Novelist Running Through Time

Chapter 70

Chapter 70


Lets say youre a literary critic.

You were commissioned by someone and harshly criticized the anonymous author M.

But it turned out that M was a minor with impeccable character and philanthropy.

So, you ended up in an unfavorable position. Youve become a dick.

Heres the question!

Having barely secured a new job, can you fairly evaluate Ms writings?

That was the dilemma faced by critic Oh Min-sang.

Why is he here!

A Booker Prize nominee crawling out to a youth essay contest?

Moon In-seop! Do you have no conscience?

Damn it

Critic Oh Min-sang, who had led the charge in the assassination of Moon In-seop upon the extermination order from Baekhak Publishings Planning and in Coordination with Yang Sung-jun, nearly went down in the aftermath but barely managed to save his life.

It wasnt easy.

He had to beg the senior adviser who had advised not to bother Moon In-seop, shamelessly spill nonsense on SNS like Actually, I have admired Moon In-seop for a long time, and only after a considerable period of self-reflection (going underground) could he barely return to the literary circle.

Even after his hard-earned return, the gazes on him were not as they used to be; they were even harsher.

Thus, to restore his reputation in the industry, he ended up taking on a role as a judge in a youth essay contest, which was essentially unpaid labor.

This position would have been hard to come by if the person originally scheduled hadnt bailed.

But as the saying goes, you meet your enemies on a narrow road.

By chance, critic Oh Min-sang, who had nearly been destroyed for (forcibly) criticizing Moon In-seop, ended up judging his writing.

Damn it! Stop looking at me like that!

Due to the well-known circumstances of Oh Min-sang, some judges couldnt help but suppress their giggles.

Oh Min-sang, trying to ignore the mocking gazes, asked himself how he should evaluate Moon In-seops writing.

Not long after he had resolved not to even glance at the damn Moon In-seop and to focus on protecting his stable source of income.

But now, being tasked with judging Moon In-seops writing, he felt a complex and bizarre emotion.

He hated Moon In-seop.

Regardless of the content of the novel, he hated him enough to want to give him a failing grade.

But then he questioned himself.

Why did he hate that boy?

The answer was, because he had to face his ugly past of slandering the boy for money.


He was racking his brains when suddenly, everything felt futile.

How did it come to this

The answer to that question was all too easy.

The critic was not honest before the text. The critic had been blinded by money and turned his back on the writing. That was the start of all tragedy.

Then, the way to correct this mistake might be to finally face the writing directly

Late regrets cannot change the past. Only actions born from regret can change the future.

With that realization, critic Oh Min-sang opened his eyes. He abandoned the twisted hatred for Moon In-seop and the desire to flatter him for the sake of keeping his rice bowl.

Live only for the sake of writing!

With that, Oh Min-sang finally regained the mindset of a critic.

At that moment, an employee from the essay contest organizing committee came to him with the students manuscripts.

Surely, among them would be Moon In-seops writing.

Having emerged from a long delusion and calming his heart, the committee staff told Oh Min-sang.

Ah, right. Author Moon didnt submit his writing and just left?

Damn it-

Side EPAutomaton Murder Case

The news of Gu Yubins ceasing to write had the destructive power to make one leave the essay contest immediately and rush to see her.

Novelist Gu Yubin.

The darling of the literary world, the eldest daughter of Gu Hak-jun, a genius literary girl.

Thanks to her lineage, beauty, and talent, Gu Yubin, who had been known as a prodigy appearing on various broadcasts from a young age, was a novelist who received attention comparable to the popularity I enjoy in a now-gone era.

She was more of a celebrity than a novelist, followed by many, and because she was a celebrity but also a novelist, she received respect, not light treatment.

She also appeared on quite significant broadcasts for discussions, and her social prestige as a celebrity was literally so, easily digesting variety show panels with her unique gentle articulation.

Although Gu Yubin was a celeb of the new generation, popular in old-generation broadcasts,

The reason I was hurt by her biting remarks towards the hangers-on around her sister was not because of her popularity.


She was a novelist I acknowledged.

Because I recognized the literary prowess of the young genius, Gu Yubin, her words, demeaning my writing and my character, urging me to stay away from her sister, were so painfully cutting.

But, what?

Shes ceasing to write because of me?

She says she lacks the confidence to write better than you?

This is driving me crazy, really!

I think its possible for the butterfly effect to cause the destruction of the Earth. After the development of nuclear bombs, the fate of the Earth had been hanging by a thread anyway. The lives of billions of humans living on this planet had been in the hands of less than ten powerful individuals for decades. The world coming to an end is already beyond my control. And if time can go backwards, isnt it possible for the Earth to be ruined as well?

However, the butterfly effect causing an innocent novelist to break her pen is an utterly unacceptable issue. Especially if that novelist is Gu Yubin. If you want to cease writing, at least do so after writing all the works I remember.

How much I loved those books when I was in high school! The thought of those works disappearing from the world forever makes my blood boil.

Driven by that anger, I headed to Gu Hak-juns house with Gu Yu-na.

Your sister is at home, right?


A familiar luxury single-family home with a yard comes into view. I entered the yard feeling a slight tightening in my heart since I have no good memories of this place.

