Nova Roma

Chapter 123 - Was once upon a time

Flavio sat in a chair while hugging his newborn daughter "Where should I start.

I will skip the part of my childhood and how I became an orphan of parents and my grandparents raised me since it is not relevant but what is important is what happened during my university.

I always liked history so I had to make a difficult decision between studying history or archeology, in the end, I opted for archeology since I wanted to see history before anyone else.

Between studying at UNAM one of the most prestigious universities in Mexico, in that place I met a beautiful exchange student from Japan, her name was Miyuki when I saw her I wanted to make that woman my wife.

I guess looks are deceiving, I didn’t know that my decision would be a kick in the eggs.

After a few months of inviting her to the movies and going out together I finally managed to be my girlfriend, the relationship was quite normal until in drunkenness with Kalua, we had unprotected sex, the result she was pregnant.

We decided to get married since our baby would be the embodiment of our love, the ceremony was modest since Miyuki had no relatives, she was abandoned in an orphanage when she was a baby.

The ceremony was only my grandparents and some friends among them there was one named José, for a long time he and I fought for the love of Miyuki but in the end, I won, at least I thought so.

Because we were university students who did not have a fixed money income, therefore I had to ask my grandfather who had worked in government for help, thanks to him I was able to enter the INAH (National Institute of Anthropology and History).

Where I started exercising an administrative position that would allow me to have money to take care of my son who was forming in my girlfriend’s womb, but while I was worried about the future.

Miyuki only cared about pregnancy during the first months but afterward, something changed in her since recurred times we had fights because she didn’t take care of herself, smoked, drank and self-medicated.

Luckily my son was born healthy without any health problems but Miyuki didn’t even want to see him, so I had to check him in the hospital because my wife didn’t want to be near him.

While I worked and studied, I also had to be a father and mother at the same time, since Miyuki didn’t want to act as a mother.

Miyuki preferred to go out and act as a person without responsibilities, many times I looked like a zombie because I didn’t sleep all night to take care of little Mario, sometimes Miyuki arrived at 3 or 4 in the morning completely drunk at home.

The responsibility on my shoulders was very strong, sometimes I just wanted to give up, but every time I saw my son’s smile I got up and moved on.

One day many asked Miyuki to take care of the baby because he had to do some paperwork related to work and could not take Mario with me.

On the way, I hit a red light and I could feel a small hand on my face, as a father I felt that something bad had happened to Mario, it was a sensation that I cannot describe but something inside me told me that my baby had fired from me.

I changed direction towards the house, I had to check that my son and wife were well when I opened the door I could hear noises of moans coming from the room but I decided to ignore them and go directly to the baby’s room.

When I opened the door I could see Mario with purple skin color, something inside me broke, I went into the kitchen and pulled a gun from the shelf that I kept for my defense and headed to my baby’s room to take her favorite stuffed animal.

I went to my room and found Miyuki in the bed with José who I considered my friend, in cold blood I killed José with three shots in the head and Miyuki emptied the entire magazine.

There was no danger that someone had noticed the shots because my son’s teddy bear was a perfect silencer, to free me from the body, just make some calls to some acquaintances I had in the underworld.

I only had to pay a few thousand pesos and a group of people entered through the bodies and cleaned the blood from the room when they finished with the help of some bribes, I got the police to come to my house to take my son’s body.

The official version said that my wife fled with her lover after killing our son Mario, search orders were issued on both but never find where they go.

After this I had to bury my son in a cemetery, I still remember when the earth covered his little coffin, that day he promised me that if he had children again he would take care of them at all times, I didn’t want to have to bury another son.

That’s why I know she is dead because I killed her and if I saw her again I would do it again, I will continue to say her life for his life, the only thing I’m sure is that the people who took her body were narcos.

There are three deities that they can worship Jesus Malverde (Saint of the narcos), Santa Muerte or Satan.

After I was left alone, without a wife or son I could only take refuge in alcohol and work to overcome my difficulties and continue my life, until one day at my door I found a letter.

Inside the letter they told me that I had won a trip to Greece, I don’t care about the origin of the letter but I thought that having a change of air would be perfect to relieve my stress.

Then I got on the plane and it was destroyed killing me in the process, fortunately, I found Apollo and what happened after they already know him. "

Apollo looked at Flavio "The story is true and you have not lied but there are things I do not understand when I met you your soul was clean of any trace of murder."

Flavio looked at his little Bastet who had in his arms sleeping so comfortably in his arms "I would not doubt that if she can enter this dimension something else has happened, but at that moment I was a simple mortal who had no control of anything.

It doesn’t take much to assume that the chances are that the memories I have about her are overwritten, all I know is if I see her again I will kill again ... "

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