Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 1898  Prototype Prothesis Limbs

Chapter 1898  Prototype Prothesis Limbs

The moment Jin finished speaking on the phone, a lady came out from below the Amber Arbour and brought a hand and leg for Jin to see. "Thanks, Click. You may return for now" She merely smiled and made herself out of sight of the two guests. "I assumed you had brought company with you?" Jin asked Rou Xiang.

"You sure you want to do it now? I am fairly alright to check on the goods." "I mean Mr Zhu is not here yet. We can spare some time if Mr Hu is okay with it." Jin said and Yuan Ba replied that the Royal Pig Zodiac was late. "He is caught in traffic. There was some highway incident and asked us to proceed with him first. So, I guess we can spare some time to look at your… gamechanger." Yuan Ba was equally interested in it. "Very well, the patient should be sitting at the first floor of Amber Arbour." Rou Xiang said and when the three leaders peer over the pavilion, they did see two ladies sitting at a table with their caretakers.

"Lead the way then," Jin said and Rou Xiang stood up and slowly walked down while Yuan Ba asked Jin a question on the gamechanger.

"How is this different from my daughter's Gearbox? She had been trying to sell her product to the military and now you come out with this?" "Sir, your daughter's gearbox augments the entire body and her item is for reinforcing the soldier's body as a whole. My item replaces the body part. Surely, she can do something in the future that replaces it but so far from what I checked, my replacement does not interfere with your daughter's gearbox design. In fact, they complement each other." "Then that's a good thing to hear." Yuan Ba was satisfied since the Gearbox had been the money maker that Yang Ling was working on to put the Tigers on the map once more. He even believed that Jin returning the territories to Yang Ling would definitely enable her to change the production methods of those factories for Gearbox. At first to Yuan Ba, what Jin did was something akin to aiding the tigers but when Yuan Ba saw the prototypes on the table, his heart sank thinking that Jin did not do him a favour and instead created competition. It was as if the Panda Leader was telling the Tigers that even without those factories, I would be coming up on top from all of you.

However now that Jin had clarified the difference between the Gear Box system and his prototypes as well as no conflict of interest, he was now genuinely curious about the item and how it works.

"Mdm Yang!" The two patients bowed even though they were in their wheelchairs but their caretakers stood up and did their greetings instead.

"Do you like the look of this place?" Rou Xiang asked and her two patients nodded their heads excitedly.

"Incredible. The place is beyond my imagination. Even though it looked just like some subway station, the vibrancy of the environment was totally different from the usual subways. It felt like I am in some sci fi setting." The male patient who lost his leg said. "Sorry Mdm Yang, my brother is a little obsessed with Dungeon Instances. He had been wanting to see Dungeons and Pandas for some time." The female patient apologised for her brother even though she lost more than just a leg. Her right upper limb had been amputated as well.

"I assume…" Jin looked at them as he carried the two prototypes with him. "Yes, they are victims of the recent monster outbreak attack that you have aided. Their home was close to the border walls when it happened. They did not evacuate for certain reasons beyond our control. In summary, their parents were killed and they survived the attack."

"Mdm Yang graciously allowed us to be taken into the orphanage even though we were already teenagers. She even paid for our hospital fees." The male patient exclaimed and his older sister told him to keep quiet for now.

"Seems you are well liked." "Well liked or not, the fact remains that they are helpless because of their situation. So, show me if your product would really work." Rou Xiang said and Jin turned to look at the second floor of Amber Arbour. The lady who passed Jin the prototype stood up and told the group she would be back. If not for the fact that Jin was entertaining a few guests, the lady would not have maintained a such feminine visual.

"Click, mind helping put these prototypes for the kids?" Jin asked and Click nodded her head. "You should get Page to help out. We only have two prototypes here." The engineer said as she stared at the loss of hands and legs. "Page! Do you have another prototype with you?" Jin shouted as he pointed at one of the legs but instead of shouting back another lady stood up and asked which one by pointing at her legs. Jin responded with the right leg. Page gave the ok sign and took another prosthetic leg before walking down the stairs of Amber Arbour. By this time, a number of people were already looking at the commotion that Jin had made and some of the cultivators had realised that the Royal Zodiac Clan's Heads Tiger and Sheep was right within their vicinity.

"Do you really need to shout and attract all this attention?" Rou Xiang asked as if she had been annoyed by Jin's ways of doing things. "What? Isn't it good? Social Media is the best place to send a message. If they are taking videos of what we are doing. This would be a good sign for me and my subsidiary company making this product."

"You are assuming it will work." Yuan Ba commented.

"Trust me, it will work no matter what. Would not have allowed it even if it doesn't.

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