Nova Roma

Chapter 137 - Preparation for expedition to Greenland part 2

Captain Genaro was in a tavern in the city of Origin Civitatem with a group of more than 30 people who he recruits to carry out the expedition, he chose them because they are people of her trust.

"Boys, I’m glad you agreed to participate in this expedition, you will see dangers along the way and maybe we can die, the Atlantic ocean its too dangerous but if we work together we can get the final objective without any problem.

Our mission has a lot of importance because the emperor and the empire need the information we will get in the mission, for the services provided our families will have a land estate in the new province of Canibalatum Maxima.

The priestess Pandora will accompany us for the trip, I hope you can trust her for all the matters you had in the trip, she to will be the doctor of the ship. "

At that moment a woman in a priestess entered the meeting room "Thank you very much, Captain Genaro, I am sure that mother Tonantzin and the great Zeus will drown for the safety of the expedition with the gods Tlaloc and Poseidon.

I will be in your care and if you had some problems with health in the ship remember to come with me immediately or you can put in danger all the expedition. "

Genaro smiled "Thank you Priestess Pandora for the words, I am sure that we will finish the trip at the indicated time and without matter.

The empire will give us a temporary base where we will have to be waiting for our ship to be built, you have one week to buy or do whatever you want before the expedition beggings, remember no get out of the city or you can have problems with the pretorians.

This week I hope everyone knows each other and can develop a link to improve the unity of the boat, please meet each other because in the ocean the fights can be dangerous.

Remember that we expect cold weather more an more we get up on the continent, so go prepared with wool underwear if you do not go cold, you can retire and I hope you enjoy this last week on land. "

Everyone present left the room but only Lucas and Tizoc stayed, Lucas, asked Genaro "Captain why it doesn’t take long to build the ship if I’m not mistaken in Lusitania the shipyards could create a ship in 1 month.

Maybe they’ll send us in a disposable boat. "

Genaro looked at Lucas and began to laugh "Haha, I forgot that you were not informed, what I will say now I hope you do not leave this room as it is an imperial secret, our lives are in danger if someone says something.

The use of magic allows us to speed up the processes without mentioning that the addition in the field of work of Semihumans and some other species such as cyclops or giants allow reducing the construction time.

In addition to what we have been informed our ship will have the newest copper hull, with it we can reduce wear by marine parasites and saltwater and the reinforcement hull can help if we crash with some small pieces of ice.

Our greatest danger in the north is the biggest pieces of ice that may be in the water, as you know the event of the approaching frost is not natural is something caused by the conscience of the continent, so be careful in the boat if you see a piece of ice in the water inform immediately to me or we are dead.

Do you have any other questions, Lucas? "

Lucas looked at Tizoc and the two nodded as a smile formed on his face. "You know if there is a place in the capital to relieve stress with women, we plan to go to spend time."

Genaro smiled "You are thinking to go without inviting me, let me prepare the report that will be sent to the emperor and I will show you a place where the succubus can take you to another dimension of pleasure"

While this was happening, Priestess Pandora was on her way home while passing through a bakery to buy cornbread and the fishmonger to buy some fish to prepare dinner for her husband and son, she doesn’t like the meeting but no have other option.

When she was buying the bread in a small but beautiful bakery, she remembers how she met her husband years ago in Lusitania when she was studying to be a priestess, her husband was a businessman of Greek origin, they met when he visited the temple where she worked.

The two crossed their eyes and a spark of love arose, after that, a friendship formed that resulted in a romance, they got married and with her pregnant, they left for the new continent.

Where they had their first child, she is not very happy with the fact of going on an expedition but she has no other option, believers need to have religious and moral support to prevent bad things from happening on the ship.

She smiles every time she remembers her happy life when she finishes the shoppings she gets in the way to her home in the center of Origin Civitatem" The city in the night it’s beautiful, I hope my husband and child can come with me to see the streetlights"

When she arrived at his house, she was received by his little 2-year-old son. "My little Arion, I hope you didn’t bother Dad very much but I have to surprise for you, I get in the way to home your favorite bread of the bakery ."

Arion smiled at his mother "I love you, mom, you are the best but can I have my bread right know."

Pandora sees their little son to happy for the surprise "You can have the bread my little child, but tell me what do you do with your day today."

Arion takes the bread of butter and sugar of her mother’s hands and bites the bread, he stars to talk with bread in the mouth "You know mom today Dad took me to buy a thing called a rubber ball that the emperor used to create the Tlachtlimaitl game.

It’s very funny why mom bounces so much. "

Arion with his small hand, take off his pants a small blue ball and threw the ball on the ground and is bounced, sometimes before he took it again with his free hand.

At that moment a young man with curly hair came out of the kitchen "You have arrived Pandora, how was in the meeting with Captain Genaro."

Pandora smiled and took care of her little son while she went to the kitchen "It went well, we will leave in a week to the north to be able to map a safe road to the island of Greenland, I don’t like the idea of being the only woman on the ship but Captain Genaro says I can have a weapon for my defense.

In this time I will be out I hope you can take care of this little monster, who likes the bread. "

Pandora said as she tickled her son, Evan her husband smiled and hugged her son and wife "Don’t worry, I’ll take him to school and make sure he gets to sleep early, but please pandora be safe in the ship, I don’t have a good feeling of that trip but orders are orders"

While Pandora spent time with his family, a young man was smoking with his pipe in the port of Origin Civitatem "That priestess is very beautiful, I want to see how she will cry while I rape her, I have to thank Genaro for the opportunity, Hahaha"

A woman came behind the young man "You know you are disgusting when you laugh like an idiot, I have no problem with what you do with the priestess but remember that we have a mission.

We have to have the ship in good condition to carry the package safe to Parthia, otherwise, they will kill our families.

The young man scratched his nose "You know that my family does not matter to me, those damn ones sold me as a slave, I do not do it for them if not to be able to kill them with my own hands, but you can rest assured that we will carry the package safely.

By the way, do not tell me that you are going to get on the boat with your feminine aspect "

The woman looked hatefully at the young man "You know how complicated it is to act like a man, I appreciate every moment that I don’t need to be dressed in that mask, despite being treated in the formula gives off a scent of putrefaction that gets into the nose."

The young man began to laugh "Hahaha, you have it well deserved, I told you that you will act as yourself but you are foolish and you thought that as they are Romans they would abuse women.

The result is that Nova Roma is not like Rome, in this place women are respected but that makes them more delicious, a shame that they could not prove to the empress or her daughters.

But I appreciate my life enough not to risk a painful death at the hands of the emperor. "

The woman shook her head "You’re a damn sick man, but we have no choice but to be together until the mission is over, I hope we won’t meet again when we get home or I’ll kill you."

After this, the woman disappeared from the place leaving only the young man "You don’t have to threaten me, bitch, I don’t want to make the emperor angry for killing his daughter ..."

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