Not-So an Extra

Chapter 166 Ch. 166: The Sacred Orb Incarnation [1]

Chapter 166 Ch. 166: The Sacred Orb Incarnation [1]

A colossal creature stood before them, towering at approximately 15 meters in height. Its golden scales shimmered under the moonlight, reflecting an otherworldly glow. With five heads lifted high, it let out a furious bellow, "I WILL TURN YOU ALL INTO DUST!" 

"Tsk," Adrian clicked his tongue in annoyance. 'Who would have thought that that bastard would use the Sacred Orb's ultimate power so soon? This doesn't bode well.'

The Hydra's rightmost head lifted high, and behind it, a Magic Circle formed. Immediately, bolts of lightning were unleashed from the Magic Circle toward the scattered knights below. 

Reacting swiftly, Graham issued a command. "Earth Walls!" 

The Elementalists cast their spell, causing numerous blocks of thick walls with multiple layers to rise from the ground, forming a formidable protective barrier before the knights.

—Boom! —Boom! —Boom!

The lightning bolts collided with the Earth Walls with a deafening boom. However, to their dismay, the sheer force behind the bolts proved overwhelming, shattering the barriers like fragile glass. 

The knights' eyes widened in horror as they watched helplessly, their hopes of protection crumbling along with the walls. The lightning bolts tore through their defenses, leaving them exposed and vulnerable to the Hydra's wrath. 

"Get away from the wall! Get away from the wall!" Graham's urgent command cut through the chaos as he galloped away from the collapsing walls.

—Boom! —Boom! —Boom!

As the lightning continued its relentless assault, the ground beneath the knights' feet erupted and quaked, sending shockwaves of terror through their bodies. Frantically, they ran, their hearts pounding with fear, each step a desperate bid for survival amidst the onslaught. 



The symphony of anguished cries and desperate screams filled the air, drowning out all other sounds except for the thunderous crashes of lightning and the merciless rain of giant rubble. 

Blood gushed forth, saturating the ground as the knights below were mercilessly struck with devastating force, their bodies torn asunder. Flesh burst open, exposing raw sinew and shattered bone. Their lifeless bodies mingled with the dust and debris.

"Get away from the wall! Get away from the wall!" Graham's voice echoed through the turmoil, urging the surviving knights to find safety. 

Amidst the raging chaos, a group of knights clad in black armor on horseback encircled Arthur. The Captain of the Paladin, urgently advised the Emperor, "Your Majesty, you must leave immediately! The situation is dire!"

Responding decisively to the captain's warning, Arthur bellowed his order. "Gather the Princes and Princesses, we're leaving!" 

"Understood." Immediately, five Paladins spurred their horses into motion, riding toward the Princes and Princesses.

Arthur turned to Adrian and gestured toward the horse, ordering, "Mount it," his voice barely audible amidst the chaos that surrounded them.

Adrian's gaze shifted towards the forefront, where Graham's figure disappeared into the chaos, and an unpleasant feeling gnawed at his heart. However, before he could dwell on it, Adrian felt his body being lifted, drawing his attention back to his father, who had just placed him securely on the saddle. 

Arthur's hand brushed gently across Adrian's face. "Don't worry, he'll be fine." With those words, Arthur mounted the horse and settled in behind his son.

'That's bullshit.' Adrian was never a child; he understood the gravity of the situation. Moreover, he was acutely aware that Graham's opponent was no ordinary monster—it was the Sacred Orb incarnation.

It was no different from a mere mortal against a God, and Adrian knew all too well the inevitable outcome of such a battle.

Adrian let out a resigned sigh, 'I'll comply with his order for now while observing the Hydra for any weaknesses.' The Hydra had targeted both him and Nathaniel, and Adrian was certain that escaping its clutches wouldn't be easy. 

He cast one final glance at his grandfather, silently pleading, 'Please wait a little longer,' because Adrian firmly believed that they would eventually confront the Hydra in the end.

"Princess, please be at ease. Everything will be alright," Asher attempted to console Sylvina, who remained visibly shaken by the chaos. She weakly nodded in response, prompting Asher to offer a comforting smile. "Please forgive my rudeness." He carefully positioned her on the horse before settling in behind her. 

"Your Majesty!" A voice pierced through the tense atmosphere, capturing the group's attention. All eyes turned towards the returning Paladins—Nathaniel, Simone, Péréz, Ralph, and Rhea—riding together. Their expressions mirrored Sylvina's shock and fear, except for his brother. 

With all the princes and princesses now rescued, Arthur wasted no more time. Urging the horse forward, and the Paladins followed suit, their steeds galloping in unison. However... 


The deafening roar of the Hydra reverberated through the surroundings, accompanied by the sound of flapping wings. All heads turned upward as a massive shadow loomed over them. 


With a thunderous thud, the ground trembled as the Hydra landed on the half-destroyed earthen walls, bellowing in rage, "HOW DARE YOU ATTEMPT TO FLEE?!!" 

The leftmost head of the Hydra roared ferociously, summoning a massive Magic Circle behind it. From within the circle, an unrelenting barrage of fireballs surged, hurtling towards Arthur and the Paladins who were galloping away in the distance. 

In a display of heightened senses and honed skills, Arthur and the Paladins deftly maneuvered their horses, narrowly evading each fireball that rushed towards them.

—Boom! —Boom! —Boom! 

The ground erupted with deafening booms the moment the fireballs impacted, igniting the surrounding forest in a blazing inferno. The flames spread rapidly, devouring everything in their path, and casting an ominous glow over the area. 

Graham gritted his teeth in frustration as he watched the scene and immediately voiced the next command, "First line, bolts!!"

Summoning their courage, the surviving Knights and Elementalists swiftly regrouped and commenced their chant. Within moments, a multitude of Magic Circles materialized in the air, sending a volley of bolts toward the Hydra. The assault compelled the Hydra to momentarily cease its attack.


The second head from the left lifted high, a Magic Circle forming behind it. However, before the bolts could strike their mark, earth walls appeared in front of it, enveloping the Hydra.

—Boom! —Boom! —Boom!

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