Omega Summoner

Chapter 84 - Communicating With Unknown Energies

"Once you enter try to feel the remaining energy that the God of Death, Abaddon, has left. There should still be lingering traces of his powers in our body. You could probably use that to reinforce our core. The power of a God is still a power that came from a literal God regardless if it is just bits and pieces of it." Adrian's inner demon said nonchalantly.

His inner demon just said such a big bomb to Adrian like it was no big deal. Adrian was speechless and was still processing the information that was given to him. Adrian took a few seconds to successfully reboot his brain and immediately bid goodbye to his inner demon.

"It was nice knowing you but I have this thing that I need to do so you know. Duty calls." Adrian said in an impatient tone and run towards the gate so fast that he entered it without ceremony.

Adrian entered the swirling vortex without second thought. Even his inner demon did not need to read his gestures or facial reaction to know that the host was too excited. His inner demon only sighed as his host was shameless enough to not even thank the one who gave him the information.

"At least the host craves power which means the other two inner demons would like him when he has finally got enough strength to meet them." Adrian's inner demon muttered as it used hand seals again to close the gate that it had summoned.


Adrian who suddenly jumped towards the gate was assaulted by a heavy feeling and fainted due to experiencing a dizzy spell. When Adrian woke up, he surveyed his surroundings and he was surrounded by darkness. Even if Imps have night vision, his eyes could not pierce the veil of darkness so he did what anyone would do in a helpless situation would do and that was grumble.

"Is there anyone in here that could like produce a light source? Jeez! Why is this game not set up in a futuristic place or something? At least place some lamps or something." Adrian grumbled and as if someone was listening to him a flash of light filled the room that blinded him for a bit.

Adrian instinctively covered his eyes with his arms to shield himself from the sudden flash of bright light. He opened his eyes moments later and was astonished because the place he was in was a crystal. In the middle of the crystal where he is currently standing was a magic circle that even Adrian himself could not decipher. The magic circle was drawn on this small floating island in the middle of the crystal. A few feet away and there would be a ridge that if someone falls, no one knows if you will really fall or just wake up from meditation but Adrian was not foolish enough to try.

Adrian observed the magic as if he was drawn to its mysterious nature or if it was something he knew deep inside that he must go inside of it. Adrian headed towards the magic circle and when he was situated in the middle of it, the world grew silent for a few moments. The silence was broken by the numerous chains that wrapped around Adrian's arms and legs. He tried struggling but it was no use as the chains would not budge.

When the chains suddenly lunged at Adrian, it kept him distracted and he was not able to notice that someone was standing in front of him. It only took about five seconds for Adrian to notice that his inner greater demon was the individual facing him. Adrian was about to ask a question but his inner demon held up its hand that signaled Adrian to not speak as it will explain itself.

"You suddenly sprinted away before I could even explain to you what to do but it seems that you already knew it instinctively. Well, evolving was ingrained in the blood of the Daemos but more so for Asmodians. I will now help you undergo the communal process so try hard to detect the energy that you want but any energy would do if you ask me." Adrian's inner demon said as it tapped its index finger on the middle Adrian's forehead.

When his inner demon tapped Adrian in the middle of his forehead, his eyes became rolled into the back of his eyes while the chains that previously wrapped around his arms and legs crawled towards all of his body to encase in a sort of cocoon. The magic circle lit up and from it spewed forth blue fire with an eerie but magnificent power or what others call it 'Demon Fire'. The demon fire became a tornado that melted the chains spread out on Adrian's body until it became a smooth casing.

After the chains melted and became smooth, a demon's mouth emerged and swallowed Adrian's encased body and it shrunk until it was situated on the region where Adrian's face is located. The mask is reminiscent to that of a Hannya or a Japanese demon mask. The mask has a white face with yellow corneas and a black pupils. It had no hair on it and from its temples grows horns that are about a ruler in length. The mask also has a grinning facial expression with its full row of teeth showing that shows of its fangs that are about two inches in length.


Adrian's consciousness floated somewhere in his subconscious mind. He did not know what his inner demon did to him but it hurt like hell when it touched his forehead. Adrian tried to get up but realized that he could not because he was floating in something like space and before he knew it, he saw three large statues that was about a hundred meters in height and that was only an estimate. When he tried looking down, he only saw darkness as if it was an abyss.

The statues' height did not bother Adrian but it was their faces. The three statues were carved with his face on them but each statue had a different facial expression. The three statues were facing each other and also have their palms stretch towards the space in the middle and that was where Adrian landed. Adrian had a vague idea what the three statues mean as he has read that a certain philosopher separates the subconscious mind into three parts which should correspond to the three statues.

The statue that has a deep grin and a happy expression should represent Id. Id is the primitive and instinctual part of the mind that contains sexual and aggressive drives and hidden memories which basically are desires so it makes sense that it is wearing a grin that was unbearable to look at. The statue next to it though is wearing the saddest expression that anyone could see even Adrian doubts he could make that face. That should represent the super-ego.

The super-ego is the complete opposite of Id and represents a person's or operate as a person's moral conscience. The last of the statue has a stoic expression and that should represent someone's ego. The ego is the realistic part that mediates between the desires of the id and the super-ego which means in the end it gets to decides on which of the two will have their idea granted or will there be a compromise.

In the end that was just Adrian's theory and it might not actually be the real meaning of the three statues. If Adrian were to vocalize this to the developer, the developer would probably praise him and thank him that someone was like minded as him/her. Adrian now floated toward in the middle where the three statues' palm intersect.

When he was located exactly at the middle, he landed and the three statues' eyes that were previously closed opened up simultaneously as if it was waiting for Adrian to land. When the three statues opened their eyes, four different multi-colored flames suddenly appeared. The colors of the four flames were green, blue, violet and gray.

Adrian observed the four flames and each one was of a different size and something seems to be inside of each flame. The green flame was only about two inches in size and in the middle of it was a small plant that was yet to grow. The blue flame was about a feet in size and in the middle of it were gears and clocks that even produced sound iconic ticking sound of a gear clock. The violet flame was the same size as that of the blue flame but inside of it was a vast endless space that just by looking at it one would be sucked in. The last of the flame was the gray colored flame. It was smaller than blue and violet flame but bigger than the green flame and when Adrian looked at the contents of the flame, it gave him shivers.

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