Not-So an Extra

Chapter 92 Ch. 92: The Hidden Treasure's Guardian [5]

"We defeated it!"


They exclaimed, their voices ringing out with triumph. 

The air was filled with the sound of their cheers and the sight of their exuberant jumping.

Péréz placed both his hands on his waist as he watched the excessively lavish celebration in the distance and spat his mind.

"Geez, why are they acting like Ian doesn't exist?!"

Ralph nodded in agreement and responded.

"I have to agree with you this time. They forget that our leader made a significant contribution!"

Adrian rolled his eyes in boredom, not them talking about him like he didn't stand next to them.


As a familiar voice pricked their ears, they turned around, and two girls were seen running toward them; it was Rhea and Sylvina.

Arriving before them, Sylvina placed herself in front of him and bowed.

"Ian, please forgive me!"


Adrian furrowed his forehead.

Of course, her action left not only him bewildered but the others as well, unable to comprehend the situation.

"Vivi, please rise."

Shortly, Sylvina straightened her back, and Adrian couldn't help but notice the uneasiness that spread across her face.

Brushing it off, Adrian asked.

"So, what is it about?"

Although he had no idea why Sylvina was apologizing and bowing, it clearly mattered to her.

After letting out a deep breath, she explained.

"I'm sorry for not helping you right away."

Ah, that…

However, before he could open his mouth, unexpectedly, the other hastily surrounded him and bowed.

"That's right, Ian! We're sorry!"

"We're so so sorry, Ian!"

"Please forgive us!"

And what the hell was this again?

Adrian massaged his wrinkled forehead at the sudden headache.

"Alright, that's enough, now rise."

He knew that they felt guilty, but this was a bit excessive for him, and he didn't like it.

Furthermore, let alone a bunch of kids like them, even adults were sometimes stunned when they saw such gigantic monsters like that.

So it was understandable, and he didn't mind it at all.

But if they were a bit older, Adrian wouldn't hesitate to scold them.

Complying with his order, they straightened their posture, and upon seeing their apologetic faces, Adrian spoke to alter the tension.

"Thank you so much for your concern."

Despite the circumstances, it was a great relief to know that he had such caring friends.

"But it wasn't just about me. We all worked together to defeat the monster."

And the moment their expression softened, Adrian let out a smug smirk.

"But, make sure not to repeat this mistake in the future."

Instantly, their faces displayed unwavering determination, devoid of any trace of hesitation, as if they were prepared to confront the mightiest monster in existence.

"Absolutely! Your words have been duly noted and will be remembered."

"Rest assured; I will take the necessary steps to ensure that this does not happen again."

Adrian's smile vanished, and his expression turned grim as he witnessed their sudden burst of exertion. 

He massaged his forehead once again, feeling a surge of pain.

With a tired sigh, Adrian spoke.

"Guys, I'm just kidding."

Only then did they nod their heads in unison and make an 'O' shape with their mouths.

As expected, he was not talented at joking.

Shaking his head to dismiss his useless thought, Adrian began again.

"Once this is over, let's grab a bite to eat. I'm famished."

After eating plain meat for three days, he found himself longing for rich and flavorful food.

Living as a Prince and bathing in luxury undoubtedly caused his standards for everything to rise at a ridiculous rate.

Their faces immediately lit up, and they began reciting the foods they wanted to eat, however—


The sound of an explosion made all heads turn to the sky above.

—Boom! —Boom! —Boom! 

Fireworks crackled and popped; their echoes reverberated through the air, creating a stunning contrast against the deep blue sky.


The voice of a female echoed throughout the forest.

"You are the first one who beat this game!"

A woman soared through the air on an earth platform, her hair whipping behind her.

Upon hearing it, the crowd below immediately erupted in cheers and applause.  I think you should take a look at

"So, this is the end, huh?"

Péréz chimed in as he watched the sea of people in the distance uninterestedly, and Adrian lightly responded.


The woman cleared her throat and beckoned the crowd to quiet down. 

When the noise had subsided, she spoke again.

"Thank you all for playing this game with me. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Just like I said in the opening, teamwork is key."

After a brief silence, she resumed.

"The message of this game was to remind you that to make a kingdom prosper, we need to band together."

She scanned the students' faces below before continuing.

"No one person can do it alone. We must work together, share our strengths, and support each other's weaknesses."

—Clap —Clap —Clap

The crowd gave applause, and the woman went on with her speech in the air.

Well, now Adrian understands why no one ever beat this game.

It was because they only wanted the treasure for themselves, which explained everything

As greed was one of human nature's traits, he had said nothing.

"Before I announce the contents of the hidden treasure, I will announce the winner of the Treasure Hunt and the Top contribution of the Wyvern slaying quest!"

The throng who had been listening appeared bewildered, and a low murmur filled the air.

If they were aware that there was a reward for contribution damage, they wouldn't hesitate to come out of hiding and assist immediately.

Shortly thereafter, she announced the top 10 winners from lowest to highest.

"...and the winner for Treasure Hunt is—"

She paused, attempting to create a more dramatic moment, even though the winner was already known to everyone.

"Congratulations to the Sovereign Class for winning first place! The prize for this event will be sent directly to your dormitory."

—Claps —Claps —Claps 

The crowd soon gazed at them and clapped.

Sylvina and Rhea exchanged a glance before breaking into delighted laughter. 

It was clear that they were both fighting the urge to jump up and embrace each other.

Meanwhile, Péréz and Ralph nodded their heads, trying to stay calm.

If it were only the five of them, they could act without constraint. 

However, since they are in public, they must maintain proper decorum.

Despite their young age, they couldn't enjoy their youth.

Well, what could we expect?

As Princes and Princesses, they were expected to be exemplary role models for others, exhibiting perfection in all their actions.

Shortly, the woman began again.

"And the winner for the top contribution slaying the Hidden Treasure's Guardian is—"

The board promptly displayed a list of names.

[ Highest Damage Contribution: Sovereign Class ]

[ 1. Adrian Leillucis — 18,98% ]

[ 2. Sylvina Rennelius — 9,78% ]

[ 3. Rhea Childerich — 9,68% ]

[ 4. Ralph Fraulein — 9,56% ]

[ 5. Péréz Reinhart — 9,44% ] 

[ —Total: 57,44% ]

"Congratulations to the Sovereign Class for winning first place once again! The prize for this event will be sent directly to your dormitory."

Disappointment crept onto the students' faces as they half-heartedly clapped.

—Clap —Clap —Clap 

As expected, the Sovereign Class claimed the prize without any competition.

Nonetheless, Adrian raised an eyebrow when he saw the statistical data floating above.

His team really dominated the game, didn't they?

Thanks to the Magic Scrolls they found, his classmates were able to enhance both their magical and physical abilities.

But still, the fact that they could measure each participant's individual damage, it seemed like there was a device implanted within the Wyvern's body.

Well, that explained a lot as to why the monster just stayed like a statue when it was attacked.

Soon, a small chest appeared on her hand, and waved it in the air.

"Now, who wants to know the content of this hidden chest?"

The crowd immediately erupted into cheers, their voices echoing across the clearing.

Without wasting any more time, the woman immediately opened the chest and took out a single piece of paper inside it.

With a grin, the woman began to read.

"The hidden treasure is—"

The students went silent, patiently waiting for the woman's next word.

"All of the Treasure Hunt's participants are guaranteed to graduate in 2 years!"

The woman exclaimed.

The throng stood there, eyes widened, agape, their mouths hanging open in surprise, and—


They cried, jumping up and down with excitement.

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