Omega Summoner

Chapter 137 - Sneaking Inside The Church Of Light

Adrian in the guise of Bishop Lu stepped out of the room together with Kanlaon disguised as Adrian. Kanlaon would wait outside the church to signal Adrian if the Pope arrives. The apprentice priests saw that the Bishop exited the room before time was even up.

"Bishop Lu! You have exited to early." An apprentice priest who saw Adrian with the bishop's form said.

Adrian looked around and saw that there were no individuals who are lined for a confession.

"There are currently no other individuals that wants to be cleansed by the light. I will return if there are people who enter the room. I just need to check something that has escaped my mind. I do not want to be berated by the Pope when she comes back." Adrian disguised as Bishop Lu in an imposing tone so that the apprentice priest could feel his pressure.

"Of course, Bishop Lu. I am sorry for not thinking of your own circumstances. I will come to you if another person will come to the confession room." The apprentice priest said.

"No worries. May the Light shine upon your being." Adrian disguised as Bishop Lu said as if he was a magnanimous person.

"May you also be blessed by the light." The apprentice priest replied.

Adrian then walked towards the door where it was guarded by two paladins clad in golden shining armor. Adrian was nervously walking towards the two as he feared that his transformation might be seen through. Adrian was almost at the door with his heart pounding loud but he still had a smiling face to keep a façade.

Adrian finally reached the door and was about to go inside but he was slightly spooked by one paladin talking to him.

"May the Light bless you, Bishop Lu." The paladin suddenly said.

"May the light bless you too." Adrian disguised as Bishop Lu replied.

Adrian managed to go inside without problems due to the fact that he copied what the neighborhood grandpas would do when someone greets them. The neighborhood grandpas would just reply with the same phrase that you tell them. He would also have a soft smile plastered on his face to appear more mild mannered.

Adrian was congratulating himself for clearing the second obstacle. All he needs to do now was to locate the crown fragments. He was going to fetch the crown fragment from his inventory when he suddenly got a whisper from someone.

Cersei: I hope you have not forgotten about the promise you have made fellow player Equinox.

Adrian then suddenly remembered that he was supposed to meet with Cersei in their guild base. He completely forgot about this as he was busy evolving his soulbounds. He was too embarrassed to admit that he forgot.

Equinox: I am sorry as I was doing an important mission right now. I am almost done. Is five hours later okay? I will also call my teammate over so we will arrive together.

Cersei: I see no problem in that as we would also need to prepare for your arrival. Excuse me for interrupting your mission. Please contact me after your mission.

Adrian did not need to respond anymore as other priests started passing him by. It would look really strange if a Bishop was typing in a virtual keyboard so Adrian only replied when others are not around. Adrian looked around a corner where there was only a statue and paintings around. He then proceeded to get the crown fragment out of his inventory.

The crown fragment looks like a rusted piece of metal that is not even radiating royal energy. It looked like if Adrian exerted a bit of force then it would break. Adrian held the fragment in his hands and waited for a reaction but nothing happened.

"Weird. The said that as long as I was near a fragment then it would react." Adrian thought.

Adrian tried waiting for a few minutes but to no avail. The fragment was not reacting. Adrian then turned around to report his failure but the fragment suddenly lit up. The fragment only lit up for a second and then disappeared.

Adrian then tried to turn in a 360 degree motion. At the 270 degree angle, the fragment lit up a little bit. Adrian now figured how the fragment works. It is more like a compass that only points the location. Adrian thought that the fragment would fly by itself when he took it of his inventory.

"So much for my expectations. I thought it would work like those old movies. The difference of expectations versus reality." Adrian said as he sighed.

Adrian followed where the light coming off from the fragment was getting brighter. He would encounter a few people along the way but he would immediately store the fragment in his inventory. Adrian would only take out the fragment when he is alone.

It did not take long for Adrian to grumble. He was already walking for about thirty minutes yet all he passed through was doorways. Adrian was getting desperate as the pope could arrive earlier than he imagined.

Adrian wanted to abort the mission but he always told himself that he is close to completing it. About ten minutes in, he was led by the fragment to an empty room. Adrian wondered why he was led here as there was nothing there but the fragment was shining brightly.

Adrian searched the room but it was just an empty room and it was not even lit. Adrian then pondered on what to do. The room was empty but the fragment reacts.

"Could it be below? Is there a secret compartment or button I must press for it to be revealed?" Adrian thought as he inspected the floor.

If anyone were to see Adrian knock on the floor right now, they would no doubt call Adrian crazy. Thankfully, he was in the guise of Bishop Lu. Even if anyone saw him, they would thought that Bishop Lu was the one who became crazy rather than Adrian.

Adrian knocked on the marble floor expecting there to be a hollow sounding tone to be produced. He tapped every tile but was only depressed because it was all solid. Adrian stood up and then knocked on the walls this time but once again nothing.

Adrian wanted to give up but when he was standing on the center of the room, the fragment was reacting strongly. The fragment emitted a flash of bright light that illuminated the whole room. Adrian though felt some of his mana get sucked to power the light released.

Adrian opened his eyes and then looked up to see floating glass cases that contained items of different rarities. Adrian wondered why there was no guards. Adrian used his evil eye and knew why no guards were needed. The glass cases are coated with something of a white thorny aura and chains made of light.

Adrian did not know how to get rid of the aura that was coating the floating glass cases. Adrian then thought why were the glass cases high up in the air but put that in the back of his mind. Adrian was about to unfurl his wings but the sudden message from Kanlaon put him to a stop.

"Master, the pope has arrived." Kanlaon told via their soul link.

When Adrian heard that message, he hastened his movements and immediately took flight. Adrian started hastily looking for the fragments. He was a bit disturbed by the weight that his body gained because of the transformation. Still, his wings were powerful enough to carry him easily. It did not take long for Adrian to find the other fragments because they too shined albeit faint.

"Great. The only problem now is how am I going to get it out of here?" Adrian muttered and words made of golden light appeared in front of him.

The golden words read, "Only those Blessed by the Light can touch these. As long Light touches the room, they are forever protected by the Goddess of Light."

Adrian then thought that since he was currently Bishop Lu then does that not mean he was blessed by the light. Adrian reached out to the glass case but a system notification shocked him.

[Your soulbound Sirius has died.]

Adrian frowned upon seeing the message but he must not idle any longer. He was sure that the paladins would have been informed as Bishop Lu would have been released from the prison. It did not take long for Adrian to hear footsteps of several people coming towards his location.

Adrian tried to touch the glass case only to be damaged and his transformation to be disabled. Adrian then finally saw the people that reached the room. There were about twenty paladins and five priests with a woman with golden hair and blue eyes dressed in white golden laced robes. Adrian looked at the woman who was staring at him with eyes full of contempt.

"You vile being. Get out of our holy land right now!" the woman shouted as she aimed a spell towards Adrian.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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