Novelist Running Through Time

Chapter 23: Other

Chapter 23: Other


Baekhak Publishing Planning Department.

Yang Sung-jun, the department head, arrived at work with bleary eyes. He hadnt slept a wink all weekend. Naturally, it was because of Lim Yang-wook.

That damned guy.

He persuaded a young author to donate a whopping hundred million won.

Now, Author Moon has acquired a reputation akin to a second-coming of Jesus.

Of course, just as it was with the real Jesus, once the public gets bored, theyll probably stab Moon In-seop with their metaphorical knives, but at least for now, no one can touch Moon.

Yang Sung-jun felt like he was in the dark.

If the literary elders had taken his side, it might have been different, but those bat-like old men are now on Author Moons side.

It was all about money.

There was a frenzy of essay-writing academies among parents, and this months publishing market sales skyrocketed. Broadcast station PDs, sensing the boom in literary fiction, were showing signs of inviting famous novelists to variety shows.

For such trivial reasons, the literary dignitaries betrayed Yang Sung-jun. It was incomprehensible.

But as things have escalated to this point,

The thought suddenly occurred to him.

Could it be am I the one who is wrong?

No! I havent done anything wrong!

Yang Sung-jun shook his head in shock.

All of this started with Lim Yang-wooks nonsense. If that guy hadnt exposed the practice of debut fees, none of this would have happened.

The debut fee practice was a livelihood corruption for minor literary magazines barely scraping by. But Lim Yang-wook and Author Moon betrayed the industry insiders for a bit of popularity.

So, the very success of Author Moon is wrong!

Yang Sung-jun, as a member of Baekhak Publishing, representing the Korean literary world and publishing industry, had a duty to thoroughly crush those traitors and set things right.

This is not!

This is not a petty self-justification.

Until very recently, many people agreed with this opinion. Even the literary elders!

But if those cowardly old men have betrayed justice for the taste of money, then he alone must restore order.

From now on, there will be no mercy.

Lim Yang-wook, and even Deputy Kim, will be utterly destroyed, left out on the streets.

Author Moon? That young guy has some room for leniency. He was just played by Lim Yang-wook. Once everything is over, he will mercifully take him in and guide him in the right direction.

Yes. That will do.

Now, what should I do?

Maybe its a good idea to snatch Author Moon away before kicking out Lim Yang-wook. Perhaps by offering a large sum of money to the legal guardian, the orphanage director.

Or should I spread rumors that Lim Yang-wook is exploiting Author Moon? Should I protest to Baekhak Entertainment for meddling in publishing when Baekhak Publishing exists? For that, I would need the help of Chief Kim Sang-guk

While thinking such thoughts, Yang Sung-jun headed to work.

But the atmosphere in the office was a bit different.

Instead of standing up and bowing their heads in greeting as soon as the department head arrived, the subordinate employees collectively looked down, avoiding eye contact with him.

Whats going on?

No answer came back.

Yang Sung-jun, feeling an ominous premonition, headed to his desk.

The desk was gone.

The desk that was fine until yesterday was gone.

Yang Sung-jun knew very well why.

He also knew very well what would happen next.

If he asks Chief Kim Sang-guk what this is about, hell probably be told its just a waiting order and to come to work as usual.

He would still receive his salary and maintain his position as department head. But there would be no place for him in the office.

Instead, his subordinate would take over his duties with the treatment of a department head, and he would have to spend all day in the break room.

Receiving the scornful looks of other employees.

Naturally, he would eat alone, and even when he went to the bathroom to pee, everyone would pretend not to see him and avoid him.

Is this how it felt

He didnt realize when he was taking away others desks, but now that its happening to him, he understood. It felt absolutely terrible.

Thats why he laughed.

Heh. Hehehe. Hehehehe.

Yang Sung-jun stood in the middle of the office, laughing for a long time.

EP 2 Other

Baekhak Group is a chaebol corporation.

This means its a family-owned business conglomerate.

Its a structure where various business sectors are dominated by one family. In the case of Baekhak Group, it was naturally the Baek family.

However, typically, such family control is limited to direct descendants. Even among direct descendants, there are disputes over management rights, so at the top of a chaebol group, theres usually only one emperor and his crown prince.

Therefore, CEO Baek Seung-won, who led one affiliate despite being from a collateral branch, was in many ways an exceptional case.

This was because Baekhak Entertainment was a company built from the ground up by CEO Baek Seung-won. He wasnt just some golden parachute from the headquarters; he was practically the founder of Baekhak Entertainment. (TL: Parachuting term is used when someone get a job/post etc with connections)

Thats why he was confident even in front of the CEO of Baekhak Publishing.

Are you saying that your side has been harassing our kids?

In a private room of a Chinese restaurant in Baekhak Hotel.

CEO Baek Seung-won, munching on sweet and sour pork, protested.

