Nova Roma

Chapter 51 - Invasion to Insulae Canibalium (Cuba)

Flavio trained with his father for a full month learned different ways to occupy the divine energy but before moving further Apollo gave him advice

"It is easy to see that you have the facility to handle your divine energy but you need more than practice in a closed environment, I recommend you command one of your legions so that you can learn how the real men in the battle

When you are in danger your divine power will come out naturally and with it, you can improve your control by advanced steps"

Flavio thought for a moment of his father’s words and then had a moment of enlightenment where he remembered the last battle he commanded when he fought to capture Corocotta, the adrenaline rush for the unknown and the pleasure of leading the troops for victory.

He also remembered the defense of Emerita Augusta that feeling of being able to die by being overcome by the enemy a single mistake and his life and that of his family was coming to an end.

Then he realized he can not live from the past he has to do many more things so that the respect of the imperial family lasts for generations does not want to be remembered as the emperor who is conformist who only conquered small pieces of land, will be remembered as Flavio the Conqueror.

"You’re right, father, I’m asleep on my laurels and I’ve forgotten that an emperor is not only knowing how to govern but also how to conquer to expand the empire and I think I know where to invade to expand the empire "

He looked at his father and with his eyes raised he promised "I will return with you when I have finished conquering the main bastion of the Caribs father"

Apollo nodded at the words of her son and with a smile on her face "Ad Victoriam Flavio"

Flavio left the temple of his father turned to see him for the last time because he would not return in some time.

Meanwhile in the temple Apollo was wondering if occupying a little of his divine energy to "convince" Flavio to attack the Caribs was the best but can not wait and see how the gods are organized to attack them the best defense is the attack.

Once he arrived at the imperial palace he locked himself in his studio to plan that bastion should attack the Jamaica or Cuba islands both have important value and points in favor and against.

Flavio took out his pipe and placed tobacco in it, he had to think very well about his initial objective when he had the land for a landing of the troops in the "Punta Cajón" a small peninsula that was only 200 km from Cancun, if it was created a base to conquer Cuba would not be a problem with the first 100 kilometers because they were a flat area.

But after that a mountain range would interrupt the conquest, on the other hand, because the smallest can be surrounded and conquered from the coasts, the problem is that there is 1000 km away from the port of Cancun. You would have to conquer island caimans to compensate for the distances.

Flavio looked out the window and could see his little one playing with Lilith in the patio "I guess whoever does not risk does not win" He took his knife and buried it on the island of Cuba on the map he had on the table.

In Origin Civitatem you could see hundreds of Mayan or Roman people lining up to join the expeditionary army that the emperor was to personally command to punish the Caribs for their stupidity of trying to assassinate him in their capital.

The promises were clear, each soldier after the conquest will receive land free of taxes for 10 years and will be given to 5 Caribbean slaves for the work of their new home, children born of slaves will be immediately converted to Roman citizens and will be withdrawn from the hands of their parents to be cared for by the state and that can be adopted otherwise they will be productive members of society.

Rewards may seem little but for the poorest or new Mayan or Mesoamerican citizens who are beginning to join the empire is an opportunity to fight and win the property for their descendants without mentioning that Cuba is an island therefore once conquered not we will have to worry about external invasions, the safest place in the empire.

The training camps teach the use of the crossbow and pilums, the first area to be conquered is a flat peninsula so there will be no mountain or forest combat to training guerrilla warfare but it is important to train the discipline, courage and physical condition

Once the peninsula is conquered approximately 70 kilometers until reaching the first row of mountains the area is stabilized, being founded the new city of "Magna Caribe".

After this, the island of youth will be taken where the capital of the new province called "Insulae Canibalium" will be created "

Insulae Canibalium encompasses the entire region of modern Cuba Flavio plan that it will grow chocolate and sugar beets along with coconut palm among other goods such as sisal or Maguey for the production of alcoholic beverages and horses and camels will be raised freely for their subsequent use in the continent.

Two months passed and more than 20,000 volunteers were recruited who began to be trained to undertake their journey as the Gamma Legion Canibulum

(The full name of the Alpha Legion is Legion Alfa Civitatem, unlike the Romans who name their legions with "Name" "Number" "Province".

Flavio occupies "Name" "Letter of the Greek alphabet" "Province"

There is also an Imperial Legion in charge of the defense of the capital, his legacy is Lucio Flavio’s stepfather)

After a training period of 3 months, the Legion Gamma Canibulum got on the boats along with his legacy and Emperor Flavio.

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