Not-So an Extra

Chapter 157 Ch. 157: The Western Border [4]

The sound of footsteps echoed through the arch corridor as two figures made their way down the hallway. 

The silence enveloped them, prompting Nathaniel to break the quietude. 

"By the way, Ian, I believe the one behind the monster's wave is somehow connected to that shitty organization." 

Nathaniel explained, however, Adrian just shrugged nonchalantly.

"Honestly speaking, I already know about it."

"Huh? How?"

Surprised etched on Nathaniel's face.

"Well, I could tell just by looking at your face. You wear your emotions on your sleeve." 

Nathaniel couldn't help but ponder, was he truly that transparent? 

"Is it really that obvious?"

"Yeah, that's why I've been planning all of this. We can't allow them to wreak havoc on our land, can we?"

A smile tugged at the corners of Nathaniel's lips as warmth filled his heart.

In the previous timeline, he had fought alone, but this time, his little brother was there with him.

"You're absolutely right." 

Nathaniel agreed.

As they continued walking, their conversation was abruptly interrupted by a cacophony of metallic clashes and clatters. 

They both fell silent and turned their attention to the source of the commotion. 

Emerging from the corridor, they were greeted by a vast training ground teeming with knights in gleaming armor and squires in simple attire. 

The training ground was scattered with various training dummies, a line of wooden swords and shields, and archery targets. 

Nathaniel moved closer to Adrian and whispered, barely audible.

"What are we going to do here?" 

"We need to find squires who have similar height and weight to us." 

Squires were knight apprentices responsible for learning combat and military skills, as well as caring for the knights' armor, weapons, and horses. 

"Wait, you mean..." 

Nathaniel's eyes widened with realization.

Adrian nodded, confirming his brother's suspicions. 

"Yes, let's steal their clothes and disguise ourselves as squires." 

If the number of monsters was as overwhelming as just they watched, Mathias would undoubtedly need reinforcements, not just knights but also squires and Adrian intended to exploit this loophole to their advantage. 

"I see." 

Nathaniel nodded in understanding. 

However, he couldn't help but be amazed by Adrian's quick thinking. 

His brother's wit was truly remarkable. 

"But still..." 

Nathaniel's voice trailed off, causing Adrian to turn to face him.

Nathaniel soon pulled out his Telesphere and waved it in front of Adrian's face. 

"First, we need to erase any traces of our presence."

After the Elder altered the settings, Nathaniel found himself unable to hack into the Telesphere system any longer. 

The devices had been sealed by a Magic Circle, making it impossible for him to gain access.

"Ah, you're right."

As they scanned the surroundings, searching for clothes that suited them the most, Nathaniel finally spoke up. 

"So, have you found someone who matches your height and weight?" 

Adrian nodded. 

"Yes, I have. How about you?" 

Nathaniel smiled. 

"I have as well." 

"Good, then let's split up. And don't forget to ask their mentor." 

Adrian reminded him and Nathaniel nodded. 

"Got it." 

In the knightly training system, each knight would have one squire assigned to them at a time. 

The relationship between a knight and their squire was crucial for their training and development. 

With their plan in mind, the duo descended the stairs, catching the attention of the knights and squires who immediately bowed respectfully. 

Adrian and Nathaniel acknowledged their presence with a nod.

"We're just here for sightseeing, please don't mind us." 

Nathaniel addressed the knight and they exchanged concerned glances but eventually returned to their activities. 

As soon as a white-haired boy approached, a squire promptly bowed upon Adrian's arrival.

"Your Highness."

Adrian nodded in acknowledgment and without beating around the bush, he began.

"Can we talk?" 

Confusion graced the squire's face.

Though unsure why the Prince wanted to speak with him, he complied. 

"As you wish." 

"First, let's find your mentor. I need to ensure that they know I have taken you somewhere." 

Adrian explained. 

Without any suspicion, the squire nodded and led Adrian to a knight with brown hair, brown eyes, and a long scar on his face. 

The middle-aged man, the mentor, immediately bowed upon their arrival. 

"Your Highness." 

Adrian studied the knight's face intently, committing it to memory. 

"May I know your name?" 

"It's Galant, Your Highness." 

The knight replied, Adrian nodded in acknowledgment and continued. 

"Sir Galant, there is something I need to discuss. Is it alright if I borrow him for a while?" 

"Yes, Your Highness. Of course." 

Sir Galant replied respectfully. 

"Thank you. I appreciate it."

"It is my pleasure."

With the squire following Adrian's lead, they left to join Nathaniel in the hall. 

After a few minutes of walking and ensuring no one was present, Adrian and Nathaniel exchanged meaningful glances. 

Finally, they found an empty room. 

"Let's go in. You guys first." 

Nathaniel ordered. 

Without hesitation, the squires entered the room.


The door closed behind them, and as the squires turned around, they were met with an unexpected sight—the Princes poised to attack. 

