Not-So an Extra

Chapter 55 Ch. 55: Chaos [2]


I'd like to apologize if the pacing becomes more and more shit in the last 20 chapters.

I will fix it starting from this chapter.

Also, I forgot to put Adrian's Status Window in the previous chapter, if you haven't seen it, you can check it out.


—Bang! —Bang! —Bang!

The moment the clamoring of clashing weapons pricked his ears, Adrian quickly rushed to the battlement behind him.

Peering down into the Refugee Camp, Adrian could see the chaos of battle unfolding below.

The Aeon Knights engaged in fierce combat with one another. 

Among them, he spotted Gizel and his team fighting some of them; they were protecting his classmates as instructed.

Nevertheless, the chaos did not stop there.

To make matters worse, Adrian witnessed the Refugee Section being consumed by flames.

"What the—"

Before he could finish his sentence, a sudden burst of light erupted, engulfing everything around him in a blinding white.

Adrian's cerulean eyes widened in horror and his heart sank, having realized there was no way for him to avoid the bomb.

For the first time in his life, the thought of, 'Am I going to die?' crept into his mind.

However, one question popped into his head.

'Why is… my gift not active?'


A thunderous explosion shook the Refugee Camp. 

The fort wall burst apart, sending debris flying and clouds of dust swirling into the air.

The ground shook violently and shockwaves rapidly rippled through the surrounding area, unleashing a powerful gust of wind that swept through the vicinity.

The impact was so powerful that the battle came to a momentary halt as the combatants shielded their eyes and planted their feet firmly on the ground.

As the ground continued to tremble, several knights stumbled and fell before they hurtled into the air like leaves in a storm.

After the floor ceased its violent vibration and the wind subsided, all eyes turned toward the epicenter of the explosion. 

Debris of various sizes plummeted from the sky, scattering across the landscape like a deadly rain.

Sylvina's hands flew to her mouth and gasped in shock, her heart pounding in her chest. 

She couldn't believe what she had just witnessed.

"Ah, Ian…"

Not only she, Gizel, Rhea, Péréz, Ralph, and the Knights all wore the same expression.

Suddenly, a powerful gust of wind swept through the area, causing them to reflexively shut their eyes.

However, the moment they lifted their eyelids, their pupils stretched wide in surprise and a sense of relief washed over them.

When the mist of dust was dismissed by the wind, they spotted a boy with white hair hovering in the air, using a plate of ice as a foothold.

Adrian ran his fingers through his hair and brushed it backward.

The shock he experienced drained the color from his face, imitating a corpse.

Adrian reached for his armor and deftly plucked something from it.

Unclenching his fist, a black tassel billowing smoke entered his vision and a girl with a pair of purple eyes came to mind.

The white-haired boy couldn't help but scoff.

"Ha. That silly girl."

Not him suddenly thinking of a girl in the middle of the battlefield.

Well, he must admit that it was entirely his fault for letting his guard down, and nearly being killed.

But who would have known that those bastards who had previously attacked him were carrying bombs and blew themselves up?

Regardless, it was now explained why his gift was not active.

It turned out that this Tassel saved him and looked like he owed the girl a favor, huh?

Brushing everything aside, Adrian put the tassel into his Telesphere—since it was a single-use item.

With that, he refocused his attention on the battle at hand.

Sensing something flung toward him, Adrian hastily created a wind barrier around him.

—Bang! —Bang!

Two arrows hit his shield, splintered, and fell.

With a quick reflex, Adrian turned his head to where the arrows were coming from. 

He conjured two earth spikes and delivered them toward two archers.



Blood splattered into the air as the earth spike pierced the archer's throat before tumbling to the ground.



Adrian's gaze shifted downward, drawn to the resumption of the battle below.

The deafening clash of swords and a chorus of battle cries echoed through the air.

Their blades glinted in the moonlight, casting an eerie glow over the chaotic scene unfolding beneath him.

—Bang! —Bang! —Bang!

The fact that the Aeon Knights engaged in battle with themselves confirmed Adrian's suspicions.

