Novel The Max Level Hero has Returned!

Chapter 691

Episode 691

195. Reap what you sow.

All that was reflected in the dark room was electromagnetic waves projected through the computer monitor.


A man who had chewed on a nearby salty potato chip reached for his keyboard and mouse, scratching his neck under his wild beard.


[Have you read the news?]

[I saw it. To be honest, our country has been lucky. Except for Cheorwon, Wonju, and Pohang, it’s still fine.]

[Martial law has fallen and it’s like being drafted into the reserve army.] [Has been

living for a while now, and I’m living in a situation where I’m discharged and have to go to the gun.] [Have you

seen the situation in Wonju? Almost catastrophic now. The number of casualties is difficult to count. The roads are already blocked because they are going to evacuate, and the conscripted soldiers are running around and chaos.]

[But Alf Online is really shocking. What kind of novel is this?]

[Sure. What are the conditions for awakening humans?]

[I know. At least it wasn’t in order of toughness. You know the guy on TV? The guy who got involved with drugs and sex this time.]

[Ah, that’s right. That bastard X or Higher Awakener is already called X by name.]

The man, watching the silent comments, slowly began to play with his fingers.

[Is that cancer? Alf Online is temporarily suspended. At the same time, all users came out.]

[What do you want to say?]

[I will upload a video.]

The video is uploaded quickly. The reactions to seeing it are all stained with astonishment.

[xx What am I looking at right now?]

[What is this. That Tionis Saint, that xx, why is he soloing and going wild on the subject of NPCs like that?]

One scene was strongly implied in the video.

With a girl in gothic lace. As Saint Thionis suddenly started fighting.

It was not enough to kill the members of the Celestial Rang guild who were filming the video, and to turn the entire area into a desert.

[Just tell me the truth. Not the Thionis saint NPC. It was a human.]


[????What kind of dog?]

[It turned out to be an NPC]

The man quietly stopped his hand as he saw the quick reaction.

Then he started playing with his fingers again.

[First of all, let me tell you the conclusion before showing the evidence. Do you know the Neltharid Church? You came out of nowhere and made a game. But the operators there were originally trying to create an awakener on Earth to stop those monsters that appeared on Earth. That process is Alf Online.]


[Originally, the game should be maintained. But the human who came over from Tionis, the Saint of Tionis, ruined everything. Not only killing a lot of users, but also stealing items, releasing monsters like the video shown earlier and blowing away a large amount of the Alf Online field.] […


[It became a war of attrition where no additional Awakeners were allowed to flow in because Alf Online was blocked. It’s because of Saint Thionis, a human from another world.]

Originally, humans would inflate things without end even if only a few truths were sprinkled.

Public opinion began to boil with anger.

* * *

Even if it’s an independent force, I’m definitely a subject of Raun Kingdom.

King Crianes. In other words, after receiving a call from my father, I came to the royal castle and saw a man drinking strong alcohol without saying a word.

Seeing my emaciated cheeks and tired eyes, I am silent.

“Yes. How do you see it?”


“Can you save me?”

“Do not kill yourself. I have not yet forgiven you, Your Majesty. You must live long enough to bear the guilt.”

“Yes. How can I blame you for that? It’s all the fault of this poor father.”

He smiled bitterly and held out his glass.

“Take a drink.”


When I politely held out my hand, he poured a glass without a word.

“Davy. One has to choose between being born and dying.”


“This father’s choice made many people suffer. Do you know?”

How can I not know?

Lenny Alishad How many tears and blood were shed over the problems of my mother and Queen Lines Varietta.

“So I also know that you are quite stubborn about it.”

“Your Majesty. I understand what you want to say.”

I cut off his words briefly and looked at him coolly.

“Don’t force your way on me.”

“Are you having any problems?”


“Really. Are you sure you won’t regret it?”

At his words, I looked at him.

“What do you want to say?”

“The Kingdom of Raun has now become more affluent than before. Large-scale trade and tourism attraction with each country. In addition, taxes through the enormous funds earned in the Heinz estate. That’s all. Thanks to the flow of goods in large quantities The flow of funds was active, and numerous businesses were successful.”

The nobles who sucked in moderation without knowing it were being purged, and because I warned them in real time, the nobles held their breath and kept the line of moderation.

It brought prosperity that was incomparable to the past, but that alone was impossible.

