Not-So an Extra

Chapter 174 Ch. 174: The Sacred Orb Incarnation [9]

Chapter 174 Ch. 174: The Sacred Orb Incarnation [9]

A/N: Let's cook something for Vol. 2 and 3.


Deep within a cavern, the guttural sound of snoring resonated through the chamber. Amidst the darkness, a magnificent white dragon lay in peaceful slumber. Its colossal body curled protectively upon itself, its wings folded against its sides, and its scales shimmering in the dim light that emanated from the runic language etched upon the walls.

The symbols pulsed with a subtle white light, casting eerie shadows that danced across the dragon's body. However, it was not the glow of the runes that held the dragon captive; it was the ethereal chains of magic that bound it to the ground.


Suddenly, a thunderous explosion shattered the tranquility of the cave, causing debris and dust to cascade from the ceiling and land on the dragon's head. Stirred from its slumber, the dragon's eyelids fluttered open, revealing a pair of golden eyes that filled with confusion.

Blinking slowly, it attempted to comprehend what was happening, but its eyes immediately snapped open in panic. The dragon heaved its body, only to have its movements abruptly restricted. As it turned its gaze backward, it discovered its entire body ensnared within a Magic Sealing.

'He tricked me!' The dragon gnashed its teeth in frustration. Memories of being deceived flooded its mind, fueling its anger.

With an urgent surge, the dragon summoned every ounce of strength, straining against the magical chains that bound it. Muscles bulged and sinews stretched as it exerted itself. The once steady brilliance of the runic language now flickered erratically, its power waning as it struggled to maintain its hold.

Cracks began to snake along the chains, spreading like spiderwebs and the weakened seal groaned under the immense force. With a resounding crack, it shattered into countless fragments, freeing the dragon from its confinement. 


The dragon's triumphant roar echoed through the cavern. Wasting no more time, it propelled its gigantic form hurtling toward the cave entrance. But to its surprise, an obstacle awaited it—an enormous block of ice, conjured by powerful magic, barred its path. 

Undeterred, the dragon relentlessly rammed its monstrous body against the icy blockade again and again. Each impact caused rabble and dirt to rain down from the ceiling. 

—Thump! —Thump! —Thump! 

With each resounding collision, cracks appeared upon the icy surface, growing in intensity, and with a final, thunderous crash, the ice shattered into a myriad of glittering shards, scattering in all directions. 

The dragon burst forth from the cave, relishing the rush of cool air against its scales. Instinctively, it sniffed the air and the moment a familiar scent wafted into its nostrils, the dragon swiftly soared into the sky. Hovering above, its golden eyes darted frantically, scanning the surroundings in search of a certain person.




In the heart of a secluded village nestled within the depths of a dark forest, stood a young woman in her early twenties. Her long, flowing raven hair cascaded down her back, framing her ethereal and captivating face. 

Frustration was etched deeply on her features as her delicate, white fingers gently massaged her forehead. Meanwhile, curious villagers could be seen peering out from behind their doors and windows.

Suddenly, the atmosphere filled with an intense condensed Mana, causing the woman and the villagers to lift their heads upward instinctively. To their astonishment, an expansive Magic Circle materialized in the sky, drawing lightning toward its core. 


With a blinding light and deafening boom, an immense torrent of lightning was unleashed, causing the ground beneath their feet to tremble violently. 

"Uwaaa!!" The villagers let out collective screams of terror, their voices echoing through the village square.

Amidst the chaos, the woman removed her hand from her face, her eyes narrowing with anger. She murmured, "This is a violation of our agreement. There should be no humans in this forest."

Letting out a sigh of exasperation, she turned around, her dark purple eyes scanning the frightened villagers. "I will go and investigate. Stay here and remain safe." 

The villagers, their voices trembling, chorused, "Understood."

Immediately, the woman leaped onto the nearest tree branch, disappearing into the dark forest. As she ventured deeper, a sudden blaring roar reverberated through the trees, prompting the woman to look skyward. 


There, flying between the clouds, was a white dragon. Annoyance flickered across her face. "Good grief," she muttered under her breath, "now that little brat has awakened."





In an instant, the world around them bathed in a fiery orange glow the moment the giant fireball surged forth from the Magic Circle, hurtling toward them with terrifying velocity. 

But just before the blazing onslaught could reach them, the ground trembled and roots burst forth from the earth. They intertwined and wove together, forming a web-like structure mid-air.


The deafening explosion resounded through the air as the fireball collided with the shield roots, unleashing shockwaves mixed with black smoke that rippled through the crowd.

'Alenia…' Upon recognizing who it was, Arthur hoisted Adrian onto his back and bellowed his order, "Let's move!" His voice pierced through the chaos, jolting everyone out of their stupor and propelling them to their feet. 

"Understood," they replied simultaneously, hastily aiding their injured comrade's escape from the forest.

As the billowing black smoke dissipated, the upper half of a woman's wooden body emerged from the charred roots that floated in the air. Her eyelid lifted, revealing a pair of piercing wooden eyes.

