Obtaining 10x rewards! Reincarnated into a novel as a side-character!

Chapter 11: Exorcist’s source of power

Chapter 11: Exorcist's source of power

Chapter 11

He properly seasoned the fish before giving it to the cat also so that she won't mind too much.

How could he know that the clan guardian had tasted delicacies that he could never imagine and he just gave her a leftover fish which was another great humiliation to the entity.

But what could it do?

Tell him about it and expose her secret? She had come in the disguise of a normal cat to observe Oliver more closely so she cannot do that.

All she could do was accept the fish.

It was surely not due to the fact that the fish looked quite delicious.

'Damn it! This kid is too much. Nom. Nom. If this fish was bad, I would have had him executed publicly.'

The clan guardian quietly munched off the fish and rested outside for the night, it would try again the next day.


Soon, it was morning and Oliver felt more refreshed than ever.

His eyes were now relaxed and he felt his sense of vision was amplified hundredfold.

One thing to know was that he was visually-handicapped in his previous life so for him to see things so clearly was a pleasant experience.

After taking a bath, he moved towards the mirror to comb his short hair but he saw something wonderous instead.

His eyes... their color had changed. They had mutated!

Earlier, he had deep purple colored eyes but now the color had changed completely, instead of just being a shade of amethyst, there were some other colors as well, red, black, a bit white.

And not only that, with his enhanced sight, he could see a complex pattern in the middle of his iris, he felt dizzy just glancing at the pattern.

He dared not to stare at it too much lest it drained all his mental power. He believed it had something to do with the Cosmic Void Gaze.

And not to mention, he felt a mysterious charm in those eyes, they were beautiful and awing to look at. It was as if he was looking at a piece of beautiful invaluable art.

It was a dangerous feeling, he wanted to just keep staring in the mirror at himself...

He shook his head to distract himself and quickly combed his hair and left his room.

Outside, he saw the clan guardian napping peacefully on a grassy patch.

Perhaps sensing his presence, the cat woke up and ran up to him meowing at him pitifully.

He scoffed, the clan guardian was really good at acting.

Did she think that last night he had felt pity for her and let her stay?

If so, then it was good. He no longer intended to offend her. She was an ancient monster that should not be provoked in the early stages of the plot.

Despite her harmless appearance of a white cat, she was way darker than a demon inside.

'Looks can be deceiving indeed.' Oliver nodded to himself, in the novel, there were many wolves in sheep's skin that he had to be careful of in the future.

"Do you want me to adopt you?" Oliver looked at her and asked the obvious.

The cat furiously nodded, which made his expression weird.

'Do you not realize that by nodding your head, you're technically telling me that you can understand human tongue and are definitely not an ordinary cat.'

He felt that perhaps the clan guardian had grown senile.

Nevertheless, he had made some arrangements beforehand.

"Alright, I will own you from now on."

"Meow!" The cat jumped happily.

'Finally, I succeeded.'

"Then I will need a name for you. How does 'socks' sound?"

Oliver sucked at naming so whatever came to his mind, he spat.

'Socks? Are you kidding me!? I know that I have the same color as your socks but still how the fuck do I look like a sock!?'

She growled at him making him rethink his decision.

"Huh. This is tough. How about zippy?"

He thought for a moment and remembered that a stray dog from his past life was also called zippy in the neighborhood so he said that.

Seeing the cat was satisfied, he nodded.

Now that everything was settled, he let the cat enter his house and took out a fluffy cushion.

Zippy, the clan guardian who had been named thought it was supposed to be her seat and was about to sit on it when she saw Oliver sit on it.


"Huh? What are you looking at? Is there a rat in the house?" He looked around confusedly but found nothing odd.

After that, he ignored her and assumed a meditative posture, feeling the espera around him, he tried to draw in the espera towards him but the flow was pathetic.

It was as if only 1 particle out of 200 entered him.

'It's no use, unless I obtain an inherent talent from Nadia, I can not try this. And for that, I would need to wait for her to make a milestone in her espera training. Well, it should be coming soon if we follow the novel's plot.'

He grinned to himself not minding the weird stares of the cat.

'What is this kid doing? His flow is so pathetic... I can't believe someone from our main lineage could be born this lacking... then what was that ominous power from before? It can't be that I was mistaken. I can smell it on him.'

Zippy was confused at him. She thought of some treasures that she had which might help him raise his potential slightly but they were too precious and there was no guarantee that he would obtain a great talent after consuming them.

So she just laid down and watched him do his things. If he really could not achieve anything in the end, she would feed it to him and then test out her doubts.

Something was better than nothing after all plus she had no need for those treasures herself.

Knock! Knock!

"Young master, it is time for your lessons."

A cold voice sounded from the other side of the door, it was his maid who often came to deliver food and recite his schedules.

"Alright, send the teacher, I will be ready shortly."

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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