After all, there was only one Heinz estate that could turn these bubbles into solid boudoirs.

“Davy. What would you do if a situation came where you had to take responsibility?”

“What do you mean?”

“That’s a literal question.”

At his words, I was silent.

“Your Majesty. What was the result of Your Majesty having a total of four queens?”


“My mother left after longing for your love. She died horribly because of Queen Lines’ slander. But Your Majesty could not protect my mother.”


“Let me put it differently. I wouldn’t be able to bear it if my wife, Perserk, gave her eyes to another man and whispered affection to him.”

Is that only for men?

What about women?

“You’re only thinking from your own point of view.”

“I don’t know why you are saying this. Your Majesty.”

“Go to the Lindis Empire. Early in the morning, the new baby went to meet this father. I heard what you guys did.”

“… what.”

“I’ll tell you clearly. Everyone says no, but saying you’re right alone is no different from this father’s choice.”

He spoke calmly and put the glass down quietly.

“At least you shouldn’t regret it.”

Later I didn’t notice that his eyes were sparkling with a mysterious white color.

* * *

Receiving an urgent request from the Lindis Empire, I got out of Raun Castle and arrived right away.

The ones who followed me were Lynn and Perserk. And it was Illina.

Illina’s reason for accompanying was simple.

It seemed that the two of them unintentionally built up a certain amount of friendship because Aria, who came to the Hines estate from time to time to give gifts, became curious.

As soon as I reached the Lindis Empire, Emperor Deort took me to the room where Eyria Al Lindis was, omitting all complicated procedures.

The first thing I felt when I entered the room was the cool air.

And I could see a girl lying dead.

She was sweating so much that the soft down comforter was extremely damp and her complexion looked pale.

“Tell me in detail.”

“… From my point of view, I couldn’t quite pinpoint the disease. Maybe the disease of the princess was in the past…” ”

It’s different. The symptoms are different from that disease.”

At my words, the Imperial Councilor of the Linzes Empire fell silent.

I immediately approached Princess Eiria and put my finger on her wrist.

Mac is very weak. It was as if the life force had drained out.

There are no special symptoms.

“Is there anything else you can tell us about the princess’s symptoms?”

One of the maids cautiously approached my question.

“That’s… You lost a lot of blood before you collapsed.”


At that, I immediately pulled up the duvet. Then he sniffed and closed his eyes.


“… It’s not a problem caused by basic physiology. What is it? Any more details?”


I let out a sigh as I couldn’t speak.

“Prince. Can you heal Aeria?”

“It’s not easy. It’s not easy to grasp.”

“Save me. If you save me, Jim will give you everything you want.”

“It’s not something the emperor of Han would say carelessly.”

“Save me.”

At his words, I turned my head in silence.

There was a look of desperation on the face of the old man who looked so upright.

“There is such a thing as intuition. If things go on like this, Aeria might really not be able to open her eyes. That’s what I thought.”


His intuition was correct.

If things go on like this, natural healing is close to a miracle.

Until now, Aria had suffered from many diseases, but this was the first time she had such unpredictable symptoms.

The most serious thing is…

“She refuses to wake up on her own…”

After hearing her symptoms and her story, I was able to make a bitter decision.

“I’ll ask. Prince Davy. Could this symptom be related to that of Nine Tails?”

“No. I don’t think so.”

I spoke calmly and got up from my seat.

“The princess is my patient. I will try to treat her as far as I can.”

A foreign prince treats an imperial princess.

If this thing went wrong, it was dangerous enough to be the trigger for war.

But for some reason, neither I nor Emperor Deort cared about that matter at all.

“Are you okay? I know it’s funny to say this… but if it’s wrong…” “If you

take issue with that, how foolish that choice was…”

“Jim will show you.”

Illina flinched at the eerie voice and backed away.

“So… I’m sorry. Your Majesty.”

“No. The princess. The princess’s point was correct.”

After a brief silence, he quietly turned around.

“Please. I’ll give you any kind of support, so please find happiness for that child.”


“How long will a child who has a prince in his heart live if he rejects his instincts and lives. In Jim’s mind, he wants to get married in any way, but…” As a father, his

daughter I want you to be happy for the rest of your life, but it was meaningless to force such a relationship.

“I will do my best.”

I answered calmly, and spoke only after Emperor Theort had left behind two maids.

“Go and prepare the supplies and medicines I said.”

