Novelist Running Through Time

Chapter 46

Chapter 46


There was a time when the whole nation would sit in front of the TV at the same time to watch dramas and variety shows.

The lead actors of such hit dramas would become superstars overnight, and the entire nation would giggle and repeat catchphrases created by comedians.

That era has now ended.

Its because media has become more abundant and diversified.

People no longer wait for broadcasts. They seek out shows that match their tastes. So, its impossible for everyone to watch the same show. The era of trends has come to an end.

Even if a YouTuber beloved by young people appears on TV, its common for elders to ask, Who is this person?

However, there are a few things that break the limits of the era.

They shine so brilliantly that they reveal themselves to the whole nation, against the current of time, in a fragmented media environment.

It could be a boy group, a dance, a specific genre like trot, an athlete, a program

It could also have been a moment from a variety show, dramatically revealing that a young genius boy had turned his deepest wounds into a novel.

EP 4-Red Hunter

What the hell.

Who is that kid?

Ah, just watch it

A variety show carelessly turned on during dinner turned a family home into a sea of tears.


A college student, lost in thought while watching a YouTube clip on the bus, exclaimed in amazement.

How pitiful

Hardcore fans who owned the complete works of Author Moon also cried, empathizing with their idol.

What in the world is this

Even a veteran novelist Mr. B (former Minister of Culture) who was boldly watching a variety show in the staff room was taken aback.

The trend of popularity is invisible. However, there are only two places where it can be quantified.

The first is.

Hey, you bastard!

BMB. Baekhak Cultural Broadcasting station.

The Variety Department Director, with a face full of excitement, pointed his finger at the PD.

His emotions were so heightened that his face turned noticeably red.

You, you bastard!

The directors finger trembled as he pointed at the PD, and then his hand shook as it clenched into a fist.

Unable to contain his rising emotions, the director slammed the desk and stood up abruptly.

He then strode over and pounced on the PD like lightning.

A warm embrace between the two men!

Youre the best! PD Kim!


You! You are the pride of our Variety Department!

That day, BMBs Variety Department recorded its fourth-highest viewership rating since its launch.

It was a record that included drama ratings, and for the Variety Department alone, it was an all-time high.

As the director and the PDs path to promotion opened wide at BMB, there was a second place where the aftermath of the broadcast could be quantified in numbers.

That place was.

2 times, 10 times, 20 times, 50 times!

Baekhak Entertainments Publishing Management Department.

Kim Ga-ryung, a former Publishing Planning Department employee who had betrayed Department Head Yang Sung-jun to join Lim Yang-wook, couldnt hide his astonishment as he looked at the monitor.

How can these numbers be real!

Kim Ga-ryung stood up and reported to Lim Yang-wook.

His voice resounded through the office.

The sales of the novel, Red Hunter! It increased 78 times compared to the previous month!


A cheer filled the Publishing Management Departments office. Considering that the book was already selling to some extent, this was a tremendous achievement.

And since this success was created by featuring Author Moon on a variety show, it was a clear proof that the Publishing Management Departments business model was effective in the world.

Congratulations, Department Head!


Is it beef for the company dinner today!?

Even the department employees who treated Lim Yang-wook as a rolling stone, also began to praise the department head. After all, performance was the truth in the company.

However, Lim Yang-wook raised a hand and firmly stopped the praises being showered upon him.


The sacred power of the Department Head enveloped the office in silence. Only Lim Yang-wooks voice filled the space.

We havent done anything. Its all because Author Moon had a history that the public could go crazy for, and he had the star quality to shine. All we did was pick the right variety show for him. And youre already this excited?

Our work starts now.

Lim Yang-wook quietly stood up. The Publishing Management Department office unfolded before his eyes. Dozens of employees were looking at him.

All of them were his manpower.

The power, though not visible, had somehow come into the hands of the once demoted leader of the Publishing Management Task Force team in the basement parking lot.

Lim Yang-wook clenched and unclenched his hand as if he was really holding something tangible.

