Not-So an Extra

Chapter 49 Ch. 49: It Begins [2]


A bit of gore. But not really that gore, actually, lol.


—Hoot —Hoot —Hoot

The forest was engulfed in darkness, with the moon obscured by black clouds.

The eerie atmosphere was intensified by the haunting melodies of the owls, adding to the overall sense of unease.

The rustling of leaves and the occasional snap of twigs made it feel as though you were not alone.

Amidst the dark and cold night, a clearing in the forest was illuminated by numerous campfires.

A group of individuals, all dressed in black hoods were spotted gathered around the fires.

They started chanting an unknown language and were soon moving in a circular formation around the flames while dancing.

Their movements were fluid and synchronized as if they had rehearsed for hours. 

"What in the world are they doing?"

Wyatt, a Knight Lieutenant, was stupefied, he couldn't help but frown at the scene in the distance.

The black-haired boy next to him shrugged nonchalantly.

"Who knows, maybe they're performing some kind of ritual. Anyway—"

Nathaniel stood and instructed.

"—prepare the arrow."

In response to the order, the archers promptly positioned themselves on the tree branch and deftly drew their bows. 

After carefully placing the bolt on the arrow rest, they firmly grasped the fletching and smoothly pulled it back, awaiting their next command.

The Prince extended his hand and chanted inwardly.

Soon, a magic circle materialized in front of his palm, shooting an invisible force that burst forth.

It hurtled at an incredible velocity toward the enemy camp.


The hooded figures abruptly ceased their dance and fell silent, turning their heads in unison towards a ball that suddenly landed in the center of the clearing.

However, unexpectedly, the orb exploded.


A deafening, sky-splitting sound erupted, sending clouds of dust and debris billowing into the air.

The shockwave that spread throughout the vicinity caused countless bodies to be hurled backward, colliding with one another in a chaotic frenzy.

The trees and other vegetation shook violently before being toppled by the force of the wind.

The ground trembled as if an earthquake had struck.

When the wind settled and the fog of dust began to clear, the people slowly rose from the floor, clutching their heads in confusion and pain.

"W-What is happening?!"



"M-My hand!!"

The surrounding was filled with the sound of wails and screams; some cried out for help, while others groaned in agony.

Suddenly, a deluge of rain began to fall from the sky, drenching their bodies and the soil below in seconds.

To their surprise, the rain was not like any other rain they had ever experienced before.

It had a pungent fishy odor that made them wrinkle their noses in disgust and a thick, viscous consistency that clung to their skin like slime.

"What is this?"

The man wiped his face with his hand, nonetheless, he couldn't see anything; there was no lightning to illuminate the darkness.

As the rain continued to pour down, countless lumps fell from the sky, along with some debris.


Something fell, right on his lap.

He picked it up and examined it with his fingers, only to be stunned by what he felt.


However, the man was stunned when he touched something familiar and his body tensed up.

He realized that he was holding a piece of an arm.

Without wasting another moment, the man threw it away and scrambled to his feet.

It dawned on him that the rain was not just rain, but blood, and those lumps were not just debris, but the flesh of their fallen comrades!


"What the fuck is going on?!!"

Screams and chaos continued to unfold as they desperately ran, trying to escape the horrors that shrouded them.

Several stumbled and fell, while others pushed and shoved their way through the frenzied crowd.

The moment the clouds that had covered the moon lifted, the aftermath of the explosion was revealed.

The crowd gasped in horror as they beheld the countless bodies that lay strewn across the ground, torn apart and mangled beyond recognition.

The frenzy chaos quickly escalated into a state of utter pandemonium. 

Nathaniel watched the whole scene with a face devoid of any expression, seemingly unaffected by the gruesome scene present.


Right after his word fell, the archers sprang into action, releasing a volley of deadly arrows toward the black hooded figures.

The shrill whistling sound pierced the air, causing the people below to raise their heads in alarm. 

However, it was too late.

In the blink of an eye, a hail of arrows rained them down.

The sickening sound of flesh and bone being penetrated was followed by a deafening chorus of screams and moans.



One by one people collapsed to the ground, their bodies writhing in agony and shock.



Red liquid gushed from the wound, staining the ground a crimson hue.

Once the last of the archers' arrows were spent and seeing how the enemy's morale plummeted, seizing the opportunity, Wyatt unsheathed his weapon and shouted.



The troop's roar echoed throughout the trees as they drew their sword and marched toward the opponents.

Recovering from their shock, the black-hooded men took out their weapons and charged forward.

—Bang! —Bang! —Bang!

The clamoring of clashing swords and the shrieking sound of pain filled the space. 


Blood spurted as Nathaniel's blade impaled the enemy's neck.

Pulling his weapon and spinning around, Nathaniel swung his blade once again.


His sword collided, he instantly raised his leg and kicked the man's knee.


The moment the enemy's guard was distracted, Nathaniel retrieved his sword and stabbed the man's stomach then twisted it.


Blood poured from the man's wound and mouth, he staggered backward before falling to the ground.

Despite the gut-churning scene before him, Nathaniel felt a sense of nostalgia wash over him. 

He remembered the thrill of battle, the adrenaline pumping through his veins as he fought. 

The thick scent of blood that wafted into his nostrils was a smell he had longed for, a reminder of the fierce battles he had in the past.


Sensing someone gazing at him, Nathaniel lifted his head and upon seeing a familiar figure perched on a tree branch, he couldn't help but furrow his eyebrows.

'Why is he doing here?'

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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