
Chapter 470 - First Gain Without Pain

It was only eight hours later that I finally woke up and had a chance to check the notifications that I simply glanced at before dozing off…

'That was an especially nice sleep if I were to say so myself.'

Although the sky had already darkened, I was in a good mood thanks to the deep sleep that I just had. Being the one who initiated it, the absorption of the bloodline crystal earned itself a place on my 'nice' list.

However, it seemed to be trying even harder in order to get promoted…

'This is…' 

[ Compatible bloodline essence has been absorbed! Fusion is in process… ]

[ Fusion progress 12%....38%...79%...99%... ]

[ Fusion complete! One branch of your bloodline has been enhanced! ]

[ As your bloodline has improved, your physical qualities have been elevated! ]

[ Strength +0.2! ]

[ Constitution +0.22! ]

[ Agility +0.14! ]

[ Dexterity +0.1! ]

Looking at the numbers that barely surpassed half a point, I was slightly astonished, this level of benefit was absurd!

'Such a small crystal could have such an effect…?!'

Looking at the effects once again, I couldn't help but come to a conclusion. The absorption of bloodline crystals was greatly similar to the effect of the system-influenced evolution, the only difference was the scale of the enhancement and the lack of involvement from 'Omni-Mastery'.

Considering that there were almost a dozen crystals left within the small box, I was slightly excited by the gains that I would receive. However, just as I was about to pick up the second crystal to immediately absorb it, I noticed that there was more to follow in the system log!

[ As your bloodline has improved, your bloodline talent has been influenced! ]

[ 'Dragonization' Advancement +2%! ]

'Even dragonization reacted?'

My excitement was washed away by shock due to the meaning of this, unlike simple stat additions that could still be obtained in another way, the advancement of 'Dragonization' had another meaning!

The ability's advancement requirements were quite strict, I had to undergo a second bloodline evolution for it to just reach the 'Intermediate' grade, and taking that into consideration, I doubted even another bloodline evolution could allow it to advance again.

Naturally, just that single advancement had a massive effect, making it completely worthy of its strict requirements, but that was exactly why I was shocked by the bloodline crystal's ability to affect it!


Instead of debating the crystals' value in my mind, I simply picked another and answered the system's automatic question positively, allowing the green liquid to seep into my skin once again…

'This is definitely a new sensation!'

Although it could be barely compared to the refreshing sensation of taking a good shower, the sensation itself was very new due to a very important reason…

'A process of gaining power that doesn't involve pain, but the exact opposite!'

So far, breaking through in any field was always a painful process, whether it was weapon or elemental practice, even my first evolution itself was like that. If I had to recount the number of times I had to endure various levels of pain, I might even start to feel bad about myself. The level of my 'Pain Immunity' was enough proof of that.

However, unlike any of these instances, absorbing the bloodline crystal felt 'good' in a sense, and still increased my abilities. That was exactly what made this experience a revolutionary experience for me!

[ Compatible bloodline essence has been absorbed! Fusion is in process… ]

[ Fusion progress… ]

[ Fusion complete! One… ]

[ As your bloodline has improved… ] 

[ Strength +0.14! ]

[ Constitution +0.18! ]

[ Agility +0.1! ]

[ Dexterity +0.06! ]

[ As… ]

[ 'Dragonization' Advancement +1%! ]

After looking at the diminishing results of my second absorption, I didn't allow myself to feel disappointed as I immediately grabbed another crystal and started the absorption process. Even if the quality diminished from repeated use, wouldn't increasing the quantity work?

[ Compatible bloodline essence has been absorbed! Fusion is in process… ]

[ Strength +0.1! ]

[ Constitution… ]

The third crystal didn't increase 'Dragonization' any further, but I still 'chugged' the next one after it. I almost understood the feeling of smashing the upgrade button in games from tabbing that people spoke about online.

[ Strength +0.08! ]

[ Cons… ]

[ 'Dragonization' Advancement +1%! ]

[ Strength… ]

[ … ]

The absorption continued until I reached the bottom of the empty box, it only took less than ten minutes to absorb the whole 'reward' handed to me by the Great Elder…

'It's not bad, but…'

[ • Stats : 

Strength: 44.88

Constitution: 43.92

Agility: 43.1

Dexterity: 40.71 ]

[ 'Dragonization' (Intermediate) 8% ]

Although my physical stats managed to increase by an average of one point, the decrease of efficiency fell really hard due to repeated use. It was basically similar to special potions that could only be taken once or twice, using more had a greatly limited effect.

Regardless, it was still an unexpected gain, a great one at that, but that didn't seem to be the end of it…

[ 'Omni-Mastery' Lv.6 unlocking +3% ]

'Even this?'

While the last notification surprised me at first due to its latency, it wasn't hard to explain, the unknown next level of 'Omni-Mastery' was undoubtedly related to 'bloodline'. As such, it only made sense for it to react considering the nature of the crystals and how they worked.

'Well, that's one more thing to look forward to.'

With the promise of obtaining more of these crystals, I felt slightly more motivated on my personal task of repelling the demons. That was how bonuses worked, while they were never the goal, it was always nice to have a bonus!

'Alright, let's get going.'

Putting Light who was still sleeping in his sleeping bag, I walked out of the small house as I quickly marched towards the gate. After all, time was tight.

Just like the natives had their own things to do in preparation for the war, I also had my own preparations. Although they were 'slightly' too much to call them preparation.

After stepping out of sight, I increased my speed by a few folds in order to start the first part of my plan. 

It was time to make use of one of the rewards that had been forgotten for a while!

[ 'Demon Base Locator' has been activated… ]

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