Ah, this cool sensation

It had been a long time of humiliation and disgrace.

Now it was time to return as the ace of Baekhak Publishings planning department.

Lim Yang-wook opened his eyes that he had briefly closed.

Dupty Head Baek, secure the reprint line right away. If we rely only on Baekhak Publishing like last time and get stabbed in the back, were in big trouble. Manager Kim, prepare for the publication of a special collectors edition to coincide with the movie release. Team Leader Sung, please arrange a meeting to request a contribution of an article to a literary magazine from Author Park Chang-woon. Given the nature of this industry, there will soon be bastards cursing about selling books by cashing in on TV appearances. To shut those mouths, we need Author Park Chang-woon to first publish an article in a literary magazine as a shield, so arrange that meeting as soon as possible. Also, the PR team should keep an eye on public opinion. Ah, and

* * *

I cried watching the broadcast



Is this the life of a 13-year-old? Is this the life of a 13-year-old? Is this the life of a 13-year-old?

Really bad people. Theyre really bad people. Really

Why give birth if youre going to abandon them?

The genius blossomed too early, learning things at that age that he shouldnt have. And to even write a novel about it. Its not just surprising; its shocking and moving.

Author Moons life story shocks So Tae-woong.jpg

Im also from an orphanage, so Ive had a similar experience. It was really tough when I was young, and watching the broadcast brought all that back, making me tear up.

Bought the book after watching the broadcast and was shocked at the first page


A shootout started in the back alleys of Shanghai

Todays Living Point) Red Hunter is an adult-rated historical novel about independence movement noir espionage crime political action

Amid the rising issue of Author Moon both online and offline.

There existed a place that was a step removed from the frenzy.

This place, engulfed in a chilling silence, was none other than New Light Spring Orphanage.

Dear New Light Spring Orphanage educational family.

Principal Moon Chung-jae declared to the teachers gathered in the staff room.

Be honest with me, and I will forgive you.

Who the hell told In-seop about his family history?

Of course, no answer came back.

Because it hadnt happened during this time frame.

Yet, Principal Moon Chung-jae was on the verge of bursting with rage.

Or, did anyone make a slip of the tongue in front of the kids? Did you show them documents you shouldnt have?

Thats impossible, Principal. You know how careful we are about the childrens parents

Then how did In-seop find out?!

We dont know either

Oh, dear God

Eventually, Principal Moon Chung-jae managed to compose himself with a dry face wash. (TL: I dont know what this action is called in English to I have done a literal translation here dry face wash but but below gif should explain the action)

Then, he pointed at a teacher known for gossiping around the orphanage and pressed for answers.

Teacher Kim, have you ever mistakenly mentioned parents in front of the kids?


For reference, this person was the reason why Moon In-seop found out about the fact that his parents were alive.

So, in a way, Principal Moon Chung-jae had exercised a kind of miraculous intuition to arrive at the correct answer, but unfortunately, in this timeframe, it was the wrong answer.

Theres no way I would do such a thing, Principal!

But let me say again, this person is the culprit.

Look how good I am at keeping my mouth shut!

This person is the culprit.

I never discuss sensitive topics near the kids! Isnt that a principle for a teacher at an orphanage? To suspect me of such a thing, really! Im disappointed!

Ah, sorry, really sorry.


I said Im sorry

Thus, the staff meeting was awkwardly concluded without any outcome. Everyone returned to their daily routines. Only Teacher Bang Jeong-ah seemed to be worried about Moon In-seops feelings, her expression darkened.

But after the day at New Light Spring Orphanage ended.


The administrative officer, who also served as a caretaker, quietly left the orphanage. He was someone who was usually referred to by the children as asshole, that guy, known for his vile nature and narrow-mindedness, partly because his embezzlement was an open secret.

Inside his bag was a brown envelope containing personal information about Moon In-seops parents.

He headed to the underground parking lot of a nearby building, holding the bag with confidential documents, because he had arranged to meet a reporter there.

