Nova Roma

Chapter 79 - Deputies and Senators

Spending time with the family is what Flavio likes to do, the victory has created an environment conducive to the construction of the empire, as part of the Imperial itinerary he had to go to Insulae Canibalium to be able to see the development work that Azalea was doing and meet the prominent municipal mayor of Magna Caribe.

Flavio esteems Azalea very much because she was Hellena’s first friend and that is an achievement in itself because the women to whom Hellena has given her friendship are counted, she also knows her dedication, therefore, she knows that her control over the island is perfect.

Taking advantage of the fact that they would go to a province whose beaches are crystalline, it will also serve as a well-deserved vacation after fighting for more than 1 year. Flavio feels he deserves it even though he is his job as an emperor.

You can afford it because the structure of the Nova Romano empire was created from the operation of the British monarchy being different in many ways because the emperor has a power superior to any minister.

The ranks of the bureaucracy are formed by the Ministers who are selected for their users regardless of whether they are noble, citizens, human or semi-human, which counts the emperor has a group of Ministers who are responsible for most of the operation of the empire.

These ministers have bureaucrats in their command who have connections with the entire empire, in the same way, the provinces have their ministers, who have contact with the capital.

All provinces have municipalities that have a mayor who represents them before the governor of the province, these mayors are elected in the democratic Greek manner which is different from the representation governments that are held in the 21st century.

The Greek Democratic way says that the Office (mayor in this case) is not chosen by anyone is randomly selected from among the citizens, therefore it cannot "represent" the citizens, this Office has to go to the citizen assemblies of its municipality with whom you should consult if what they want to do allow it or if they have any suggestions.

This system prevents corruption from proliferating because it forces citizens to take care of the use of public resources that are destined for their region, each municipality also has 2 deputies, one elected by the majority with a duration of 1 year and one chosen at random with the Greek democratic method lasting 6 months.

These deputies are in the capital of the province and their function is to suggest laws which seek to improve the quality of life of the province, these laws are approved by the highest authority being the governor of the province who performs that function, also the deputies they can veto some things of the governors acting as against weight.

The number of deputies depends on the number of municipalities for example in Insulae Canibalium has 8 municipalities plus its capital, therefore, has 16 deputies, for a better representation in the empire these deputies choose a senator and the governor of the other province, These senators will be in your position for only 2 years before being exchanged for others.

In the imperial senate, there are currently only 6 senators but as the number of provinces increases the senators will also do so, the Senate has the function of being contact with the emperor and the governor of the province

This is because they are representatives who have the function of requesting more resources or reinforcements in case there is any environmental contingency, for example, if a tropical storm occurs and destroys a large part of the infrastructure they can ask for help from the empire and execute the DN3 plan.

With which the legions of other provinces go to the province to rescue and distribute food to avoid famine, they will also go to doctors to attend the medical contingencies that arise, it would be devastating if an epidemic were present and will cause more damage to the areas affected or worse to be able to infect other healthy provinces.

Another of their work is to propose laws in the field of civil matters for that they receive the laws from the chamber of deputies of their provinces and is presented in a plenary session of the Senate, to pass a law it is enough to contain the majority plus one, if they are 8 senators and want to pass a law they will need 4 senators + one therefore 5 senators will be necessary.

Once these laws are passed, they will pass to the judiciary who will review them and rule if the laws do not harm the interests of the population once they are passed, they are sent to the emperor who will have the last word.

If the laws are not approved, they will be sent with the observations for their change in the Senate Chamber, the power of the Nova Romano Empire is divided into 3 imperial, legislative and judicial power.

The imperial power is the emperor who has the last word in the empire, the legislative power is the deputies and senators their function is to propose laws or veto initiatives of the governors in the case of deputies and finally, the judiciary is composed by judges

These judges are the ones that rule the sentences of problems of the common law, as it can be to attend cases of robbery, violence, murders, etc.

To carry out their duties, the police are in charge of those who are prepared to face civil situations, therefore their training and weapons are special, unlike the army (Legions) or the imperial navy whose function is to defend the empire from external threats.

Flavio was sunbathing along with Hellena on the boat that took them to Caribbean Magna, while Erendida played with Lilith, Yuma was taking care of little Mitsune who seemed curious enough to travel by boat for the first time.

Azalea in Magna Caribe was preparing everything necessary to receive the emperor and his family "Artimer how is the preparation of the welcome ceremony?"

Artimer the star mayor of Magna Caribe replied "If the governor is ready to receive the emperor, the gamma legion is ready and the deputies are also ready to receive the emperor"

Azalea took a pipe with tobacco and gave a good puff "Remember that we have to please Flavio to get more resources for the province, there are many places that need communication and construction materials

We have to be intelligent or the resources will be taken by the province of Americae Centralis, they have the advantage that being a border with the damn jungle they have priority ... "

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