Not-So an Extra

Chapter 172 Ch. 172: The Sacred Orb Incarnation [7]

Chapter 172 Ch. 172: The Sacred Orb Incarnation [7]

—Boom! —Boom! —Boom!

The battlefield erupted in a symphony of explosions as the attacks collided with the Hydra's massive body. The earth trembled with each impact, sending debris and dust to swirl in the air, obscuring the view.

"RROOAARR!!" The Hydra's roar pierced through the chaos, causing the soldiers to momentarily falter in their assault. Suddenly, transparent barriers materialized and enveloped the Hydra, effectively blocking any attack that hurtled toward it. 

As the Hydra utilized its Wind Elemental to create shields, Adrian prepared himself to dispel the Hydra's Water Elemental. However, a thunderous rumble echoed amidst the commotion, causing Adrian to glance skyward. 

Above, the pyrocumulus clouds had transformed into massive cumulonimbus clouds, crackling with lightning streaks. Returning his sight to the Hydra, a Magic Circle appeared behind its middle head, urging him to swiftly analyze and strike the Circle's weakest point.


The Magic Circle burst into fragments, scattering shards in every direction. 

"Cough, cough!" Adrian's body convulsed as violent coughs escaped his lips. Blood spurted from his mouth, prompting him to instinctively cover it. Trembling with pain, he couldn't help but curse inwardly, 'It hurts, damn it!'

His friends swarmed around him, their voices overlapping in concern. "Ian, you okay?" But before he could respond, a deafening roar from the Hydra stole everyone's attention.

"RROOAARR!!" The Hydra lunged forward, its massive form barreling toward the Knights who scrambled to evade its path. Desperate attempts to erect protective barriers proved futile as the Hydra's sheer force crushed them like fragile glass.


The sound of bones snapping mixed with the agonized wails of the fallen as the Hydra's monstrous figure stamped on them. The Hydra thrashed its massive body violently, crushing anything in its path. 

"Aarrgghh!! Help!!" 

Limbs were torn from bodies, severed heads rolled across the blood-soaked ground, and entrails spilled out in a grotesque display of destruction. 


With a single swipe of its colossal tail, the Hydra sent the soldiers hurtling through the air. Their bodies twisted and contorted in unnatural angles, bones protruding through torn flesh. 

"Get away from the Hydra! Get away from the Hydra!" Graham's desperate plea was drowned out by the cacophony of explosions and screams.

With adrenaline coursing through their veins, the surviving Knights and Elementalists despairingly try to distance themselves from the Hydra. Some crawled on bloodied hands and knees, while others limped away with broken limbs, their pain only fueling their determination to survive.

But the creature showed no mercy, its heads lunging forward once again, jaws gnashing and snapping, hungry for more victims. With each passing moment, the Hydra's rampage grew more ferocious, leaving the air thick with the stench of blood and the anguish cries of the wounded. 

The kids stood frozen in wide-eyed terror, their bodies trembling with fear as they watched the terrifying scene unfold before them. It was as if their worst nightmares had come to life.

Amidst the horror, Adrian spoke urgently, "I'm sorry, but my Mana is low. Can you transfer your Mana to me?" They turned to him, but in their trance-like state, struggled to comprehend his request. "Please, hurry," Adrian urged once again. He was aware of their shock, but he needed to act swiftly.

Without hesitation, Nathaniel snatched Adrian's hand and began chanting. Shortly, a Magic Circle formed beneath their feet and Adrian could feel his Mana slowly replenishing, bit by bit. Witnessing this, the others followed suit, placing their hands on Adrian's trembling form, and reciting the same spell. 

Mana Transfer was a spell that allowed the caster to transfer their Mana to a target in direct contact. However, the caster could only transfer a maximum of 50% of their existing Mana Pool, and in return, they would lose up to 80% of their regenerative Mana for the next 24 hours. It was a sacrifice that few were willing to make, especially in the midst of a real war. 

Despite the risks, the group decided to place their faith in Adrian. Right after the ritual concluded, Adrian expressed his gratitude and commenced to chant. 

Instantly, an expansive Magic Circle materialized in the sky, drawing upon the raw energy of the cumulonimbus clouds. Lightning crackled and danced within the Circle, causing them to instinctively look upward. 

The Mana that condensed in the air was absurdly potent, sending shivers down their spines. However, their moment of awe was short-lived as the Hydra let out a defiant roar. 


The Hydra responded with its own chant, summoning a colossal Magic Circle above itself that matched the magnitude of Adrian's spell. Seizing the opportunity, the surviving soldiers immediately distance themselves from the Hydra, seeking safety from the impending clash of powers. 

As Adrian continued to recite the incantation, the pain in his head and heart intensified, causing him to grimace. Thick liquid slid down from his nose, and he couldn't help but cough up blood, "Cough!"

Seething with frustration, Arthur stormed up to Adrian and bellowed, "Adrian, stop this at once!" Anger coursed through Arthur's veins as he questioned, 'Did he ever consider that creating such a massive Magic Circle could damage his Mana Pool? Did he intentionally sacrifice himself?' 

Yet, Adrian blatantly ignored his father's pleas. As Arthur reached out to snap Adrian out of his trance, Nathaniel swiftly positioned himself between them, blocking his path. "Father, please have faith in Adrian." 

Though he, too, worried about Adrian's well-being, Nathaniel understood that Adrian was the only one capable of matching the Hydra's power. Helpless against the Hydra himself and hindered by his father's watchful gaze, Nathaniel could only offer his support and belief in his brother.

Arthur's rage mounted, his fury reaching new heights. But before he could utter a word, a blinding flash tore through the dark sky as Hydra unleashed a torrent of lightning toward Adrian's Circle. However, Adrian's Magic Circle swiftly retaliated, emitting a brilliant light that engulfed everything in sight, forcing all present to shield their eyes.

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