Nova Roma

Chapter 106 - Family meeting

The next day Felix got up with the first rays of the sun and went to the window to observe how it was one morning in Origin Civitatem, removing the fact that there were a lot of soldiers removing ash from the streets, the weather was much more nice than in Gaul.

Before she could begin to change he could look out the window that two little children were floating in his window, Felix scratched her eyes believing it was an illusion.

But when she looked closely he could see that the two little ones greeted her with their little hands, Felix answered the greeting unconsciously.

Until she realized that the little children were floating on a third floor, Felix fainted from the impression, when Yuma and Erendida saw that their sister lost consciousness they did not hesitate to open the window to load it and take her with father and mother so that they will take care of her.

Felix woke up in an armchair with some fear having to see those flying children again, but when she opened his eyes he found his father placing cold pads on his forehead "Luckily waking you up daughter, I was about to go with Zeus to Look for a solution.

But Hellena stopped me and told me that you needed to rest, what happened and why you passed out, your brothers scared me when I looked at them carrying you. "

Felix looked at Flavio with some fear and hugged him while she cried on his shoulder. "Daddy, the spirit of the boy who murders comes for me and is accompanied by a little girl.

I watched them floating in my window, I’m very afraid of what happens if they come to take revenge, I don’t want to suffer their revenge. "

Flavio understood the problem and began to calm his daughter "Daughter if any ghost dares to come to the house of an emperor who is a god, it is because he is very stupid or simply ignorant.

The children you saw are your brothers, you don’t have to be afraid of them since they are babies they can fly as if they were small birds.

They didn’t want to scare you, in the morning when they knew they had an older sister they couldn’t contain their desire to meet you and that’s why they visited you in their way, they will apologize to you in a little while.

Daughter, you are a demigod and little by little you are going to awaken your powers, I have to teach you to control them and how to control your emotions, in the future you can be sure that Dad will be with you until the end, but you need to learn to defend yourself.

Not only to protect yourself but to protect those around you, revenge is good but you cannot guide your life only with revenge if you don’t have something to protect when you achieve revenge you will lose your way.

Apart you are not alone in your revenge I will accompany you when time warrants it to be able to avenge Arabela, I will not allow his sacrifice to be in vain, with forgiveness of your great grandfather Augustus I will turn Rome into a necropolis city.

Now that you think if you accompany me to the dining room I am sure that you are hungry, it is also good that you meet your brothers and your future sisters-in-law. "

Felix after listening to his father relaxed a little but his brain began to process his father’s last sentence "What do you mean by future sisters-in-law, don’t tell me that being my brother a small child you have forced him to have several wives."

Flavio noticed his daughter’s angry look "It’s not what you think, I can’t force any of you to marry who you don’t want, I know it’s a tradition in Rome but in Nova Roma it’s different.

Many times forced marriages only cause problems without mentioning that the person you want to spend the rest of your days with is a decision you must make.

My duty as a father is to take care of them and to be good people, in the case of your little brother he inherited a little taste for the women of your grandfather/uncle Zeus, in the end, it is a decision of him.

But don’t worry, Quetzalcoatl, a "god" of the Anahuac region, and I will guide you along the best path so that you are a good man who is responsible for his future wives and does not end up being just a man’s garbage. "

Felix just sighed at what his father told her, she really couldn’t stand the idea of ​​having to marry a man she doesn’t know, when they headed to the dining room Felix was surprised when she saw a small cake and cut-out letters on the table Welcome paper.

Tears came out of Felix’s eyes for the reception, at the small welcome party she met his brothers this time without so many surprises, they apologized for having frightened her when they went to see her.

She also met his little future sisters-in-law and spent quality time with Hellena, she realized that Hellena despite being his father’s wife treated her very well.

While all this was happening in the dining room a praetorian entered and addressed Flavio to tell him the summary report of the Nahuals "Lord the Popocatepetl erupted along with all the volcanoes in the region.

As they have been able to review the surrounding populations have been struck by pyroclastic clouds, many of the survivors are heading towards the border to flee from disaster areas.

