Nova Roma

Chapter 85 - Requesting the support of the people of Rome

The preparation of de Flavio for the empire began with the creation of greenhouses and the improvement of the communication system that there were cities with coal mines so that briquettes in homes and businesses will not be missing.

Fortunately, the weather would not be a very big problem but the animals and crops had to be taken care of, the potato and dried fish would prove their value, to prevent the animals from going cold and dying, Flavio ordered the creation of special shelters throughout the empire so they don’t go cold.

As the houses will have coal briquette stoves to keep the heat in terms of food, crops will be used in controlled greenhouse environments, this can be very expensive but being unique animals such as zebras, lions, camels among others.

Which there is no way to get them if you do not return to the European continent or travel to Africa but this will bring more problems than solutions, therefore, the animals and plants have priority in the care they are given, the only good thing is that the cold kills mosquitoes in the environment avoiding diseases such as dengue.

Another thing to take into account is the redesign of clothing, the currently used clothing is American cotton which is soft and refreshing but not at all useful in cold climates alone, therefore you can only occupy sheep’s wool or Animal skin to create cold-resistant clothing is if filled with cotton can produce warm clothing which will help keep warm.

The problem is that with cold the crops of many plants will not be possible on a large scale, if you can only rely on animal skin, fortunately in the American continent where there is hardly any population you can get a great variety of skins.

Flavio created an animal hunting law with her looking to prepare a lot of skins to avoid a shortage when it starts to snow, another thing to consider is weapons and relocation of legions.

This is mainly because a large number of people are going to migrate from the north to the south, for the most part, they can become peaceful but that does not change the fact that some are not and dedicate themselves to burning and looting villages of the Empire to get your daily needs.

Unfortunately, the time you have is not enough to build a great wall like the one built in the south, but Flavio decided to apply the method of deep defense to the north of the empire.

This consists mainly and the creation of small military villages which are going to be surrounded by a wooden fence and separated by 200 meters, these would be the first line of defense.

Behind them, at 50 meters there would be another line of defense that would be placed between each separation of the first line of defense as follows.

(1) (1) (1)

(2) (2)

Representing the 1 as the first line of defense and two as the second line of defense, also added to this, trenches would be placed between the lines of defense so that the troops can make defensive rounds without being left in the open or at the mercy of any tribe wild north.

(1) --- (1) --- (1) - = Trench representation

| |

(2) --- (2) | = Strong union with trench

This line of Defense would be placed in the region of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, an area of ​​202 kilometers that separates the Gulf of Mexico with the Pacific, and which because it is a meadow is the best area where it can be defended.

To further increase the defenses Flavio also ordered that any town in the north had to have a wooden wall to ensure their safety and those who were more central to the empire were enough to have a wooden palisade.

This was to avoid any kind of looting of the towns in a simple way, also on the roads between the villages wooden towers would be placed to protect against any attempted robbery of the merchants or citizens who will walk the roads.

But a large number of troops would be necessary for the defense, this will not be so complicated because for months hundreds of thousands of Anahuacs from central Mexico and the north have been emigrating to the empire.

This large amount of population is divided between the province of the capital and the province of Insulae Canibalium, the province of Americae Centralis did not receive more citizens since it could not be self-sustaining at the moment since it was completely dedicated to the construction of the wall of Nova Troy

Flavio already knew that he had to do now the only thing that was missing was to convince his people that another threat of directing towards them, fortunately, was not related to monsters but it was no less dangerous.

The first thing to do was create and print hundreds of posters related to the icy weather that was approaching the empire, another very important thing was the creation of pamphlets that would be placed in each town or city with indications to avoid diseases and defend their villages before wild attacks.

Flavio organized a great ceremony in Origin Civitatem, where he met with the people and the Senate to talk that a new crisis was approaching the empire, this did not make him happy but being the head of the empire he must inform everything occur and threaten the security of the empire.

The senators, soldiers, and citizens were wondering why the emperor had gathered them in front of the temple complex, it wasn’t until Flavio came out dressed in his war clothes that they began to get an idea of ​​what would happen.

Flavio placed in front of the podium used his divine energy to increase the volume of his voice and it could be heard throughout the city.

"Citizens of Nova Roma turn to you to thank for the sacrifices made for the construction of the wall of Nova Troy with her the defense of the empire against the damn jungle is guaranteed.

But now another threat is directed towards us in the form of an icy climate, the temperature will drop to 5 degrees Celsius during the day and reach -10 Celsius graphs at night.

This means that if we are not prepared we could die from the cold, the cold will also bring with it another threat from the north.

Hundreds of thousands of tribal people approach the empire fleeing the cold, this means danger because the vast majority of them can burn or kill to obtain food.

That is why it is necessary to create a great line of deep defense to maintain the security of the empire, that is why I need your help again, otherwise, all the efforts we have made will be in vain.

For the tribes only matter their survival and not the welfare of our people, all those who have died in defense of the empire are watching us and waiting for us to defend the legacy they created with their lives.

I can count on my Roman people to defend the heritage of our children and grandchildren!

Or we will allow savages to run freely killing their way !! "

All present remained silent until they raised their hands with the Roman greeting and shouted "Invicta Rome".

Flavio smiled with relief because now he had the support of the people and carrying out the work of building the defense would be a matter of time ...

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