Not-So an Extra

Chapter 190 Ch. 190: Monsters Hunt [1]

Chapter 190 Ch. 190: Monsters Hunt [1]

Footsteps echoed through the arched corridors as Adrian, Nathaniel, and Fredinand made their way to the courtyard, each clad in lightweight armor.

However, Fredinand stood out with a black mask adorning his face. Today, he assumed the role of Adrian's Escort Knight rather than his usual position as head butler.

When a distant buzzing pierced their ears, they glanced downward, and the lively scene of the courtyard unfolded before them.

Donning suits of gleaming armor, the knights moved with purpose while Squires hurried to and fro, carrying polished swords and shields. Blacksmiths toiled at their forges, tending to each piece of equipment to guarantee it was fit for battle.

Nearby, horses stood patiently while their riders groomed and saddled them, ensuring every strap and buckle was secure for the upcoming monster hunt. Amidst the orchestrated chaos, Mathias barked orders, his commands slicing through the serene morning air as he organized the troops.

Nevertheless, Adrian couldn't resist a smile upon taking in the scene, waves of nostalgia washing over him. Nathaniel, who noticed it, asked. "What is it?"

Adrian turned to the voice and shook his head, "Nothing much, just reminiscing about my first day on patrol."

"Ah, I see," Nathaniel nodded in understanding.

Descending the stairs, the group navigated through the bustling sea of activity. As the group approached Mathias, Nathaniel greeted him. "Lord Mathias."

The man shifted his attention from the parchment toward them, his expression lighting up with a smile. "Your Highnesses, Fredinand," he greeted back warmly. "Are you all prepared for today's hunt?"

Nathaniel and Adrian inclined their heads in unison. "Indeed, we are."

Maintaining his smile, Mathias nodded in satisfaction. "Excellent," he remarked, gesturing towards the patiently waiting horses. "Your mounts await you."

Three horses stood side by side, each distinct in color. To the left was a white horse designated for Adrian, to the right a brown one for Fredinand, and in the middle, a black horse presumably awaited Nathaniel.

Returning their attention to Mathias, they expressed their appreciation. "Thank you, Lord Mathias."

"It is my pleasure," Mathias replied respectfully.

With that, they moved toward the horses. Before long, the white horse neighed when it saw Adrian and nudged his shoulder affectionately at his arrival, causing him to curl up his lips into a smile. Retrieving an apple from his Magical Sphere, Adrian offered it to the horse, which eagerly accepted the treat.

"It's a present from your grandfather, isn't it?" Nathaniel, standing next to him, voiced his thoughts.

Adrian glanced at the voice and sneered, "Seems like your subordinate did an excellent job, huh?"

Nathaniel's expression hardened at his brother's remark, his jaw tensing, and a flicker of annoyance flashed across his features. Without bothering to respond, Nathaniel turned his gaze to his black horse and fed it an apple, deliberately avoiding further conversation.

It was just a slip of the tongue, but Nathaniel couldn't shake the feeling that his brother might have discovered his secret surveillance. 'You quick-witted little brat.'

Adrian shrugged nonchalantly and moved to inspect his horse's gear, his fingers deftly checking each buckle and strap. Once satisfied that everything was secure, he swung himself onto the saddle. Nathaniel and Fredinand then followed suit.


As a whistling resonated through the air, the knights promptly climbed onto their steeds and formed a line before Mathias. Adrian, Nathaniel, Fredinand, Rufus, and a Knight Captain urged their horses onward, aligning themselves beside him.

Mathias scanned the determined faces in front of him before eventually beginning. "Today, we'll split into two teams for patrol. The first team will consist of myself, Prince Adrian, and Fredinand. The second team will be Prince Nathaniel, Sir Rufus, and the Knight Captain."

Letting out a smile, he continued. "However, today, we're going to make things a bit more exciting..." His voice trailed off, and the knights patiently waited for Mathias to resume, anticipation evident in their expressions. "...we'll be hosting a monster hunt competition! The winning team will receive a special prize from me!"

"Uwaa!!" The knights erupted into cheers, their clamor echoing off the fortress wall.

Adrian couldn't help but smile at the scene present, feeling a surge of energy coursing through his veins. It was one of the many reasons he enjoyed staying at the border, perhaps because of his background in the military world from his previous life. Being here gave him a sense of belonging.

Nathaniel clucked his tongue in amazement, "Their spirits are no joke."

"Yeah," Adrian nodded in agreement.

Mathias raised his hand, signaling the knights to quiet down. Once the crowd hushed, he restarted, "The rule is simple: the team that slays the highest number of B-rank monsters before sunset will be declared the winner."

The knights erupted into cheers once again, their excitement palpable.

"In addition," Mathias added, "ensure not to cross the blue flag! Do you understand?!"

"Yes, Sir!" The knights chorused.

The Forest of Death had two sections: the outskirts and the depths. The outskirts section is where low-ranking monsters usually roam, while the depths section houses monsters ranging from Rank A to unknown ranks.

As those who venture too deep into the depths section never return, the Empire strategically placed a blue flag to mark the trees or establish a borderline between the sections as a warning to all who dare to tread further.

Nathaniel turned to his brother, his expression brimming with pride. "My team will emerge victorious in this hunt."

Adrian met Nathaniel's determined stare with a scoff. "Yeah, in your dreams."

Chuckling softly, Nathaniel retorted, "I'll turn that dream into reality."

With a playful smirk, Adrian countered, "We'll see about that."

After dividing the knights, Mathias concluded his speech, and without further delay, they marched toward the gate of the Forest of Death. Following a round of farewells and good luck wishes, they split up. The first team headed to the east side of the border, while the second team proceeded toward the west.




The thunderous sound of muffled hooves filled the surroundings as numerous knights, clad in full armor, rode on horseback, galloping through the dense foliage. Leading in the forefront were Mathias, Adrian, and Fredinand.

Upon spotting the monsters in the distance, the knights swiftly drew their weapons, unleashing a barrage of crescent lights toward their foes.

When the whizzing sound pierced their ears, the monsters turned toward the source, only to find the glowing lights mere inches away.



The monsters wailed in agony as the wind blades sliced through their bodies, cleaving them in half. With a resounding thud, their severed halves plummeted to the ground, and green blood poured from their wounds, drenching the earth in a sickening green hue.

Unfazed by it, the knights pressed onward and dispatched any monsters they spotted along the path. Following their wake, a designated knight tasked with monster retrieval diligently collected the fallen creatures' bodies into their Magical Sphere.

Arriving at a clearing, Mathias raised his fist, and the knights halted their steeds. The man pivoted his horse and faced the group, bellowing. "We'll set the trap here. Before we proceed, I'd like to hear your thoughts. Does anyone have any ideas or objections we should consider?"

As no one said a word, Mathias turned to the men beside him, "Prince Adrian, Fredinand, what are your thoughts on setting the trap here?"

Adrian's gaze flickered toward Ferdinand, who motioned for him to speak. Returning his attention to his uncle, he conveyed his thoughts. "I believe this spot is ideal. It offers a clear view of the monsters while we remain hidden."

"Very well," Mathias agreed with a nod, his gaze shifting to the knights before him, and ordered, "Set the trap!"

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