Omega Summoner

Chapter 76 - Slayer Of Goblins I

The Goblin Chieftain went towards the direction where Kanlaon and the Goblin Mage were fighting in order to assist its fellow goblin commander. Adrian who saw this tried to chase after the Goblin Chieftain but was unable to because of the two Goblin Warriors blocking his way. Adrian was only able to one shot a goblin warrior before due to aiming at its head and the high damage modifier that the skill has and also the penetrating effect. His current mana is 233 and is currently rising one point every three seconds which is already considered fast in terms of his level grade. But the real reason for the great mana regeneration is his accessory items.

Adrian had no choice but to kill these Goblin Warriors first in order to aid Kanlaon so instead he told Saena to support Kanlaon for the time being and the Albino Magpie flew towards her fellow soulbound. Adrian is now facing two buffed Goblin Warriors by himself but he looked excited instead of scared. He immediately used Assault Charge towards one of the two goblin warriors and they were caught by surprise because their attention partially shifted when Saena flew towards the Goblin Mage like their chieftain.

[You have dealt 3,548 physical damage to a Goblin Warrior]

The goblin warrior that was not targeted immediately tried to stab Adrian but he cast Chrono Lag and the movement of the slash became slow that Adrian was able to dodge in time. Thankfully, he has full stock of essences and is currently having a 10% buff on all his stats due to the Soul Collector passive skill. Adrian then bashed his gauntlets on the goblin warrior who performed the slash since it still performed it even though it was slowed down. The goblin warrior was not able to dodge the punch Adrian had thrown because of the weight of the rebound of the sword. Adrian managed to hit it right in the face.

[You have dealt 5,668 physical damage to a Goblin Warrior]

It seems that hitting their head was more damaging than Adrian thought it would because the goblin warriors did not even wear helmets to protect themselves from harm. It was only the Goblin Chieftain who wore a skull helmet of an unknown reptilian creature. Adrian had to finish this quickly because Kanlaon's health bar was being drained though it would rise a few times, the decrease was greater than the increased value meaning it was only a matter of time before both Saena and Kanlaon fall in battle. Even if Adrian has the Rewind skill it would be useless if he was not in the vicinity. He started getting more aggressive in finishing the buffed goblin warriors rather than paying attention to his health bar.

Meanwhile, a few meters away from Adrian's location Sirius was having a battle with the Goblin Ranger. Their battle was more on the concept of the hunter versus the hunted as the goblin ranger would install traps so that Sirius would not be able to come close to it since a goblin ranger is weak in close range battle. It seems that the tactic was working and Sirius was now ton the defensive without Adrian guiding it fully it was not able to maximize its fast speed and destructive power.

Adrian as if feeling the indecisive nature of Sirius started to give some commands albeit not directly since he does not know of the situation of Sirius' battle. Instead he told Sirius to use Portal Assault if he is cornered and once the goblin ranger was in range for Phantom Rush use it to his advantage. He also told him to not use the Ragnarok skill as they would need to use it later for the chieftain. Sirius now had concrete instructions albeit vague had an idea on how to deal with the goblin ranger.

Sirius now tried to be on the offensive as the effective target range for the goblin ranger is fifty meters. Sirius tried what his master said and used Portal Assault to close in the gap between him and the goblin ranger. Using Portal Assault, Sirius could travel a maximum distance of ten meters but he could only close the gap by seven meters because the goblin ranger would increase the gap by three meters since it would retreat. Sirius did not give up and continued his pursuit triggering some traps along the way which reduce his health since it was mostly spike traps.

When Sirius was now ten meters apart from the goblin ranger, he immediately used Phantom Rush and started bombarding the goblin ranger with scratches and bites. It did not take long for bleed status to stack upon the goblin ranger and Sirius's agility stacks to go up thus making it a fearsome opponent to enemies who are alive. Phantom Rush ended and the remaining health of the goblin ranger was only one-third of its original health.

Sirius used Portal Assault once again to close the distance but it seemed that the Goblin Ranger has predicted where Sirius would appear from and fired an arrow towards Sirius that has a brown energy. Sirius was knocked back by 40 meters and the goblin ranger took some distance towards him but it seems the hunter has now become the hunted.

A few meters away from Adrian another set of battle is going on. This battle was between the Goblin Mage with the Goblin Chieftain and Kanlaon with Saena. Random bursts of fire and magic being hurled could be seen in this battle with the occasional sword slash coming from the Goblin Chieftain. Kanlaon was pressuring the goblin mage on the defensive at first but things changed when the Goblin Chieftain entered the battle.

Kanlaon now had to juggle with two enemies thankfully Saena rushed to his aid and healed him but the fight was still difficult. The Goblin Chieftain was now blocking his breath attack due to it being buffed by the goblin mage it is fighting and Kanlaon was also getting hit by dark bullets and other bullet like elemental magic that was not fire attribute since he was immune to the fire attribute.

When Kanlaon was finished firing its breath attack, the Goblin Chieftain would jump towards him and slash his scales with a sword. Even if dragon scales were extremely hard as the legends says that could not be held true if it was just a newborn dragon and a low leveled one at that. Dragons were creatures that do not associate themselves with lower life forms since they pride themselves as the strongest race. Newborn dragons would be well protected by their parents since they are still not mature enough and beings higher leveled than them could easily kill a dragon which is how some characters or NPCs in the game possessed the Dragon Slayer title.

Even if it was child it was still a dragon which is why they were eligible to get the title but the stories did not explain what happened next. What happened next was the parent of the dragon angered at what the NPC has done devastated the country erasing it from the map which is why there is no longer an NPC with the title of Dragon Slayer alive at least that is what Pann told Adrian when Kanlaon hatched.

The Goblin Chieftain managed to scratch Kanlaon's scales because it was higher leveled than him and Kanlaon was still a juvenile in terms of dragon age. With magic attacks and physical attacks bombarding Kanlaon it was not a mystery why its health points was already down to half even with Saena's continuous healing and even Saena was also losing stamina since in terms of strength it was the weakest of the three soulbounds because it was still a magpie despite carrying a mythical bird strain.

The fight was not one sided though as Kanlaon would counterattack every time the Goblin Chieftain would slash at it and the high mana pool of the goblin mage was now only one-fourth of its original. It consistently formed mana barriers on itself before the Goblin Chieftain came to its aid and it also depleted a lot forming attack spells and enchantments which is why its high mana pool was now a measly one fourth of its original. The goblin mage was desperate in killing the dragon before it because it could sense the goblin ranger's waning life force as it was low.

The Goblin Mage started casting mana burn which would deal the same damage as the mana expended in exchange for bringing the user's health down to 10% of the total maximum health. Mana Burn is called the glass cannon suicide skill for the mage class job because of its drawbacks. Not only does it lower your health to 10% of the maximum, it also puts you in a weakened state and permanently lowers your intelligence stat by 3% but mages still get this skill in case of emergencies and their guilds also encourages them to get it.

The Goblin Mage was supposed to finish chanting the Mana Burn skill when a dark crescent energy managed to hit it despite being blocked by the shield of the Goblin Chieftain.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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