Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 1923 High Elves’ Attack -Final

Chapter 1923 High Elves' Attack -Final

Jin saw the whole thing in motion when he was informed a few 'Earth' days later that the High Elves had reached the outskirts of the New Adventurer Town. Like what Kraft had described, the High Elves despite their hunger, the lack of armour, and weapon maintenance (Some were likely sabotaged by the Night Foxes when they were not looking) had continued their fa?ade.

Standing all high and mighty on their horsebacks, the High Elves began shouting their decree that the citizens of New Adventurer's Town had to pay their tribute in terms of coin and resources to the High Elves.

Obviously, the Orcs and Goblins who had been 'hired' by Jin and Kraft continued to man their own business, not responding to the crazy group of High Elves who were on their horsebacks shouting their lungs out to be heard.

Eventually, the High Elves had deemed that those lowlifes were not worthy to be educated and brute force was the only answer they understood. Hence, with whatever spent forces they had left, the High Elves charged in to kill the townsfolk who were minding their own stuff.

Certainly, chaos had to break out as the actors started screaming and shouting for help. A few Orcs came out from their houses armed with their axes to bring down the High Elves and something akin to a calculated culling, a small number of High Elves had been killed, which gave the rest of the High Elf expeditionary force to throw the entire group into the town.

However, to their surprise, they were not carrying any gold with them and instead palm sized stones with inscriptions on them. Some of the actors were interrogated on the spot for gold but the Orcs and Goblins had stated that this town used these palm sized stones to pay for groceries, salaries, and anything that deals with money.

In short, there was no actual gold they were carrying and the only few that the High Elves had found were all the fake gold that Kraft had planted. The food that the Orc and Goblins had was also manipulated by Kraft and the Night Foxes beforehand. They had been laced with varying degrees of laxatives, viruses, and some other unknown substances mixed in it. The actors clearly pretended to put them on their tables and the High Elves in their constant state of hunger grabbed a few quickly to eat.

Once the pillaging was done, their High Elf High Commander (That's quite a fair bit of Highs in that.)?demanded all to burn the entire Adventurer Town down for not providing the requested tribute, and the rest who survived were crying and running away from the town. A few of the High Elves had decided to chase after them, as a sort of sport to kill those who were escaping.

But what those High Elves did not know was that when they were out of a certain range from the town and the main expeditionary force, the Orcs and Goblins stopped acting. With the knowledge and information rendered by the System, those actors were in the known that these High Elves had moved too far from their comrades. Thus, armed with superior physical and magical strength, the Orcs and Goblins overturned the situation in the blink of an eye and literally turned them into dummy practice.

Their magnificent horses were bound by the Goblins' magic, causing the High Elves to fall from their 'high' position while the Orcs ripped the armour apart and sent their fists into their ribcages. Even without any weapons, Jin's Orcs were able to crash the High Elves' mediastinum with ease and turned them into numerous fragments. And those who had sticks or even basic farming tools were able to cause significant piercing or blunt damage to the High Elves, breaking their legs and even disfiguring their faces to no end.

Those who were killed were naturally being inducted into the System and their souls do not return to the world they were born in. And unlike most who had resurrected and were given a warm reception and even an explanation of why they were alive again, these High Elves were not given the same treatment. In the past few days, Jin had sought testimonies from the various races in the Goblin World, particularly the Orcs, Goblins, and a few human adventurers', their tales, fables, and some even first-hand encounters told stories of how the High Elves were such shitty people with such a crappy personality.

And thus, everyone was agreeable that those High Elves should be put into Kraft's and the Night Foxes' jurisdiction. And these came from the people who were willing to take in the Demon Rats who they had been fighting fiercely against as enemies for a long time. They had seen how the Demon Rats were able to cohabit with them but no chance was given to the High Elves at all.

Therefore, when the High Elves resurrected, they were literally off their proverbial high horses and into the abyssal darkness where they were treated with tortures that robbed them of their senses. For example, removing the sight and allowing them to feel despair through their sense of touch, hearing, and even smell.

Pungent smells that induce more than vomit, tentacles that each touch felt like a sharp razor edge running along your skin, and the mixture of horror sounds that create an earworm effect that would never leave their brain.

Kraft even said that this was merely the beginning and that the Night Foxes had been trained worse than this. However, the Devil Fox had assured Jin that they would be as competent as the Night Foxes once he had fun …amusing them.

In the meantime, those horses that the Orcs and Goblins had taken had been repossessed by the System and the pieces of armour that the Orcs ripped were also taken in to analyse their smithing prowess. It also gave the Research Department some chance to see if there was any dwarven engineering being done on these armours.

If proven to be true, there might be a chance that the rumour that the dwarves were still alive in the High Elves Kingdom might be real and a rescue can be initiated to take them away. When Jin brought up the issue of the dwarves really living in peace, the Head of his Research Department scoffed at him.

"Those Dwarves are one of the proudest races I have ever known. They would rather starve and work long hours to survive than to lick the boots of these High Elves." Ayse commented and even Frost Echo nodded his head, stating that numerous damaged records had shown that the dwarves did not surrender to the High Elves.

"If they had the numerical superiority,?they might have been the ones to suppress the High Elves. It was a pity that their numbers were limited and were the few reasons why they were so technologically advanced. To combat their low and aging population." Ayse added as she said she needed a few days to check the composition of the armour that the Orcs had collected.

So while some of the High Elves never return from their greedy hunt against the running townsfolk, the High Commander had already progressed at such a stage that the New Adventurer's Town was reduced to rubble.

What they did not expect was that despite their more modern designs, they burned a little too easily with the destructive magic they used. But instead of investigating this probable mystery, the High Elves rejoiced that they had finally completed their mission. For the Orcs, Goblins, and even humans to come together? It was definitely not permissible by the High Elves.

To them, it was a possible threat that may haunt the High Elves in the future but they could never have thought that such a future was already waiting for them. In fact, it had already been planned for them in such a way that they would never recover their kingdom ever again. But that was a story for another day as Kraft was already delighted to have new specimens to play with before they were inducted into the brand new Sun Foxes.

For now, the Night Foxes continued to watch afar as they relished at the fact that those High Elves were going to enjoy a journey of misery back to their Kingdom. But to their surprise, the poisoned food the High Elves had pillaged was already in effect. It was contrary to the Night Foxes' speculations that the High Elves were a sturdy race that was resistant to a number of things.

It wasn't until something clicked that they realised that the laxatives and virus they had brought were from Jin's world and not something that originated from the Goblin World at all. This meant that their bodies did not even have the antibodies to fight the common viruses, let alone the mutated versions that was a major epidemic in Jin's world.

Slow? Sure, but Kraft and the Night Foxes were already relishing this moment to see the High Elves getting what they deserved.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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