We also have news that the king of Teotihuacan died because he was near the volcano of Popocatepetl, this has caused problems in the line of succession of the kingdom of Teotihuacan and is about to start a civil war.

Our spies at night brought us information that the religious want to give a coup d’etat to place themselves on the nobility, for this they are beginning to spread rumors that the old king died on the orders of Huitzilopochtli because he did not follow the old customs.

The nobles are preparing to arm an army commanded by the son of the former king, we hope that this civil war will cause a complete rupture of the kingdom of Teotihuacan, we estimate that the number of refugees derived from the confrontation will increase month by month.

Minister Taneri has reported that the water from rivers and some springs were contaminated thanks to volcanic ash, we also present a loss of more than 20% of the crops near the Chichonal volcano.

These losses added to the number of refugees we expect to receive can cause a small shortage of food. "

Flavio coldly analyzed the information said by the Praetorian guard "Order that the excess population of refugees we receive to be sent to the provinces of Insulae Canibalium and Americae Centralis.

Taking advantage of the workforce that granted us these natural disasters, he orders that the ash be used to reinforce the forts with cement, also spreads the news that refugees have to bring sacks of volcanic ash to be received.

Each adult is equivalent to 2 sacks, 1 sack children, with this measure the refugees will help us for the rapid construction of cement, which our deep defense zone will require.

This is a blessing and a curse but we can learn from this crisis to be able to deal in some future with a large number of northern tribes that escaped the cold, informs Taneri that if we can increase open sea fishing we have to find a food source for the moment.

Also, ask Artimer if he has any way to expedite trade between the provinces and tell Lucio that I need to talk to him is related to the security of the capital. "

The Praetorian heard all the orders of the emperor and withdrew from the dining room, Felix could tell by the gestures of his father that the handling of the empire was quite complicated, somehow reminded him when she looked at his mother reviewing the expenses of the house.

After the talk with the Praetorian, Flavio continued with the welcome of his daughter until the door of the dining room opened abruptly and a somewhat young woman entered the room quite angry "Flavio Octavianus Turino Caesar why didn’t inform your mother that you had a daughter, is it that you don’t care anymore of me or why you don’t allow me to see my granddaughter. "

Flavio could only smile forcefully "Mother thought to tell you but it was too late ..."

Julia interrupted her son when he approached him and slapped him on his left cheek "That’s for being an idiot and not telling your mother important things."

After that Julia slapped him on the right cheek on time "This is why you didn’t inform me that I had such a beautiful granddaughter."

The whole room was silent until Julia approached Felix and looked at her carefully "You’re Arabela’s daughter, right?"

Felix and everyone was surprised by Grandma Julia’s statement, Felix asked Julia "You met my mother, Grandmother"

Julia looked at her granddaughter with a big smile "Of course I met her, your mother was a good friend and confidant, since I saw you I realized that you were her daughter just enough to join some ends to know that my stupid son pregnancy Arabela

Not to mention that your strands of Red hair like hers are unmistakable, but let me introduce myself, I am Julia, the daughter of Emperor Augustus and mother of my son Flavio’s stupid.

Remember that I am your grandmother and I can help you with any problem you have, I have a lot to tell you about your mother and our family and if the stupid of my son treats you badly just tell me to take care of correcting it "

Flavio felt cold sweat running down his back at the words of his mother, fortunately, his mother did not claim anything else when everything seemed calm two little 8-year-old girls entered the dining room.

These were the twin sisters of Flavio Ayesha and Aurora who ignored their sister to go to greet their little nephews, Lucio also entered the room "An apology for coming without warning Flavio but your mother wanted to come to see her grandchildren."

Flavio shook his head "No problem Lucio mother and the family is always welcome, how good you came I wanted to talk to you about the security measures of the city but before they seem to join our breakfast they arrived just in time."

Julia and Felix started talking at the table while Flavio’s sisters played with Yuma, Erendida, Italivi, and Yatzil, baby Mitsune still couldn’t join the children’s fun but that didn’t stop Yuma from spending most of her time together to her.

Hellena watched the beautiful scene of the family together while stroking her stomach that was receiving kicks from her baby in the womb "Do not despair little one in a few months you can go out and play with your brothers and aunts ..."

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