Nova Roma

Chapter 111 - The beginning of the battle

R-18 Chapter Gore description

In the trenches the soldiers prepared the poison by smearing it on the tips of the Bolts, they watched calmly as the enemy army began to appear on the horizon.

The news began to run through messengers, sector B was the only one under siege, Amancio was worried since he would have to face only all the power of the Cuauhtli tribe, his only consolation is that the cavalry reinforcements were ready in case the situation got out of control.

The army of giants sent a representative before starting the attack, Amancio personally wanted to go talk to the representative, once the two in the middle of the future battlefield began the talks.

The giant representative looked at Amancio as if it were rubbish "Human we give you only until noon to deliver to the tribe of Malinalli otherwise we enter the force to look for them"

Amancio looked at the ugly giant in front of him "You can save yourself the words Giant, we will not deliver to the tribe of the Malinalli, I will be waiting for their attack I hope you know that declaring war on Rome is their worst decision they have made"

The giant began to laugh "Hahaha, on the way we destroyed the Zapotec city of Ocelotepec (Monte albán), their dead bodies are sacrifices for Mother Earth and very soon you will also be human, I hope you do not regret your decision. "

After this the representative of the tribe of the Cuauhtli and Amancio each went to their positions, the soldiers who were close to where Amancio would return could see that his face was angry, that could only say that the negotiations had failed.

Amancio ordered the troops to be ready for the attack of the giants, one of the soldiers looked at his comrade in arms "Today is a great day to die do not believe Tizoc, I am sure that Anubis will give us a good place to reincarnate."

Tizoc looked at his partner "It’s always a great day to die in battle Lucas, I’m sure Huitzilopochtli after this battle will allow him to be like one of his faithful soldiers in Coatepec."

While the two soldiers spoke a great shout rang through the battlefield and a tremor was present on the battlefield, the fight had begun.

The soldiers prepared their crossbows impregnated with poison, they just hoped that the giants were close to starting their attack, unlike the last attack the giants threw giant javelins with atlatl towards the trenches.

By having obsidian tips and with the force they threw, they pierced the soldiers’ steel armor as if they were paper, leaving soldiers screaming in pain after being punched in their stomachs, others were not so lucky and were beheaded or badly cut from the head, leaving small sources of blood that began to fill the trenches with blood.

This attack lasted for a few seconds before they entered the range of crossbows and muskets, it was then that the first crossbows opened fire and the Bolt pierced the skin of the giants.

The effect of the neurotoxin of the Coralillo snake was almost immediate since the giants fall while they run and some of them are stepped on by their same companions, others die from sniper shots who point to the eyes or mouths.

The shots are so effective that some enemies only see their companions die without knowing that they killed them, on the other hand, the musket shots do not have an effective aim therefore sometimes they pierce the stomachs or the feet of the giants.

Tizoc who was in his trench could see how those Quinametzin beasts were approaching his trench, he began to sweat while closer they were only 3 Bolts left "How many Bolts do you have left?"

Lucas was aiming at a giant and shot his crossbow, the shot was effective as he managed to hit the giant’s neck "I only have 2 Bolts left and these damn ones are approaching dangerously, I wonder why our Ballistas are not firing"

At that moment a giant spear fell next to Tizoc "Damn giants, do you think you can resist while I check if the ballista’s keepers are still alive?"

Another spear fell but this time it tied and killed the soldier next to Lucas " I think, I can resist but leave me your Bolts to kill as many giants I can, it would be a waste to die without having killed a lot of this garbage."

Tizoc nodded and left his Bolts to his partner "Do not die before me damn bastard you owe me a few drinks."

After this Tizoc ran through the trenches to reach the area of ​​the Ballistas, on the way he could see one of his dead or seriously injured companions, the ugliest thing he saw was a soldier split in half only being supported by his column vertebral

When he finally reached the area of ​​the Ballistas he could see that the gunners were dead and there was only one operational Ballista, the other Ballistas were destroyed by giant javelins "Those damn giants knew where to point their damn javelins"

Tizoc approached the crossbow that seemed to be mechanically intact, but quite dirty with blood and human remains, He was made a rag with the clothes of a dead soldier for remove brain debris and even an eye of the ballista.

"Very well Ballista don’t disappoint me, I have to kill the giants that approach Lucas the damn guy cannot die until he pays me the drinks he owes me"

Tizoc managed to place a Ballista chip and prepared to shoot, the targets were several and some had already fallen to the ground thanks to the debris that had been placed in front of the trenches.

Lucas was reloading his crossbow when he could see a giant approaching with his Macuahuitl towards him, he tried to reload faster but accidentally threw his chip on the ground at that moment Lucas felt the real terror.

Luckily Lucas could see that the giant fell back thanks to a ballista ball that was buried in the giant’s head, leaving a wound that was releasing remains of blood and brain of the giant.

Lucas looked at Ballistas’ nest "That damn one doesn’t want to let me die until I invite him his drinks, fucking stingy that won’t let me die without paying him..."

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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