Below her gaze, a bloodied and severely burned Hydra could be seen, its once majestic wings reduced to a skeletal frame. The creature's heads were in a pitiful state, with three of them hanging lifelessly on each side, leaving only two bloodied and burned heads still showing signs of life. 

Locking eyes with the wounded Hydra, Alenia couldn't help but curl her lips into a sneer of disdain. "You lowly God." 

The Hydra gritted its teeth, acutely aware of its inferiority. Realizing the direness of the situation, the Hydra swiftly turned to flee. But before it could take a single step, the ground beneath it erupted with a sudden surge of countless roots, slithering and entwining around the Hydra. 

"Rooaarrr!!" With a thunderous roar, the creature thrashed and writhed, desperately trying to break free, but to no avail. As the Hydra struggled, Alenia raised her hand and unleashed a white beam that surged forth from her palm, piercing through the Hydra's heart.

Suddenly, a radiant glow enveloped the Hydra's body, and it began to shrink, reverting to its original form as Hector, who was now bloodied and severely burned.

"Urg!" A pained groan escaped Hector's lips, accompanied by a gush of blood. As excruciating pain surged through his body, he gazed downward, only to find a gaping hole in his chest, dripping with blood. With that, his vision faded into darkness. 

Just as life left Hector's body, a multitude of roots burst forth from Alenia's back, swiftly intertwining and transforming into a pair of wings. Flapping them, she propelled herself towards Hector's lifeless form. Gracefully landing before him, Alenia extended her hand and began chanting.

In an instant, a mysterious orb, the size of a baseball, materialized before Alenia's outstretched hand. It emitted a dark golden light, pulsating with otherworldly energy. Alenia hastily snatched it, stashing the orb into a small box hidden within her flowing black robe.

As she completed her task, a subtle transformation overcame Alenia. Her wooden hair and body gradually faded, revealing her true appearance as a woman in her late twenties. Her tangerine locks cascaded around her face, complementing her fair skin and captivating eyes. 

Lifting her black hood to conceal her features, Alenia spread her root wings and took to the sky, soaring toward Arthur's direction.

Meanwhile, away from the scene, a female figure sat perched on a tree branch, her long and straight raven hair cascading down her back. With keen interest, she observed the unfolding events before her. 

"Ho? Isn't it little Alenia?"

With her familiarity with Alenia's Mana and her Sacred Orb's power, she was certain that the creator of the expansive Magic Circle was someone else. However, she was truly impressed that this person could inflict significant damage to God's Incarnation, even if it was a weak one.

"But the fact that two Endless were fighting, it seemed the world would plunge into chaos once again, huh?" Shrugging nonchalantly, she flipped her raven hair. "Well, whatever. It's not my business; I have no interest in meddling in human affairs."

With a final glance, the raven-haired woman turned around, her lithe form effortlessly leaping from branch to branch as she disappeared into the dense foliage. 




Upon spotting Arthur's convoys in the distance, Alenia dismissed her root wings and leaped onto the nearest branch. "Your Majesty!" she called out, capturing his attention.

Arthur came to a sudden stop, causing the rest of the convoy to do the same. Alenia approached him and activated a Silence Magic, creating a transparent dome around them. Just as she was about to commence her report, Arthur interjected with a plea, "Please, help my son."

Alenia's gaze shifted to Arthur's shoulder, where she noticed Adrian lying unconscious. Acting swiftly, Alenia manipulated the ground beneath them, shaping it into an earthen tent. "Please," she gestured, inviting them inside. 

Entering it, Arthur carefully laid Adrian's body on the ground and conjured a small wisp of fire to provide illumination. Wasting no more time, Alenia cut open Adrian's top and placed her hand on his chest, beginning to chant.

In an instant, a verdant light enveloped her palm and a flicker of surprise momentarily crossed her face. Swiftly regaining her composure, she refocused her unwavering attention on the spell at hand. Without delay, infinitesimal root threads, barely discernible to the naked eye, sprouted from the back of Alenia's hand and stealthily penetrated Adrian's skin.

Withdrawing her hand from Adrian's body, Alenia turned to face the Emperor. "His Highness should be fine now," she assured him. 

Arthur couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you so much, Alenia." However, upon seeing the conflicted expression on Alenia's face, he knew there was more to the story. Bracing himself, he asked, "What is it?"

A brief silence hung in the air, as Alenia hesitated before sharing her discovery. "There's… a large crack on Prince Adrian's Mana Pool."

"Ah…" Arthur's heart sank. 

"I managed to mend it temporarily, but it's a fragile fix." 


Before he could fully process this distressing news, a thunderous roar erupted, startling them both. Alenia dismissed the earthen tent and their gaze fixated on the sky above. There, a white dragon streaked through the air.

Surprise etched across Alenia's face upon recognizing the creature. "It's—" she began, but quickly turned to the Emperor, her voice urgent. "Something has awakened it. I'll try to distract the dragon. Please continue on your way." 

Arthur nodded solemnly, "I understand."

Dismissing the veil of Silence Magic that surrounded them, they parted ways.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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