At my polite words, the ladies-in-waiting were startled and nodded and hurriedly left. Just by looking at Aria’s worry on her face, you could tell how much of a princess she was.

“Davy, do you have any ideas?”

“Only one.”

At my words, Lynne, who poked Aeria’s cheek and flashed a strange text in her eyes, turned her head and looked up at me.

“Davy-sama. It’s the symptoms as expected, so Lynne reports.”

At her words, I sighed.

“That’s why I don’t understand any more.”

Aria’s symptoms are starting to make sense now.

The divine power remaining in her body. and her symptoms. The two symptoms were confused at first, and other members were confused, but now they seemed to understand.

“Princess Eria is currently experiencing the same symptoms as a mother who had a miscarriage. And in the aftermath, she closed the door to her heart.”

The problem does not end there.

After that problem, divine powers acted on her body and caused her to die quickly.

This wasn’t a disease…

it was a symptom close to God’s punishment.

“I don’t understand.”

I’m really sorry for Princess Eiria, but I also know that she really cares for me.

The word miscarriage refers to a situation when a fertilized child grows inside the womb and for some reason goes wrong.

However, considering Princess Eiria’s position, it was impossible unless someone suddenly appeared and raped her and made her conceive.

It was impossible to think of any other way.

Bleeding was evidence of miscarriage. As for her condition right now, if you calculate based on the miscarriage, everything fits.

“What the hell happened?”

Silently, I brushed her cheeks, and soon I used the medicines brought by the lady-in-waiting to improve her condition.

Princess Eria with a child.


she was inherited.

I can’t understand that either. I don’t know why her body still has divine power.

After staying in the imperial castle for a few days at the end of a situation where there was no progress, I was still struggling with the girl whose symptoms did not improve.

It was the moment he was contemplating sitting on the spire of the imperial castle.

[I will distort the future that was set for Davey Olaun.]

I opened my eyes wide at the sudden voice and looked around.

But nothing.

“Distortion… what the hell…”


Then I could see two women down there throwing small rocks at me, drawing my attention.

It was Perserk.

“What’s up Per?”

she asked my question.

“The thing I don’t understand the most is the divine punishment, right?”


“And. I wonder why she was carrying a child.”

At Perserk’s words, I looked at her without a word.

“Just say what you want to say.”

“The child Ayria Al Lindis had. Aren’t you curious whose child it is?”

“I don’t know. She’s had feelings for someone else lately…”

“You know best that that’s impossible.”


Her words gave me an eerie feeling.

“Don’t spin around and answer properly, Perserk.”

“The child Eiria Al Lindis was carrying…is your child.”

Her expression, as if she knew everything, was low with anger.

“My child? What nonsense…”

“Title. Have you checked?”

I was silent at her words.

“The ash that protects the end. A title close to the miracle of a god who saved her once dead.”

At that, I hurriedly activated the title window.

and. frowned.

I certainly knew the title of ash that protects the last.

Because it was the title he used to save her.

Of course, in return, she was almost forgotten by everyone…

“I received a miracle from God in recognition of my heart for you.”

“What are you talking about.”

“You said you only used the first one of the titles. The second one wasn’t even worth choosing, so then. Remember the third item of the title?”

[The ash that protects the end.]

(Title given to those who successfully resurrected using the ephemeral embers while resisting the root)

– When the title is equipped, the Miracle of the Two Moons can be used.

-Miracle of the 1st Moon (Weakly rekindle the extinguished embers of those who died within an hour. Penalty exists.) -Miracle

of the 2nd Moon (Nullifies the Miracle of the 1st Moon and nullifies the penalty)

-Wish of Embers ( Always applied to the caster.)


“What do you think the ash wanted?”

I didn’t say anything to her question.

Ashes’ Wish (applied to the blood caster at all times.)

“Davy. There’s a fact that Aria has only told the original girl since then.”


“I received something very precious from Davy.”


“Otherwise, smoke cannot rise from the chimney, and one hand cannot clap. Aelia’s heart alone cannot produce a child. Even if it is God’s blessing.”


If there are palms to bump into each other.

The sound of applause can come any number of times.

“You said you had compassion and affection for Aria at that time.”

It’s so heartbreaking that you can’t even recognize it.

“Do you understand why the original woman told you that if a human did something to you, you should take responsibility?”

I didn’t say anything.

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