather to showcase their skills and prowess.

The tournament encompassed a variety of games, including jousting, pas d'armes, mêlée and béhourd, quintain, tupinaire, and many more.

The competition was fierce, and the victor would not only receive a prestigious medal but also a substantial sum of money.

For Adrian, this festival held a deeper significance.

It was an opportunity for him to prevent the tragic death of Aerilyn, his mother.

Shifting his eyes from the bustling courtyard, Adrian looked at his Status Window:


[ Adrian Leillucis ]

? Overview ?

Title: The Second Prince of the Aeon Empire

Race: Human

Age: 12 year-old

Gender: Male

Occupation: Elementalist - 6 Circle

? Character Statistic ?












? Elemental Affinity ?

Water: SS+

Fire: SS+

Lightning: SS+

Earth: SS+

Wind: SS+

? Skills ?

[ Incantation ]

Description: Raises the speed of spell-casting.

Rank: SSS-

[ Sword of Elementals ]

Description: Able to imbed All Elemental into a weapon.

Rank: A+

? Gifts ?

? Chrono's Blessing: [Future] - "The Foreseer"

? Eyes of the Truth: Able to see other people's Status Window.


Although he had no idea if the strength he possessed could defeat the black-robed man—the one he had seen in the watchtower and who caused his mother's death in his first dream, Adrian just hoped that his magic would be enough to defeat him.

"Your Highness, it is the time."

As Adrian's ears caught a familiar voice, he shifted his gaze away from the courtyard below and returned to the room.

Inside, he noticed his head butler bowing respectfully.

"Lead the way."

"As you wish."

Ferdinand responded, gesturing for Adrian to follow him.

As they made their way down the hallway, Adrian sensed a familiar presence behind him and turned around.

There, Adrian saw a woman with dark blue hair cradling a baby, accompanied by several maids who were walking towards him.

It was Charlotte and Frey, causing Adrian to pause in his tracks.

Upon noticing his master halt his step, Ferdinand mirrored his action and immediately bowed towards Charlotte, acknowledging her presence.

Arriving before him, Charlotte and the others bowed respectfully.

"I greet His Highness the Second Prince."

Adrian nodded in acknowledgement, his gaze shifting to the baby in Charlotte's arms.

Frey turned towards him, his eyes sparkling with joy, and let out a delighted chuckle.

Adrian couldn't help but smile at the sight, finding him incredibly adorable.

He extended his hand to stroke Frey's head, but before he could make contact, the baby caught his fingers with both hands, ready to put them into his mouth.

Adrian quickly withdrew his hand, gently admonishing him.

"You can't do that."

Frey chuckled happily, seemingly unfazed by the scolding, and continued to flail his hands in excitement.

Adrian tried again, this time successfully patting the baby's head and a warm feeling spread through his heart.

He couldn't help but wonder if this was how Nathaniel felt when he patted his head?

Understanding the affection behind the gesture, Adrian now realized why Nathaniel loved to do it.


The voice cut through the air, causing all heads to turn in its direction.

A young man with black hair and piercing golden eyes approached them from behind.

'Talking about the devil, huh?'

Arriving before them, they bowed respectfully and exchanged greetings.

Nathaniel nodded in acknowledgment before his gaze fell upon Frey, the baby in Charlotte's arms.

However, as their eyes met, the baby flinched and instinctively turned away, seeking solace in Charlotte's embrace.

'What the hell?'

Nathaniel was taken aback by this unexpected reaction, his cold eyes reflecting surprise and a hint of annoyance.

Recognizing the situation, Adrian immediately prompted his brother.

"Nate, let's go."

Without hesitation, Nathaniel complied, bidding their farewells to the group.

As they distanced themselves from the group, Nathaniel couldn't help but steal glances at the baby from the corner of his eyes.

There was something unsettling about the child's reaction, and it bothered him.

He opened his mouth to speak, his voice low and filled with concern.

"There's something amis about the baby,"

"He's just afraid of you, that's all. Babies can be unpredictable sometimes."

Adrian reassured him, trying to downplay the situation.


Nathaniel clicked his tongue in annoyance, his frustration evident.

Here he was trying to convey his concern yet his little brother just brushed it off?

And why did he even defend that baby?

Irritated, Nathaniel spoke sarcastically.

"Oh, great, now my little brother is not fond of me anymore!"

Adrian rolled his eyes in boredom, accustomed to his brother's dramatic tendencies.

"Nate, stop being so dramatic. You will always be my big brother."

However, Nathaniel suddenly halted his steps, causing Adrian to mirror his action.

Turning to face him, Adrian asked.

"What's wrong?"

Instead of looking at him, Nathaniel turned to the side, his ears reddening.

Adrian couldn't help but smirk mischievously, sensing his brother's flustered state.

"What's wrong, my dear brother?"

Adrian teased, enjoying the opportunity to playfully taunt Nathaniel.

"Shut up!"

Nathaniel snapped, sending Adrian a death glare.

But Adrian only chuckled, finding amusement in his brother's embarrassment.

Nevertheless, Adrian felt grateful to be surrounded by people who genuinely loved him, even if their affections were not directed at him.

The thought brought a sense of warmth to his heart.


Nathaniel let out a fake cough, attempting to alleviate his embarrassment.

He composed himself and spoke again as they resumed their journey.

"By the way, do you want to share a carriage with me?"

Nathaniel suggested.

The idea of spending time with him rather than his mother appealed to him.

While his mother had been kind to him in recent years, there was an underlying awkwardness in their relationship.

"I'd love to, but I can't. I want to stay with my mother."

Adrian knew that with the looming threat of an attack, it was crucial for him to remain by his mother's side.

He couldn't risk being separated from her during such uncertain times.

"I see."

Nathaniel nodded his head in understanding.

"But, I think I can share it with you when we head back to the Sun Castle."

Adrian offered.

If he could somehow save Aerilyn, then everything would be fine.

At least, that was what he hoped for.

"Well, that's fair enough."

Nathaniel agreed, a small smile playing on his lips.

After a few more minutes of walking, they arrived at the Sun Castle's courtyard.

The Knights, maids, and butlers were lined up neatly, awaiting the Emperor's arrival to make a speech before their journey.

Upon seeing his mother, Adrian bid Nathaniel a goodbye and approached her.


The blonde-haired woman turned to him, her eyes lighting up with warmth and love as she recognized her son's voice.

Aerilyn offered him a gentle smile, her motherly instincts sensing that something was troubling him.

"My son?"

She replied, her voice soft and comforting.

He took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before voicing the thing that had been weighing on his mind.

"Mom, whatever happens, please stay by my side."


Confusion momentarily painted Aerilyn's face, as she tried to comprehend the urgency in her son's words.

However, her smile never wavered, and she reached out to gently stroke Adrian's head.

"I don't see a problem with it."

Adrian felt a wave of relief wash over him as his mother's words sank in.

"Thank you, Mom."

Adrian whispered, his voice filled with gratitude.

He would do whatever it took to protect Aerilyn, even if it meant putting his own life on the line.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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