Not-So an Extra

Chapter 180 Ch. 180: A Farewell [2]

Chapter 180 Ch. 180: A Farewell [2]

Not long after Nathaniel informed the others about Adrian regaining consciousness, the door burst open, revealing Aerilyn accompanied by a group of physicians. Overwhelmed with emotions, she rushed toward his son, tears streaming down her face as she tightly embraced him, unable to contain her joy and relief.

Eventually, Aerilyn composed herself and allowed the physicians to attend to Adrian's needs. As they finished their examination and left the room, the others respectfully exited as well, leaving Adrian and Aerilyn alone, granting them a moment of much-needed privacy.

The room was filled with a heavy silence. Aerilyn seated next to Adrian's bed, fixated her eyes on their intertwined fingers. Her gaze appeared distant and weariness etched deeply on her face, making her features seem dull and exhausted. Somehow, Adrian could vividly imagine the immense worry and stress his mother had endured during his unconsciousness.

Aerilyn lifted her head and gently stroked Adrian's hair. However, as minutes passed without her uttering a single word, Adrian realized that his mother must be angry with him.

As the stillness continued to choke him, he broke it, "Mom?"

Aerilyn's expression softened as she let out a warm smile, "What is it, my dear?"

Summoning his courage, Adrian confessed, "I'm sorry, I broke my promise..."

Letting out a long sigh, Aerlyn responded, "I don't want to talk about it." She didn't want to unleash her anger on her son who just regained consciousness. After a brief pause, she continued, "My advice to you is this: it would be best not to make promises that you cannot fulfill."

Adrian's heart sank further, "...I'm sorry." It was evident that he had disappointed her.

Recognizing his son's remorse, Aerilyn stood up and sat next to him, gently guiding Adrian to lean against her shoulder while her other hand continued to stroke his hair soothingly.

"I'm not angry at you for breaking our promise. I have come to realize that I cannot force my son to always adhere to my words, for you have your own desires and dreams. I'm sorry for being so selfish."

Adrian shook his head, "No, Mom, you were just trying to protect me. That's all."

Yet, Aerilyn just smiled and kissed Adrian's forehead tenderly before resuming brushing his locks, the silence stretching on. After a while, Aerilyn finally found the strength to speak again, "I have… two pieces of bad news for you."

"Is one of them that there is a crack in my Mana Pool?" Adrian asked. The fact that he was still alive even without the Mana Absorber Stone, he expected that much.

Aerilyn let out a resigned sigh, she confirmed, "Yes, that's right. One of the Elders said that you should refrain from casting powerful magic from now on. Your Mana Pool is fragile."

"I see," Adrian nodded, accepting his fate, "What is the other one?"

Suddenly, Aerilyn warped her arms around his body tightly and a sob escaped her mouth, her voice choking with tears, "I'm not ready to separate from my son."

Adrian furrowed his forehead, "Separate?"

Letting go of her embrace, Aerilyn wiped her tears away and nodded, "You'll be staying at the Safonyx Castle for two years as a punishment," she explained, her voice quivering. "I pleaded to your father to reconsider, but his decision was firm. I can't believe he would be so cruel to his own son."

'Huh? Doesn't that mean I'm exiled?' Adrian couldn't help but be dumbfounded by the revelation, "How about my brother?"

"Your brother received the same punishment. However, he'll be staying at the Bellerose Castle."

Adrian nodded in understanding. The fact that Arthur decided to temporarily exile both his sons, meant that his father had reached his limit with their mischievousness. As his mother had no chance to convince Arthur to revoke the punishment, then he couldn't do anything either.

Returning his attention to his weeping mother, Adrian gently wiped away her tears and pulled her into another embrace, "Don't be sad, Mom. I promise to call you every day. We'll get through this together."

Despite his comforting words, Aerilyn's tears continued to flow uncontrollably, and Adrian patiently held her, his hand softly patting her shoulder. After a while, Aerilyn finally managed to compose herself and released her son from her grip.

Wiping her tears, she apologized, "I'm sorry for taking up so much of your time."

Adrian shook his head, a genuine smile gracing his lips. "No, Mom, I enjoyed every moment of it."

He didn't lie; he enjoyed having his mother by his side. He had no idea, but somehow he felt soothed in her presence. Although he knew her love was not meant for him, or if there would come a day when he would return to his original world, he would cherish every moment spent with her. He was grateful for the opportunity to experience how beautiful a mother's love was.

Nonetheless, Aerilyn shook her head firmly, "No, you need to rest now. I will take my leave." She stood up, and leaned down to plant a gentle kiss on his forehead, whispering, "Good night."

"Good night, Mom."

With that, Aerilyn left the chamber.

The following day, Adrian's friends visited him. The room filled with laughter and chatter as they settled around the table. The aroma of freshly brewed tea and baked sweets wafted through the air.

Setting his teacup down, Péréz couldn't contain his relief. "Thank goodness you woke up before we had to leave! Our father was adamant about us returning to the kingdom without delay."

The others nodded in agreement, mirroring Péréz's relief.

Rhea chimed in, "We were so anxious, Ian! We didn't want to leave without saying goodbye to you. We've been worried sick!"

