Omega Summoner

Chapter 163 - Decimated

The Calcite Rock Dragon's body started shining in a bright light while its mouth formed something like a sphere of pure white light. After what looks like the rock dragon has collected enough energy, it fired its attack at the members of the raid group that scattered.

Adrian blinked towards the back of the rock dragon as that was the safer side. He was followed by the other melee players as they too know that would be the safe side. The range damage dealers or priest desperately scrambled away from their projected direction of the breath attack.

The Calcite Rock Dragon fired its breath attack to where the other raid party members was grouped up. The others were picked up by the giant royal guard bees but not all of them. One of the tanks immediately stepped up and used a skill.

"Sacrificed Resolve" the burly man who was the leader of the tanks.

The wide beam that was supposed to hit an area of suddenly condensed to the location of the burly man that activated the skill. All the other tanks looked at him with deep respect.

"Everyone! You must succeed!" the burly man stated with a smile on his face and then he disappeared into particles.

 The burly soaked up all the damage of the dragon breath and in turn he was killed. He sacrificed himself in order for many others to live. The skill he used was a skill that a Guardian job class gets when they reach level 100. The skill diverts all the damage in a wide area towards the user in exchange for the casters life. It also prevented the user to be revived so they will not be able to resurrect with a skill.

"Should I rewind back time so that he can revive?" Adrian thought as he wanted to test it out but decided not to.

Adrian did not want to reveal any more cards for the time being.

"They do not need to know more of my skills as I already revealed plenty enough that Mariposa has been observing me for the duration of the raid." Adrian thought to himself.

The rock dragon looked severely drained from releasing that breath attack. The rest of the raid party became even more determined to kill the dragon. But one comment had a severe impact on all of them.

"I do not think that thing is a rock drake. Even though only question marks shows up when I inspect it, I swear that the one we are fighting is not a rock drake." Alder commented which reached the ears of some raid party members near him.

When Mariposa heard Alder's comment, she wanted to strangle that noisy kids neck but she decided to remain silent about the latter's comment.

"Everybody attack it now! It looks weakened." Mariposa shouted.

The raid members who heard that diligently attacked the rock dragon but there was still the seed of doubt planted on their heart. Adrian always attacked the side where Kanlaon softened up whenever the latter finished firing its breath attack at it.

Mariposa who noticed what Adrian is doing spoke up since the latter was dealing a decent amount of damage.

"Range damage dealers, attack the location that Equinox is attacking if you can." Mariposa commanded.

They looked towards the location on the rock dragon's body that Adrian was attacking and noticed that the scales were either charred or peeling off. They immediately knew that it was a weak spot but they also knew that it was a tough task to hit that exact spot. The spot they were talking about was only about one and half meters in diameter.

Adrian was also burning a lot of essences and mana just to blink or move himself to that spot. The rock dragon even tried ramming Adrian to a wall so that he could kill the bug that was clinging to its body. The rock dragon was intelligent enough to not strike itself with its tail in that area as it knows that it was badly injured in that spot.

"Kanlaon could you make repeatedly attack another area on the other side. Sirius help Kanlaon." Adrian commanded as he kept stabbing the injured area.

Kanlaon heeded the command and moved in to the other side with Sirius diving in the shadows to look for an opportunity to attack. Although the tanks tried stunning the rock dragon with their Shield Bash skill, they could only stun the rock dragon for about 0.2 seconds. Even if they stun continuously, they could only amount to 1.8 seconds which is not a lot of time.

The rock dragon was immediately annoyed by Kanlaon attacking it at another area and a wolf sneakily attacking the spot that the flying dragon attacks. It finally got so annoyed that it raised its two front legs up in the air. It then immediately slammed both of its front legs onto the ground.

The rock dragon not only created an earthquake but white spiky rocks emerged from the ground. The spiky rocks traveled in front of the rock dragon like a raging tsunami of white spiky rocks. The tanks who saw that could only brace themselves for impact and hope that the attack will not be able to kill them.

Adrian immediately used this opportunity to attack the area once more as the longer they battle the rock dragon then they will seriously be wiped out. Adrian saw the attack as it crashed to several unlucky people that was not able to hide behind the tanks. Those unlucky people were two healers and four of the players that need to contribute to the raid.

The six players were not killed but they were dangerously low and were lying on the ground as they were stunned. A new game mechanic added was that if you get damaged by an attack for about more than 50% of your health then you will become stunned for a duration. The six unfortunate players were also bleeding and losing a huge amount of health per second.

The tanks and healers are about to move towards them but the rock dragon charged towards those who are injured. The two assassins wanted to save the two damaged healers because those two would be much more important right now than the four under leveled players.

The two assassins did not even reach the injured players as the rock dragon was just ramming the white rocks it created. The rocks would then shatter and be sent as projectiles towards anyone near them. The rock dragon as if relieving the stress of being attacked by bugs, it trampled the area where the six players lay with immense pressure.

The others who saw this paled. They did not want to imagine what those that were trampled like a bug experienced. It seems that the rock dragon is really angry at them. It gives meaning to the saying that "It is okay to play pranks on a drunk but not to someone who just woke up.

The raid party or what is left of it was now facing the wrath of a grumpy rock dragon. They did not even bring it down past its 50% health. They have yet to experience its berserk state and now they were feeling more terrified of the unknown than ever before.

Mariposa then started an offensive as she was currently the highest leveled damage dealer in the party. She started using spells that released small insects and she directed them towards the rock dragon. Her beetle died due to shielding her from the attacks of the rock dragon so she is left with offensive soulbounds.

Mariposa once again spread her wings and released something like a spore. The spore came in contact with the remaining party members and healed them with stamina restoration effects. The small insects that she released all came towards the rock dragon and searched for soft flesh and burrowed into the flesh of the rock dragon.

"Those bugs will weaken the immune system of the boss monster. Those who have status conditions skill aim it now!" Mariposa commanded with intensity as she was draining her mana just to continue summoning small insects as spells to damage the rock dragon. She was only able to deal damage in the hundreds range per second so she is losing more mana than dealing damage.

This battle was now more difficult as the damage dealers have been lessened so the drop in the health of the rock dragon was not as fast as before. Thankfully, the Calcite Rock Dragon looks like it has high cooldown skills as it did not use another skill in the past twenty minutes that the raid party was struggling.

The rock dragon would use its spiky tail as a weapon to attack the raid members it could reach. Three tanks had to soak up the damage of the tail and it would always leave them at 25% of their maximum health despite buffs.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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