The CEO of Baekhak Publishing smiled awkwardly and shrank back.

A salaried CEO cant stand up to the Baek family.

What are you talking about? Ha-ha.

Ah, your publishing company keeps creating negative press about our companys celebrities.

Who? Ah, that young kid?

Yes. Author Moon.

The CEO of Baekhak Publishing, of course, knew the whole story. How could he not know about the biggest issue in the publishing industry in the first half of the year, especially when it happened in his own company?

However, the information he had was biased, fed to him by Chief Kim Sang-guk of the publishing business. Of course, he had a rough understanding of the actual situation.

But the CEO of Baekhak Publishing pretended not to know.

From what I heard, Lim Yang-wook, who was demoted from our side, bore a grudge against Yang Sung-jun, the head of the publishing planning department, and stirred up trouble?

Thats correct, but it started when Lim Yang-wook took Author Moons manuscript to be published and was rejected, so he went for independent publishing.

Oh, is that so?

Yes. Theres even a recording. Lim Yang-wook is a tough one.

The CEO of Baekhak Publishing didnt bother to point out that Lim Yang-wook hadnt disclosed the detailed background of the author when he brought in the manuscript.

There was no need to.

Compared to Author Moons talent, the ensuing buzz, and the publics frenzy, a mere editor was just a small cog in the companys machinery.

The CEO of Baekhak Publishing apologized with a pleasant smile.

Ha-ha. I am sorry about this.

Then CEO Baek Seung-won also let it go amiably.

No, its fine. Thats not why I brought it up.

The CEO of Baekhak Publishing asked, knowing what was coming.

Then, what brings you here?

Its just that, dont you think its odd for Baekhak Publishing and Baekhak Entertainment to keep clashing like this? There needs to be some coordination from above.

Ah, then well take care of that Yang Sung-jun guy right away.

Thank you. Then from now on, lets publish Author Moons books through Baekhak Publishing! I mean, it doesnt make sense to print books using someone elses printers when theres a publishing house in the same group, right?

Ha-ha, wed be grateful for that.

Thats how Yang Sung-juns fate was decided.

In his absence.

Yes. Now that were done with business, lets have a meal. The sweet and sour pork here is really good. Its easy on the stomach too.

CEO Baek Seung-won, you just found out? Im a regular here.

Ah, did I try to show off in front of an expert?

Ha-ha. Speaking of which, with the presidential election coming up, the headquarters

Thats how the CEOs of Baekhak Entertainment and Baekhak Publishing strengthened their ties and parted ways.

This was the reason for Yang Sung-juns desks disappearance the next day.

* * *

Yang Sung-jun was fired.

As soon as his desk was removed, he wrote his resignation and left. It seems he didnt have the confidence to endure two years in the underground parking lot like Lim Yang-wook did.

Lim Yang-wook heard the news almost in real-time. His contacts at Baekhak Publishing were texting him updates as if they were live reporting from the scene.

He couldnt concentrate on his work all day.

Even as it was time to leave, Lim Yang-wook sat blankly at his desk. The red sunset streaming in through the window filled the office, but he remained still.

Employees from Baekhak Entertainment, not needing to be wary of their bosss mood, had all gone home, but Baek Seol, the only one who respected Lim Yang-wooks authority and knew his personal affairs, looked at him with concern.

Manager, are you okay?

Uh-huh. Baek, you go home. Im fine.


Baek Seol retreated, thinking that Lim Yang-wook was feeling the emptiness of revenge.

But the emotion Lim Yang-wook was experiencing was similar yet slightly different.

Why dont I feel happy?

No. To be precise, it is somewhat enjoyable.

That damned Yang Sung-jun, who schemed behind the scenes and blew up the Publishing Management Task Force Team, got kicked out of the company.

Having thought of nothing but revenge for two years in the underground parking lot, naturally, he felt it served him right.

But it wasnt as satisfying as he had thought.

Why is that?

Lim Yang-wook went up to the rooftop, craving a cigarette.

How about making it into a movie

Its just an indie film anyway

Still, Okkane could

He has a wife syndrome?

Keep it down!


On the rooftop, Baekhak Entertainment employees gathered in small groups, chatting. Of course, Lim Yang-wook didnt know any of them.

Somehow, whether at the publishing company or here at Entertainment, he seemed unable to escape being a loner.

So, Lim Yang-wook chuckled and went to an empty railing to lean on. He took out a cigarette.

In front of him, a forest of buildings reflected the red sunset with their entire bodies. The earth was more dazzling than the sky.

So, Lim Yang-wook looked up at the sky and lit his cigarette. The smoke from his mouth turned red as it rose into the sky, smudging into the clouds.


This forest of buildings was a jungle.

The strong prey on the weak, and the weak die without being able to protest to anyone.

Yang Sung-jun and Kim Sang-guk were the strong ones, and Lim Yang-wook and his senior were the weak. It started right from their college diplomas.

