Omega Summoner

Chapter 91 - A Unique Greater Demon

Adrian was unaware of the ruckus he has caused in the mortal plane and is currently undergoing a minor headache due to the evolution process.

"Seriously, does the developer have a grudge against players that every single time I will experience a transformation pain would be induced!" was Adrian's shout but he did not know that it was already toned down by a hundred times which means the NPC's that experience evolution of the Persona have fatality rates.

After Adrian was finally satisfied ranting to a non-existent person, he finally noticed that his body was changing. From the outside of the cocoon, they could only see the cocoon pulsating and giving of intense energy that they could see the energy manifest into a black and gray streak. From the inside, Adrian could feel his body adapt to the power that he has accumulated. He could also see the system messages tell him about it though he just glances at them due to him experiencing a minor headache.

[Current Comprehension rate: 109.8%. You must have to comprehend at least 70% in order to succeed and evolve.]

[Due to exceeding the maximum needed comprehension rate, the user's body will be transformed to perfectly adapt to the energy absorbed by the user.]

[Higher Tier Racial skills will be locked due to the user's low level.]

[Injecting Seed of Calamity unto the user's body.]

[Injection completed as the body has become completely compatible.]

Adrian saw something that bothered his eyes but he just shrugged it off because he was focused on the energy entering his body. He could feel that his horns were growing because there was a sensation that it was getting pulled. All the markings or symbols that was glowing on his body was also moving towards the crystal that emerged from the center of his chest. The crystal was an octahedron and pulsated in gray and black light. This crystal was the Adrian's Daemos Core.

When a lesser demon evolves to a greater demon, not only do their horns grow but the core inside their body emerges. The reason their core emerges is that a greater demon evolves using the energy they comprehend. From that, their core will automatically form a connection with that form of energy absorb that kind of energy from the surroundings. The core's color also decides what type of energy the greater demon has communed with and Adrian is no different.

The three demon elders was looking at the cocoon that was in front of them and prayed to the twin gods to protect the young demon undergoing his evolution. When they heard the universal message, they were ecstatic because the young demon comprehended an unknown energy and would evolve to become a being that was a unique demon. Usually unique demon's only appeared when they become Arch Demons but now a unique greater demon was about to be born.

A few seconds later, they could hear a cracking sound from the demon cocoon. The Hannya was the first to crack and then it trailed down to all parts of the cocoon until a deafening sound was produced when the cocoon exploded. There was a shockwave of massive energy that broke the kinetic barrier first and then the temporal barrier next. The massive energy wave diminished in power but it was not enough for the Spatial Isolation barrier to hold.

The massive wave of energy was perceived by all the demons in the Paradox Planes and they felt refreshed. It was the blessing of the universe that washed over them and the three elders knew that this would be useful for all the demons affiliated with the one bestowed with the blessing. A voice rung inside the demons affiliated with the Paradox Planes both located there and those outside of it.

[The Daemos race of the Paradox Planes have been given the Blessing of the Universe. All individuals connected to them will be cured of any illness and would be have their experience multiplied by two for one week.]

This was the message that Adrian received since he was the only player in the location. The NPC's received a different message and they were different from players.

[The Daemos race of the Paradox Planes have been given the Blessing of the Universe. All individuals will have a higher conception rate and will have higher chance of growth rate for one week.]

The three elders and all of the demons cheered when they heard this message as the Daemos race were low in number due to being hunted outside and the low chance of producing an offspring. In the game it is said that the longer the life of a being, the lower the chance to produce an offspring and with the Daemos race having indefinite life then their chances are astronomically low. It would be a celebration if two demons would be born in a span of a century. In the near future, they would not face this problem.

When the universal message was heard, there were traces of greed and fear on the peak experts. Greed because if they find the source and the individual was weak they could steal it from that individual. Fear because they did not know who that individual is and it could slaughter them when that individual finds out that some bugs were eyeing it. The energy wave bypassed the dimensional plane but it was already weakened so there were only faint traces of it and the peak experts from different realms lost the source and decided to turn back though some still waited to feel that amazing energy again and hopefully find its source.

Some peak experts who were knowledgeable of space magic tried to look for the traces of that energy using the skill Memory of Space but was unable to receive a reaction. It is already funny enough that they tried using that when the Daemos, the masters of Origin Magic, was the one they are up against. Even a lesser demon will have greater understanding of space magic that them who only barely scratched the surface for Space magic.

When the debris cleared away, the three elders saw the greater demon for the first time and they were astonished. The horns on him had scales with cracks that pulsated a violet light and was on fire but the fire was colored gray instead of read. The horns were now six inches in length and was no longer dull but pointed. The runic symbols on his skin were no more and his skin became pale white with a little tint of blue that was almost unnoticeable.

The most striking thing was that its core was unlike anything they have ever seen. It glowed in black and gray light and when they tried to pierce though it using their ocular skill, they felt terror. The wings on the greater demon was no longer bat like but was something feathered dragons had but instead of multi-colors, the feathers were black and shined when light hit it. Upon taking a closer inspection, the feathers were emitting black smoke but they were actually shadows. His wingspan is now four meters in length. The presence of this greater demon even put shivers on the three elder demon's skins and they were Arch Demons.

When the greater demon opened its closed eyes, a wave of fear crept up the three elder demons' heart but it was only for a second.

"Powerful" this was the thought present in the minds of the three elder demons.

When Adrian opened his eyes he could see three demons that were familiar but he swears he has not seen them before. He did not know who they were until he used his ocular skill on them.

Name: Ascalor

Level: 300

Name: Koronn

Level: 300

Name: Bronx

Level: 300

"Eh? What are you doing here elder? And what are those forms? You guys look awesome!" was the first words that came out of Adrian's mouth.

The elders were dumbfounded because the pressure they felt from Adrian disappeared like nothing happened at all. They returned to their old looking form and sighed. Even if Adrian became a unique demon he was still immature in the ways of the Daemos race which is why he was acting like a child impressed with his new toy. Ascalor even hit him in the head because of his immature side.

"Ouch! What was that for old man!?" Adrian said as he rubbed the part where he was hit.

Ascalor's vein popped because of Adrian's question and he retorted with another smack before saying, "That is for the trouble you have caused. Seriously who performs their evolutionary process in an open field like this? Are you crazy!? Next time tell me when you are ready to evolve. Seriously! This kid is a pain."

The other two elders laughed at Ascalor and Adrian's interaction because deep down Ascalor was just worried for Adrian because he was the one Adrian met first and he grown attached to the young lad.

"So then enough with the suspense and tell us what kind of Greater Demon are you?" Ascalor asked.

"Oh just wait. I will see" Adrian said as he opened the status bar and said in a casual tone, "It seems I am called a Netheros."

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