As Gu Yu-na opened the door and went inside, I heard the voice of Mrs. Min Chae-won from inside.

Yu-na, have you arrived? Did you eat-


Mrs. Min Chae-won, who was wearing a simple suit even at home, befitting someone who runs several businesses, was looking down at me with an intrigued gaze.

Or is it?

That look, rather than interest


* * *

Min Chae-won wasnt particularly surprised when her father packed cash in a suitcase and fled to Southeast Asia in her youth.

She wasnt unaware that her dad had a local wife and a child in Southeast Asia, and having grown up seeing her parents marriage fall apart, it was a predictable event.

But today was surprising.

Did you bring a friend?


Gu Yu-na

Brought. a friend?!

Min Chae-won was shocked. Honestly, though shes my daughter, I thought she had some autism spectrum disorder or neurosis when she was younger.

And even though the hospital said there was nothing unusual, as a mother, I could see that Gu Yu-na clearly deviated from ordinary people in terms of sociability.

That our Yu-na

Brought a friend home

It was truly a shocking event. Min Chae-won, uncharacteristically, tried to welcome Moon In-seop with a gentle smile.

Come in. Did you have something to eat outside?

Ah, yes. We had a snack.

Min Chae-won correctly interpreted the statement as I didnt eat but offering me a meal would be too burdensome.

Shy, I see

Ive seen him once before, but this boys intelligence is hard to evaluate as just being his age.

After all, that must be why hes famous enough to cause a stir in the country, driving Gu Hak-jun mad as well.

Min Chae-won, while scanning Moon In-seops every move with sharp eyes, offered him snacks with a gentle smile.

Is that so? Just wait a moment. Ill get some snacks-

Ill pass.


Min Chae-won might be a formidable figure to Moon In-seop, but to Gu Yu-na, shes just a mother. And no matter how much the mother tries to assert her authority, Gu Yu-na is not someone to be swayed by it.

Gu Yu-na lightly pushed Min Chae-won aside and, holding onto Moon In-seops sleeve, led him to Gu Yubins room.

Knock, knock. Gu Yu-na knocked on Gu Yubins room and then, as if knocking was meaningless, immediately opened the door.

Sis. Come out.

Wa, wait, you cant just open someones room like that

Fortunately, Gu Yubins privacy or personal life wasnt exposed in any embarrassing situation.

Quite the opposite.

Gu Yubin inside the room was dressed so neatly that she could have been filmed and broadcasted right away.

Although it was a situation that could have made her angry, Gu Yubin turned her head with a smile on her face.

Yu-na? Oh? And we have our author Moon In-seop too? Did you come to visit? Haha.

Moon In-seop, who had imagined an artist with a hazy look of inferiority, was a bit surprised by this unexpected appearance.

Moon In-seop sent a puzzled look to Gu Yu-na. If that look could be translated into words, it would be:

Wasnt she in a really bad state?

Gu Yu-na calmly nodded. If that gesture could be translated into words, it would be:

Youll see.

Taking a step forward, Gu Yu-na spoke up.

I brought him because he was worried when I said you were ceasing to write.

Shh. Yu-na, you didnt tell him the reason, did you?

I just said you were ceasing to write because you felt you couldnt write better than author Moon.

Ah, I cant live like this.

Gu Yubin did not lose her smile even as she lightly flicked Gu Yu-nas head.

Then, looking at Moon In-seop with a bright smile, she asked.

Did you come because you were worried about me?

Gu Yubin said that while making a face similar to Gu Yu-na. That familiar face allowed Moon In-seop to discern the complexity of that smile for a moment.

The smile had no soul in it.

* * *

Even if an office worker submits their resignation, they tend to be distressed for a while, but Gu Yubin seemed fine on the surface even after cutting off novels from her life.

She even showed the leisure to take us out for a meal.

Min Chae-wons question followed Gu Yubin heading towards the front door.

Where are you going?

Im going to take the guest and Yu-na out to eat something~

What? I was just preparing some snacks

Eh, youre ordering delivery anyway. Its better to eat out.

Should I cancel it then?


The custom of ordering delivery instead of preparing simple snacks by rummaging through the fridge is still hard to adapt to. Yet, perhaps because Min Chae-won hasnt made enough money yet, there was no sign of a housekeeper in the house.

Instead of calling a driver, Gu Yubin hailed a taxi. Although, it was a large van that required an extra fee to use.

The place Gu Yubin took us was a restaurant in the center of Seoul. It was slightly dim, sold moderately expensive food, and was neither too quiet nor too crowded just the right kind of restaurant.

How about it? Nice, right? Its one of the places I frequent. Actually, if were talking just about the food, the place on the 17th floor of the building next door is better, but its not the kind of atmosphere for taking kids.

Seeing Gu Yubins consistently relaxed demeanor, I wondered if she was really okay. The strange sense of foreboding I felt earlier seemed like my misconception.

However, when Gu Yu-na nudged me to speak up, I hesitantly started the conversation.

I heard youre ceasing to write.

Ah~ You came because of that?

Yes. I know youve been writing novels since you were young, so I was a bit worried.