Sylvina nodded and added, "We're so relieved that you finally regained consciousness."

The corners of Adrian's lips curved, grateful for their concern. "I'm sorry for causing you all so much worry."

Ralph shook his head, "There's no need to apologize. We're just glad you're alright. Your well-being is what matters most to us."

Adrian's heart filled with gratitude as he looked at each of his friends, saying, "Thank you."



However, his voice hung in the air as the group remained silent, enveloping the surroundings in stillness. Adrian couldn't help but notice the sudden shift in atmosphere as they stared at him with fiery resolve. A chill ran down his spine, and he knew that something ridiculous was about to unfold.

"Ahem!" Ralph let out a fake cough, breaking the silence. Adrian turned towards him and braced himself for what was to come.

"Ian," the big boy began, "You see… We have witnessed your bravery, selflessness, and how you fought tooth and nail to protect everyone around you, even at the cost of your well-

being. Meanwhile, we felt utterly helpless, unable to contribute in any meaningful way."

Adrian furrowed his forehead, but he patiently waited.

Letting out a heavy sigh, Ralph continued, "And after thinking deeply on this matter, we've come to a decision: we refuse to be burdens any longer. We will become stronger, not just for ourselves, but to shield you and our loved ones from harm."

The group nodded their heads in unison, determination etched on their faces.

Adrian's eyes widened in surprise at Ralph's declaration, emotions swirling within him. He could feel the sincerity behind his friend's words, the genuine desire to protect and support him. A sense of warmth spread through his chest, and Adrian couldn't help but smile with gratitude.

"I truly appreciate your sentiments, truly," he responded, "But please understand that I never saw any of you as burdens. We have always faced challenges together, and I couldn't have done what I did without every one of you by my side."

Péréz quickly interjected, "Ian, we know you don't see us that way, but we can't help but feel inadequate when compared to your bravery and selflessness. We want to be able to contribute more, to be able to protect you and others as you have protected us."

Rhea nodded in agreement, "We've decided to embark on a journey of self-improvement. We want to train, to become stronger physically and mentally, so that we can be of more assistance in times of need."

Adrian's heart swelled with pride and affection, he was deeply touched by his friends' willingness to grow alongside him. "Thank you," Adrian stretched out his right arm above the table, "Then, let us not only strengthen ourselves as individuals but also as a team."

Upon seeing it, Sylvina couldn't but chuckle softly at Adrian's gesture. She placed her hand above his and affirmed, "As a team."

The group furrowed their foreheads in confusion, unsure of what was unfolding before them.

Rhea looked at Adrian as if he were an odd creature before putting her hand above Sylvina's, "This is a bit strange. You usually don't enjoy these kinds of rituals."

"Yeah," Péréz nodded in agreement and settled his hand on top of Rhea's, jokingly remarking, "It seems falling into a coma has changed his personality. Who would've thought?"

Adrian simply snorted and retorted playfully, "In my eyes, the only strange thing here is that you two are getting along."

"W-what?" Rhea's mouth twitched in annoyance. "What do you mean? We're ALWAYS getting along, right?" she demanded, turning to Péréz for confirmation, "RIGHT?"

"Y-yeah. We're ALWAYS getting along!" Péréz awkwardly reassures, causing Sylvina and Ralph to burst into laughter.

As the laughter subsided, all eyes turned towards Ralph, awaiting his reaction. However, their attention was momentarily diverted by the floral background that surrounded him.

Ralph placed his hand above Pérez's, fixing his sparkling eyes on Adrian. With a mischievous grin, he jokingly quipped, "If we're a team, then you'll be our leader, right?"

Caught off guard by Ralph's remark, Adrian felt a wave of realization crash over him, instantly recognizing how foolish his actions had been. Glancing at his friends, their expressions mirroring Ralph's mischievousness, he noticed the playful smiles that danced upon their lips as they eagerly awaited his response.

Seizing the opportunity, Pérez exclaimed excitedly, "Our leader!"

Rhea jubilantly joined him, "Our leader! Our leader!"

The rest of the group immediately followed suit, their voices merging into a chorus of enthusiastic agreement. Adrian's lips twitched in annoyance upon hearing their slightly exaggerated and intentionally annoying voices.

'How could I forget that they were just a bunch of kids?' The urge to palm his face emerged. Letting out a resigned sigh, Adrian eventually conceded, his voice laced with a hint of defeat, "Fine, I'll be your leader."

"Woo-hoo! Adrian is officially our leader now!"

The room erupted with cheers and applause, the sound reverberating off the walls and filling the air with an infectious energy. Adrian couldn't help but join in, his laughter mingling with the joyous cacophony. Deep down, he felt a sense of warmth and belonging.

As the group continued their conversation, savoring the refreshments and tea, Adrian's mind wandered. In his previous world, he had never experienced true friendship. The people around him were mere acquaintances or colleagues, and he had never known the depth of connection and care that his friends now showed him.

Being in Adrian's body had opened his eyes to a world filled with beautiful experiences and genuine relationships. As he basked in the warmth of their friendship, a selfish thought emerged within him.

'Can I… never leave this world?'

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