However, before they could react, darkness enveloped them. 

—Thud —Thud

The sound of their bodies hitting the floor echoed in the room. 

Wasting no time, Nathaniel and Adrian swiftly changed into the squires' attire.

They also did not forget to take their Telespheres and transfer their personal belongings into the squires' Magical Spheres.

To prevent any escape attempts, Adrian and Nathaniel securely tied the squires to chairs with ropes. 

Soon Nathaniel and Adrian took off their empty Telesphere, put them inside a chest, and sealed it with Adrian's magic.

Clad in the squires' attire, Nathaniel and Adrian donned their helmets and immediately returned to the training ground to rejoin their mentors. 

Upon his arrival, Adrian saluted Sir Galant, who inquired.

"Is everything going well?" 

"Yes, Sir!" 

Adrian responded, altering his voice to sound different. 

However, Galant couldn't help but furrow his eyebrows upon hearing the altered voice. 

"Your voice—" 


A voice suddenly echoed throughout the training ground, capturing everyone's attention. 

Mathias and Graham appeared, accompanied by several knights and the Knights greeted Graham with a sword salute. 

Acknowledging their presence, Graham wasted no time and got straight to the point. 

"As we are facing an urgent matter, I will be brief. Battalions 1st, 2nd, and 3rd will be deployed to the western border. Please be ready in thirty minutes." 

"Yes, Sir!" 

The knights and squires responded in unison. 

Without any delay, they swiftly packed their belongings and mounted their horses. 

Adrian couldn't help but appreciate the convenience of the Magical Sphere invention, as it made carrying armor, swords, shields, and supplies much easier. 

Adrian and the other squires quickly mounted the wagon that was prepared for them. 

Once the preparations were complete, the knights, squires, and Mathias set off towards the Western Border.

It took approximately five hours on horseback to travel from Safonyx Castle to the border.

However, Adrian couldn't help but lament the discomfort of riding in a wagon compared to a carriage he usually rode. 

'My back hurts as fuck!'

He knew the difference theoretically, but experiencing it firsthand was a stark reminder. 

He eagerly anticipated reaching the border, as living as a prince had certainly raised his standards. 

In his previous life, he wouldn't have complained, but now, he couldn't help but feel the stark contrast in his comfort levels.

As the arduous journey neared its end, the once serene blue sky transformed into a chaotic canvas of fiery hues, casting an ominous glow over the horizon. 

Adrian's cerulean eyes strained to catch a glimpse of the border's silhouette, a beacon of hope amidst the growing discomfort. 

However, as the convoy inched closer to the border, the atmosphere turned sinister. 

The air was rent with a cacophony of screeching monsters and thunderous explosions, shattering the tranquility that once prevailed. 




The deafening symphony of monstrous cries seemed to echo from the depths of hell itself, sending shivers down the spines of even the bravest squires. 

Fear gripped their hearts as their bodies instinctively trembled, unable to escape the piercing assault on their senses. 

From the towering watchtower, a knight stationed there caught sight of the approaching cavalry and bellowed with urgency.

"Open the gate! The reinforcements have arrived!" 

As the convoy reached the border, squires hastily dismounted from the wagons and swiftly made their way to their mentors to secure their horses.


The horses neighed nervously, their eyes reflecting the tension that hung in the air. 

While the knights gathered to receive instructions from Mathias and with their equine companions taken care of, Adrian and Nathaniel seized the opportunity to slip away unnoticed. 

They stealthily ascended the stairs leading them to the parapet. 

As they reached the vantage point, the scene that had previously unfolded on the screen now materialized before their eyes, intensified and magnified in its chaotic grandeur.




A horde of grotesque creatures amassed below the border, representing an array of nightmarish species. 

Some clawed relentlessly at the towering walls, their monstrous forms contorted with fury, while others unleashed their wrath upon the fortifications, seeking to demolish them. 

Yet, before they could inflict further damage, the monsters were met with a relentless barrage of attacks from the Knights and the Elementalists. 

  —Boom! —Boom! —Boom! 

Explosions reverberated through the air, causing the ground to tremble.

Green blood splattered everywhere, resembling grotesque fireworks, and the acrid smell of smoke filled the air as black plumes billowed into the sky. 

Amidst the chaos, a cry pierced through the maelstrom, catching Adrian and Nathaniel's attention. 


They turned towards the sound and saw five squires ascending the stairs, approaching them. 

Adrian and Nathaniel exchanged puzzled glances, realizing that they were currently in disguise and hadn't brought anyone with them. 

However, their confusion turned to surprise as the five squires slightly opened their helmets, revealing their familiar faces. 

It was Péréz, Sylvina, Rhea, Ralph, and Simone. 

Adrian couldn't help but facepalm, his hand meeting his forehead in disbelief. 

'What the hell? How did they end up here?' 

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