Gu Yubin smiles brightly.

Its okay! Im not troubled at all. Really.

Is that so?

Actually, when I decided to quit writing, it was slightly painful. But no matter how much I thought about it, it seemed like this wasnt my path. So, after careful consideration, I decided to change my career. Besides, my mom has been nagging me since I was young to take over her business~

Gu Yubin teased me in a joking manner.

Of course, you have your share too. I just couldnt write as well as you.

That is

No need to apologize. How many geniuses are there in this world? You were just the catalyst. The opportunity for me to accept that my talent wasnt enough

The feeling of a dream being crushed.

I know it all too well.

Thats why I couldnt bring myself to offer Gu Yubin any consolation like you can do it.

It seemed like Gu Yu-na wanted me to prevent Gu Yubin from giving up writing, but pushing someone who had made a tough decision was something I couldnt bring myself to do.

So, in the end, the only thing I could say was this.

Im sorry

Gu Yubin maintained the same even smile as before, responding to my consolation like this.

Its okay.

But you must be feeling uncomfortable

Mm. No. Actually, whats a novel, really? Nothing special, right?


Shocked, I looked at Gu Yu-na.

Is Gu Yubin in her right mind right now?

Gu Yu-na communicated with her eyes to me.

See. What did I tell you.

Despite our hurried exchange of glances, Gu Yubin continued with a bright smile and bombshell remarks.

Well a novel is just a cultural product for people to see and enjoy. Its a form of entertainment. Hanging ones life on it is just an overestimation of self-importance. My mom was right after all

Real change in the world can only be brought about by capital, right? In a world where capital can move political and cultural power. Realizing that, I dont understand why I insisted on being a novelist despite my mom pressuring me to take over her business. Maybe I had a prolonged adolescence. Hahaha!

* * *

Im not sure if I should be saying this but

The next day, I held an emergency meeting with Gu Yu-na in the club room. While Min-sunbae played mobile games in a corner of the classroom, we sat across from each other at a desk and discussed seriously.

Your sister. Shes really lost it.

Gu Yu-na passionately nodded in response to my words. Yes. This is normal.

Novels are life and existence. To stake everything on writing. Thats common sense, isnt it?

I cant figure out how Gu Yubin ended up so fallen. With a troubled expression, Gu Yu-na said to me.

I want to humble my sister.

So thats why you wanted to learn writing?

Yeah. She needs shock therapy.

Gu Yu-na has always been the type of writer who does things her way, regardless of what others think of her writing.

Its not that shes detached from competition.

Even though she aims for first place in essay contests or literary awards, her reaction to not winning isnt next time, Ill write something that meets the judges standards but rather What, do they have holes for eyes not to recognize my writing?

Gu Yu-nas desire for the publics popularity truly began around high school.

However, Gu Yubins downfall hastened Gu Yu-nas awakening. Ironically, considering that Gu Yubin was the catalyst for Gu Yu-nas awakening in a previous timeline, it feels quite peculiar.

Take a look at this.

Gu Yu-na, truly wanting to learn writing seriously, brought her works on a laptop.

Glancing through, some titles were familiar, and there were new works mixed in as well. As expected, they were mostly romances. Since romance was Gu Yubins genre, Gu Yu-na, following her sister, also ventured into the same path.

Of course, there was no need to read each one in detail. I already had a comprehensive understanding of Gu Yu-nas literature.

Gu Yu-nas literature is malformed. Certain aspects are extremely high-level, while others are immature.

The dense plot intricately weaves and builds tension, but the emotional lines of the characters are erratic, and there are often misalignments in depth.

How should I explain it? It means there are developments that unexpectedly make you go Huh? while reading.

And that usually stems from the unnatural actions of the characters. It happens because Gu Yu-na fundamentally has a hard time understanding other peoples behaviors.

What she considers ordinary characters and what society considers ordinary humans are different.

A novelist strong in narrative but weak in character development.

Gu Yu-na has already instinctively grasped that fact.

Can I see the laptop?


As soon as I received the laptop, I skipped through a few files with a few clicks.

Then, the secret novels hidden deep in the computer by Gu Yu-na were revealed.

These were fanfics, secondary creations.

In other words, novels where she didnt need to set up the characters herself, only the narrative.

Harry Potter, Haikyuu, Jujutsu Kaisen, One Piece

The moment that list was exposed, Gu Yu-na panicked, snatched the laptop back, and shrieked in horror.

Ah, ah, ahh!

Gu Yu-na, with a flushed face, screamed in a strange cry and closed the laptop lid, but I had already seen all the folder contents. It hadnt changed much from the previous timeline.

Then, perhaps, the solution would be the same.

The answer we found after numerous trials and errors is forgotten in the strange flow of time

In this timeline.

Im the only one who knows the answer.

Maximizing the advantage of a dense plot to the extreme,

It doesnt matter if you boldly present your own trendy settings,

Even if the characters act unrealistically, it hardly shows, and

Instead, it becomes an advantage in the genre.

The home ground for Gu Yu-na, discovered through all sorts of trial and error.

Yu-na, youre better suited for mystery than romance.


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