Not-So an Extra

Chapter 77 Ch. 77: I'm Here [2]


WARNING: I just want to let you know that there are going to be lots of boring chapters before the 3rd arc starts.


Two young boys stood in front of the weapon's shelf, their eyes scanning the wooden swords that hung from it.

"So, what's the rule?"

The black-haired boy asked without taking his eyes off the rack, breaking the silence.

Adrian, who was wielding the wooden sword, answered.

"Don't use magic."

Nathaniel's eyebrow lifted in surprise. 

He turned towards the boy, and he was seen wildly waving his weapon left and right.

"Are you sure about that?"

"Why not?"

Without sparing a glance, Adrian responded in a flat, apathetic tone and resumed his sword testing.

"You will lose without your magic."

Nathaniel stated matter-of-factly as he resumed selecting his weapon.

"I know."

The purpose of this sparring was not to defeat him anyway—since that was an impossible feat.

Rather, it was simply to test his physical abilities against a strong opponent.

Even though his Mana Pool was S rank, his Mana by any means was unlimited. 

Therefore, if his Mana were to run out, he could still rely on his physical strength until reinforcements arrived.

He couldn't rely on his magic alone.

He needed to train his physical abilities against a strong opponent, and this very regressor was the perfect sparring partner.

"What's with the pessimism?"

"That's not pessimism; I'm just simply being realistic."

A chuckle was soon heard, followed by Nathaniel's voice.

"Yeah, you're right; you won't be able to defeat me anyway."

Adrian glanced at his brother and made a disgusted face before rolling his eyes in boredom.

Brushing it off, he asked.

"So? Are you done?"


With that, they made their way to the center of the training room, their footsteps thudding on the earthen floor.

The reason why they used the wooden sword was because Nathaniel asked for it.

Despite appearing to have conquered his trauma, he still harbored a fear that he might inadvertently harm his younger brother.

Since every process required to progress, it was understandable.

He didn't mind it, either.

Upon arriving, Nathaniel closed his eyes and inhaled and exhaled a few times before opening them. 

After calming his racing heart, he eventually spoke.

"I'm ready."

Adrian nodded, and soon, they both stood on guard stance.

They circled each other with their eyes locked in a fierce gaze.

And in a blink of an eye, they charged at each other.


The sound of clashing swords echoed throughout the room.

Adrian winced as he felt Nathaniel's strength on his blade, sending a tingling sensation through his arm.

Though it wasn't painful, it was still unbearable.

Retrieving their weapons, they waved them once again.

—Thwack! —Thwack! —Thwack!

Their swords continued to strike each other relentlessly.

Suddenly, Nathaniel changed the pattern and brandished his sword horizontally, aiming directly at Adrian's neck, forcing Adrian to bend his waist backward.

Adrian quickly leaped backward to create some distance between them.

Without bothering to give his little brother a chance to breathe, Nathaniel sprang to his feet and thrust his sword toward Adrian's throat. 

Adrian swiftly wielded his sword sideways, deflecting Nathaniel's attack with ease.


However, Nathaniel deftly retrieved his sword and executed a horizontal swing strived at Adrian's neck.

The white-haired boy quickly ducked his head, letting Nathaniel's attack pass by him.

Seizing the opportunity, Adrian made a slash at Nathaniel's right flank.

Unexpectedly, the black-haired boy snatched his hands, bringing the sword to an abrupt halt.

In a swift movement, Nathaniel pulled his body and flung it sideways, causing him to hurtle before rolling several times on the ground, kicking up the dust into the air.

As his senses sent warning signals, Adrian compelled himself to stop and immediately jumped to the side.


Nathaniel's blade pierced the ground below, sending a cloud of dust into the space.

Without delay, Adrian bolted, and Nathaniel pulled his sword.

When the distance closed, they swung their swords.


Their blades collide and bond; the rough sound of wooden swords rubbing against each other resounded throughout the room.

They both recovered their weapons and continued to exchange more blows at incredible speed.

—Thwack! —Thwack! —Thwack!

This time, however, Adrian was pushed back as he frantically defended himself.


The white-haired boy couldn't help but click his tongue as the numb sensation in his arms became increasingly unbearable.

"Why is it so, my dear brother?" 

The corners of Nathaniel's lips tugged up, letting out a wry smirk. 

Ignoring his taunts, Adrian focused on parrying his attacks.

—Thwack! —Thwack! —Thwack! 

As their swords bound, Adrian swept his left leg to kick Nathaniel's shin.

However, before it could land, Nathaniel deftly took a step back, allowing Adrian's attack to kick the empty air.

Seizing the opportunity, Nathaniel waved his sword diagonally, and Adrian swiftly raised his sword.


The blades clashed, and the hoarse sound of blades scraping against each other was heard.

Noticing how his little brother's hands were shaking slightly, Nathaniel immediately shoved his sword away, sending Adrian stumbling a few steps.


The moment he sensed another attack coming rushing at him, Adrian quickly regained his balance.


Although Adrian was able to parry Nathaniel's attack, he was knocked back.

Without wasting a moment, Nathaniel charged at his brother. 

Adrian caught sight of Nathaniel sprinting at him, mirroring his movements.

As they closed in on each other, Adrian swung his sword towards Nathaniel's legs, but Nathaniel effortlessly deflected the attack.


Distancing themselves, they began to swing their swords once again.


However, unexpectedly, Nathaniel twirled his hand and parried his sword.

In a blink of an eye, Nathaniel wrapped his hands that held the sword. 

He then swept his legs to kick Adrian's back heels. 

This caused Adrian's body to hover in the air before falling onto the ground with a loud thud followed by a grunt.


When the sword lunged at him, Adrian rolled sideways.


Nathaniel's sword jabbed the earth beneath once again.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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