Upon reaching the meeting place, he made his presence known with a cough in the quiet underground parking lot.


At that moment, one of the cars in the parking lot rolled down its window.

Here you are.

Ah, Reporter~nim!

The administrative officer approached the entertainment reporter. He was a bit puzzled since it wasnt the person he met before, but the officer, blinded by money, didnt have the leisure to care.

How much should I give you?

Didnt I say 15 million won! Youre not trying to lower the price here, are you?

Well, I dont know if Id call it cheap or expensive, but its definitely a low price considering its ruining the lives of several people.


Im not a reporter.


Baek Seol snapped her fingers. Security guards from Baekhak Entertainment (and a few bulky road managers who thought it might be fun to tag along) poured out of the vehicle.


The administrative officer tried to run in terror but stood no chance of escaping from the sturdy men.

He was quickly caught, subdued, and pinned to the ground, and Baek Seol looked down at him with a cold gaze.

The envelope. Hand it over.

I, I will give it to you!

On second thought, I dont need it. Ive already reported it to the police. Keep it as it will serve as crucial evidence. You can discuss the rest with our companys legal team.

Baek Seol, leaving the screaming and apologizing administrative officer behind, walked back to her vehicle with dignity.

She then relaxed, returning to her slightly clumsy demeanor, and sighed deeply.

She picked up her phone to report to her superior.

Yes, Department Head Lim. We caught him.

[See? Didnt I tell you something would definitely happen at the orphanage?]

It was good to keep an eye on it

[Well done. Leave the rest to the police and come back now.]


* * *

The power of culture is immense, especially in a modern capitalist information society. Because its not just about small sums of money.

Especially, the cultural influence surrounding Author Moon has grown to the extent that it can move the status and money of countless people.

Thus, as the struggle outside the work surrounding the film adaptation of Red Hunter continued.

On the other side, Director So Tae-woong was also continuing his internal struggle with the work.


Director So Tae-woong took out a can of beer from the fridge and placed it on the desk, contemplating the reality of the Korean film industry.

That reality was bitter.

Making a hit will be difficult.

The global pandemic had destroyed many industries, including the film industry, which was hit directly. People couldnt go to cinemas because of the virus.

For years, cinemas struggled with an unprecedented recession, doing everything they could to survive. They cut labor costs, differentiated between premium and standard seats, raised popcorn prices

However, in the face of a downturn showing no signs of improvement, a drastic measure was taken.

Ticket price increase.

This increase in ticket prices did not become the spark to revive the film industry but rather an ill-advised move that burned everything to the ground. The repercussions were more significant than anyone could have anticipated.

It entirely changed the landscape of the Korean film industry.

The Korean film industry was originally positioned remarkably close to the publics tastes. It could be described as common-sense or mainstream.

Hence, the success of domestic films became a source of national pride, movie review shows were broadcast on all channels, and movie theaters were an essential part of dating for couples.

But now, movies are no longer a light hobby.

Due to the increased ticket prices, audiences no longer seek out fun movies, but movies that wont make them feel like they wasted their ticket money.

This issue is not just about the survival of movie theaters.

It also affects directors who make movies to be shown in theaters, staff, actors, and investors.

No matter how artistic a movie is, audiences no longer watch it. Because its serious and boring.

Now, only standardized works that guarantee a certain level of entertainment for the 1 hour and 30 minutes worth of ticket price can survive in movie theaters.

Within this movie landscape, Director So Tae-woong was in deep thought.

Box office success is out of the question

But thanks to his reputation,

There was no problem with investment and casting.

There was no issue in making the movie.


Maybe I should just make what I want?

Director So Tae-woong grinned like a villain.

And he typed into his phones notepad:

[Resistance: The Red Purge]

The poster of the work vividly came to mind.

A freedom fighter wearing sunglasses, holding dual pistols.

* * *

The next day, Moon In-seop went to school.

Reporters had blockaded the school gate.


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