Obtaining 10x rewards! Reincarnated into a novel as a side-character!

Chapter 22: How the clan market works?

Chapter 22: How the clan market works?

Chapter 22

He knew that there was no lack of treasures in this world; there were many things that were wasted or left unnoticed throughout the novel.

It wouldn't be a problem if he could find them and use them for his own benefits. He was inherently weak, and obtaining tools and artifacts should ensure his future safety.

He didn't even think about giving them to Nadia.

It was more like he can't give them to her even if he wanted to.

The reason was simple yet had a complex explanation...

Nadia would grow suspicious of him; first, he finds her a damn elixir out of nowhere and then provides her with all sorts of artifacts and techniques?

She would not hesitate to either interrogate him herself or report to the clan. It did not matter if he and she shared the same blood.

At that time, he would be suspected of being a heretic or colluding with someone suspicious and would then be subjected to torture to spit everything he knows.

So naturally, he cannot afford to provide her with anything he found.

He can only keep it in moderation and take it slowly so he continues to maintain a smooth relationship with her and grow stronger himself.

"Also, I need to be selective of what I give her... I should focus on what aspect I want to improve on and then provide her with an aid in that area. This way I can obtain tenfold benefits."

He grinned as he mused about the future.


Under the heart of the clan's fortress, nestled this shady market where he was going to visit.

Over time, the market became a labyrinth, with countless shops and hidden corners. There were various kinds of goods, ranging from the mundane to the mystical.

Forged weapons, enchanted tools for exorcism, scrolls containing various martial arts techniques, or even mysterious treasure maps—one could find anything in this market if one had the eyes to find them.

Merchants wander around the market, hoping to hawk their wares to the clan members. Of course, among these treasures, there would be the occasional fake or useless trinket, so buyers had to be cautious.

The market was rooted deeply in the clan and was specially managed by some of the top people of the clan.

It was huge! It was not an exaggeration to say it was like a labyrinth itself.

And why wouldn't it be?

The clan had been established for centuries, generations after generations had gone by, leaving behind their marks.

Not to mention, this was a clan famous for its exorcists;

'Where there were exorcists, there were riches.'

It was a famous line among the merchant circle, so it was no surprise that each clan had its own extensive network of supplies.

Merchants would have to avail themselves of a special pass to be able to enter the clan and set up their business there, which involved a strict and tough background check.

Oliver felt like it was quite similar to how the passport system worked in his previous world; well, at least he compared the two for his own ease of understanding.

There were times when shady people would also get in to do business which was why Oliver referred to the market as a shady market.

The clan didn't interfere in the market unless absolutely necessary.

The things inside the market stayed inside the market! This was the clan's simple statement.

As long as the clan's official activities were not hindered or bothered in any way, the market was free to operate as they wanted.

Any hindrances would not be tolerated; the clan followed a zero tolerance policy.

As long as the market thrived and kept making the clan a portion of profits, the clan would ensure security and provide other services.

Respecting the decades of relationship clan shared with the various people in the market, they allowed them to do things freely even if it was slightly illegal..

But what goes inside the market had nothing to do with the clan, so long as they don't interfere with the clan activities.

His clan was really money-hungry!

'Sigh, money works everywhere...'

Two big open gates marked the entrance to this market; they were tall and imposing and had two guards in uniforms stationed there.

Oliver looked at their uniform and immediately knew they were low-rank exorcists, either performing part-time missions or were helping their supervisors.

The guards at the entrance of the market had stiff expressions and were keenly maintaining a view on the surroundings.

They were assigned to maintain balance, not let anyone cause too much trouble around.

Although no one would dare to spread chaos in the clan, there were still some idiots who would do stupid things against clan rules from time to time.

Oliver approached them with brisk steps; his temperament was great.

The guards narrowed their eyes...

White hair...

Someone from the main family had come to visit the marketplace.

But they had a ringing question in their minds.

'Who is he?'

They had never seen this young master before...?

Still, they did not dare be negligent and immediately rushed to him.

"Sir... Young master, greetings!"

The guards bowed as they greeted him with respect; although they did not know who he was, his white hair was a symbol of respect.

No one in the clan who had white hair was ordinary; they all had extraordinary backgrounds and powers behind them.

Oliver nodded simply...

"I have some things to look for. Don't mind me..."

The two guards looked at each other with somewhat complicated expressions.

How could they not mind?

If something were to happen or someone were to offend him, then they would suffer grave consequences for not looking after him.

Oliver understood this, so he said, "Don't worry, I have my guards watching over. You two won't be held responsible."

He said this in order to not have anyone following after him secretly.

If he left as it was, then there was no doubt that one of them would come after him secretly, and he did not want anyone observing his findings and actions.

Hearing this, the guards relaxed as they nodded.

"Alright, feel free to call us if you need something, young master!"

They felt that this young master was quite smart and understood their worries.

With that, he left towards the market.

And no sooner did he enter, he heard a loud voice...

"BUY 2 GET 1 FREE...."

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