Why no one knew about the Kearny army camp in the forest, why this place was breached in the past, now it all made sense.

The true threat was not from the Kearny outside the wall, but rather from the spies who had been cunningly planted among the Aeon knights.

The problem had been hiding in plain sight all along.

Switching his attention toward the Refugee Section, an orange light lit up the dark night sky.

Flames soared high into the air, adding an eerie glow to the chaotic scene below.

Wailing sounds mixed with fear could be heard in the distance.





The acrid scent of smoke filled the air as the two warriors clashed, their swords ringing out with a metallic clang.

The orange glow of the flames cast flickering shadows across their faces, illuminating the sweat on their skins.

Sir Sigmund, a brown-haired middle-aged man, shoved the enemy's sword away.

When the foe in front of him stumbled backward, Sigmund seized the opportunity and slashed his sword.


The man fell to the ground with blood spurting out of his throat, drenching the soil.


Another one dashed at him and Sigmund immediately waved his sword.


Sparks of metal burst between the collided sword, they retrieved their weapon and swung it once more.

But this time, Sigmund deftly grabbed the man's wrist and twisted it sharply, causing the man to cry out in pain and drop his sword. 

Without hesitation, Sigmund jabbed his neck.


The man crumpled to the ground and Sigmund, one of the Knight Lieutenant, shouted.

·ƈθm "Why haven't the flames been extinguished yet?!"

"We're doing everything we can!"

Despite the best efforts of the Elementalists behind him, the fire raged on, its flames licking hungrily at the tents.

The Elementalists conjured water from the earth below, their faces twisted in concentration as they tried to douse the flames. 

But the fire was stubborn, refusing to be quenched.


The Elementalist was startled when something fell on his head. 

Involuntarily, he looked up at the sky, and his eyes widened in disbelief. 

He couldn't believe what he had just seen.


He pointed at the sky.

The man next to him furrowed his brow in confusion and followed his gaze. 

When he lifted his head, his face mirrored the same reaction.


Curious, the others followed suit, and shock was etched on their faces as they beheld the unbelievable sight.

There, a massive Magic Circle hung in the sky, formed intricately with golden light.

Soon, drizzle poured down from the Circle, gradually intensifying into a heavy rain that soaked their bodies.

The Elementalist murmured.

"It's… raining."

The earthy scent filled the atmosphere as the rain drenched the soil and washed away the blood.

Slowly, the flames began to subside, igniting a glimmer of hope among the refugees and the allies.




Sighed heavily, Adrian mumbled.

"Now, they can focus more on fighting the enemy and so do I."

Switching his attention to the meadow outside the fort, the sound of echoing footsteps filled the air once again.

Indicating that the enemy had successfully crossed the first ditch.

Adrian's eyebrow raised in interest as he took in the scene beyond the wall.


Unlike before, the Kearny troops showed some strategic thinking this time.

The Elementalists among them created earth bridges to cross the ditch, while the vanguard Elementalist conjured wind to clear the fog and prevent them from falling into the same trap.

Waste no more time, Adrian recited the spell.

"ברד של קוצי אדמה."

Within moments, five massive Magic Circles stood vertically materialized above the refugee camp, radiating a brilliant golden light.

Each Circle faced the respective advancing enemy troops.

As Adrian kept chanting, the vacant Magic Circle gradually filled with intricate runic language, piece by piece.


Adrian winced and pinched his nose when blood continued to trickle out, staining his fingers crimson. 

Despite his desperate attempts to stem the flow, it persisted, a steady stream that refused to abate. 

He could feel the warm liquid trickling down the back of his throat, making him feel nauseous and lightheaded.

Creating five massive Magic Circles simultaneously drained a significant amount of Mana from him.

The moment the Magic Circles finished siphoning his Mana, earth spikes shot out from each of the Circles, multiplying so rapidly that they soon became impossible to count. 

The spikes continued to grow and converge, forming a massive, jagged structure that towered over him.

Adrian raised his other hand high in the air.

With a swift motion of his hand, he sent a barrage of earth spikes hurtling toward the enemy in the distance.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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