Nova Roma

Chapter 141 - Knowing the god Mithras

On the ship nobody asked Huitzilopochtli about his approach to the rabbit of chaos, Flavio ordered that anything they could have seen was forgotten since otherwise, it would be treason to the empire.

Throughout the trip Pandora was looking at her face in the seawater and sometimes you could see that she had tears on her cheeks, Fortunately for her on the ship there was a doctor who acted as moral support.

When they arrived at the port of Origin Civitatem, Flavio ordered his praetorians to prepare a memorial for the 31 crew members of Selene, he also requested that he organize a public ceremony in the Plaza de Origin Civitatem, to report what happened.

Pandora did not feel comfortable when she got off the ship as she feared she would be received as a monster but was surprised that no one present made any comment against her.

On the contrary one of the inquisitor succubi approached her to ask how she can keep her horns so beautiful, Pandora did not know what to answer but strangely that question did not bother her.

Other people in the place were the high priestess who was now pregnant waiting to have Ares’ son, Flavio told him that Pandora would be canonized as the patron for travel safety.

The priestess was not sure if that would be a good idea but when I hear from Flavio that Pandora was her first creation and that she will serve the imperial family for all eternity, the priestess nodded and prepared to begin the canonization of Pandora.

Flavio before heading home went directly with Huitzilopochtli and Pandora to the temple of Anubis, before anything had to be interrogated to certain garbage, the road to the temples was quite comfortable.

But Pandora realized that some mailmen were using a rare device while doing their job of delivering letters, it had two wheels and it seemed that they moved their feet to move without the need for horses or something to push it.

Flavio noticed this "It is called a bicycle and is currently being tested by the city mailmen to know if anything can be improved in its construction, the bicycle’s transport that will reduce travel times and we are looking to produce massive for normal people can get their own bicycle."

Pandora nodded at what Flavio had said but imagined if his son would like to have one of those bicycles, she would ask the emperor later if he could give one to his little Arion.

When they reached the pyramid where the temple was, they climbed the stairs to realize that Hellena was fighting with the statue of her Anubis "You can’t leave me outside Grandfather, you know well that I can do better torture than you can do."

Flavio under his head for grief and scratch and then walk to Hellena and hug her back "What are you doing honey, why are you fighting with Grandpa Anubis."

Hellena took Flavio’s arms "Sweety you know that I hate rapists, I wanted to get the information I had with reliable methods but Grandpa didn’t leave me and told me to wait for you.

You will allow me to torture him to obtain the information. "

Flavio sighed "That decision is not made by you or me at the moment you have to wait for Pandora to decide the future of garbage, but if she accepts I will allow you to torture her soul before we go to the final phase of punishment."

Hellena reloaded her head on Flavio’s face "I hope it is extremely painful and exemplary to be thought twice before harming a priestess."

After this Flavio and Hellena separated and time stopped to give way to Anubis who did not seem to be happy with something "Sorry for not letting you see the Hellena prisoners but this is another problem we have in hand, if I were the ones You can torture but now it’s different.

The prisoners seem to be stowaways who managed to sneak into a group with the expeditions, the problem is that they belong to Mithraism, when we woke up Mitra also woke up.

But unlike us being his faithful a minority Mithras failed to release all his energy but still, he is a god and is taking care of his dead disciples to prevent us from destroying their souls.

Zeus and mother Tonantzin are already in place, we are only waiting for you Flavio if we do not handle this matter well we can fight with the god Mitra that despite not having considerable power can hurt. "

Flavio rubbed his temples with his fingers "In a bad step hurry you have to meet Miter, to know what he intends to do."

At that time a light illuminated the temple of Anubis and all disappeared, for the priests this meant that Emperor Flavio had entered into another dimension so they only told parishioners that a show of power of the great god Anubis towards his believers.

When they teleported they realized that they were in the kingdom of Anubis in the New Tartarus, Flavio could see that the Egyptian architecture was extremely beautiful in the place, unfortunately, there was no time to admire it a meeting was taking place.

Anubis guided through the palace until they reached a room where a young man with curly and golden hair in a white robe staring at Zeus at the goddess Tonantzin and still old with a tobacco pipe.

Flavio recognized the old man as the god of the Mischievous Coatl had not seen him for a while but if he was at the meeting things cannot be very quiet, Zeus asked Flavio to take a seat and Anubis too.

Mitra looked carefully at the young man who was facing him but mainly what caught his attention was the hateful look of the two women who entered after Flavio, the woman with the horns was not surprising but the woman with the Wheat hair color was different.

He could feel that she is capable of killing no matter what happens, she is a natural murderer and a demigod which makes him somewhat nervous, but he has to keep up appearances, so she turned her eyes waiting for what they had to say...

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