When Yang Sung-jun crushed the Publishing Management Task Force project, no one reprimanded him.

Even though he attacked someone from the same company, they said the victim was to blame. The worlds rules favored the strong.

Weak people like Lim Yang-wook should just sit quietly and die. Thats what everyone wanted.

But he survived.

He survived.


All sorts of thoughts crossed his mind.

Where were the team members who scattered after submitting their resignations? Did they really open a chicken restaurant?

What will happen to Yang Sung-jun now? Will he really end up opening a chicken restaurant?

What should be done about Chief Kim Sang-guk? Should he be forced to open a chicken restaurant?

But the first thought that came to mind was,

The emotion he was feeling now was not as enjoyable as he thought.


So, was Lim Yang-wook unknowingly sympathizing with Yang Sung-jun? That would be truly chilling.

Fortunately, every time he remembered Yang Sung-juns face, he felt like vomiting, so it seemed his subconscious wasnt sympathizing with Yang Sung-jun.

Then why wasnt he feeling happy?

Lim Yang-wook quickly realized the reason.

It was because-

He had recently experienced a joy so great it was incomparable.

It was stirring up the Korean publishing industry with Author Moon.

Although it started as a means for revenge, at some point, it became more significant than revenge.

Purchasing 16 literary awards to challenge the literary world, manipulating public opinion, revealing Author Moons identity to the world

Every time he thought about all these events, he couldnt help but smile.

Of course. Who else in this field has ever done such crazy things?

Putting everything on the line to chase a dream was indeed a heart-thumping experience.

By the time his thoughts reached there, the sun had already set.

Right. Tomorrow, a new sun will rise. Theres still a long way to go to show Moon In-seops writings to the whole world.

Now that they were on a good track, they needed to get him on variety shows and carefully select from the pile of incoming CF (commercial film) offers

Just then, an unexpected voice came from behind.

Youre still at the company. Thats fortunate.

In-seop? Why are you here?

Moon In-seop had shown up on the rooftop of Baekhak Entertainment.

The boy was holding a brown document envelope in his hand.

I came to give you something, but I got held up at the subway station in front people were asking for autographs Im a bit late. But luckily, you havent left yet.

Really? What are you giving me? Is it a gift?


* * *

This is where you can have sex with a high school girl

Yes. You can have sex.

I am eight years old. I dont really have a name.

I also know what sex is. Its when a man and a woman engage their reproductive organs, and it can lead to a child being born. Thats why you must use a condom. Otherwise, a child like me can be born.

But I dont really understand why thats a bad thing. All the adults I know say that having sex for money is a good thing, but the police officers say its a bad thing and try to arrest people for it.

I live in a house where people who have left their homes gather. Its similar to a temple. They are called runaway families, or in English, runaway families. Abbreviated, its runaway fam. (TL: Well I left it as it is instead of removing the english part to keep it original)

* * *

Damn it.

Lim Yang-wook cursed without realizing it.

And immediately forgot that he had just cursed, and questioned Moon In-seop. He was not in his right mind.

What the hell is this?

Its my next work.

When did you even write this?



Now that he thought about it, the kid hadnt been attending school and was always holding onto manuscript paper.

But to have already written the next work

Regardless of whether it could be published, releasing a new work now would completely mess up the original schedule.

Um In-seop. I mean, Author Moon.

Lim Yang-wook desperately tried to persuade him.

We just made a generous donation, and the current trend is very good. If theres an invisible wave in public opinion, weve just caught it. Understand?


Were riding the wave, so your books will sell very well for a while. Do you know how many variety shows want to have you? And the number of CFs that have come in is astounding textbooks, desks, headphones, pencils, brands, insurance, books, its no joke.


So, lets plan for about three months of activities variety shows, talk shows, interviews, autograph sessions. All the books youve published until now will sell like hotcakes. Everyone in the world will be reading your writing!


So can we postpone the next work a bit? If we publish it now, it will totally mess up the work schedule. Publishing a book is no ordinary task. And we still dont know how people will react to your next work

Moon In-seop took a moment to process the situation.

So youre saying lets do the broadcasting appearances first instead of publishing the book?


I dont want to.

For the first time, Lim Yang-wook saw Moon In-seop as a child, almost like a primary school student.

His refusal was so firm that it reminded him of the popular phrase What are you gonna do?

And then, an utterly unexpected remark followed.

What about the CFs?

Yes! What do you want to start with? Textbooks? Tutoring? Milk?

Me? Do CFs?



Because we need to make money-

Just as Lim Yang-wook was about to continue persuading him, he realized that the boy in front of him was the same one who had casually donated a hundred million won.

A cold sweat began to run down Lim Yang-wooks slick head.

What means did he have to persuade Moon In-seop

Could it be



Lim Yang-wook felt darkness enveloping him!


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