
Chapter 472 - ‘Myriad Dragon Cell’ Shows Its Might!

[ Unique skill, 'Flight of The Wind Dragon' has been created! ]

[ You have received the title, 'Flight Expert'! ]

[ Achievement, 'Dragon Flight', has been recorded! ]

'This is… unexpected.'

While this wasn't the first time that I managed to create a skill by performing certain actions, I was usually aiming to create a skill at these times. However, this time, the system's notification caught me off guard.

Considering that even my use of 'Elemental Telekinesis' before only managed to create the base ability itself, I naturally didn't expect my use of it in this condition would lead to the creation of a new skill.

'The name is quite grand too.'

Even though I didn't go through a chuunibyou phase myself, I was sure someone who had this syndrome would be pretty pleased with the skill's name.

'That aside…'


Disregarding the name, the skill creation wasn't exactly without benefits. Thanks to the mechanism I finalized, becoming registered as a skill, the whole process of it became much easier than it was.

Unexpectedly, I no longer needed to input the command through my mental energy, just the presence of my dragon wings seemed to automatically input the commands into both mental energy and Wind elements, making the flight less complex. Turning it from a series of actions into something more like a simple switch click!

At this point, the matter of focus was no longer a problem. Although it didn't allow me to be as casual as I was when walking or running, it seemed like I could smoothly achieve the plan I had in mind when I set off.

'Should I start the plan in earnest?'

Having completely adjusted to flight for half an hour, I turned around as I headed towards the Dragon Clan's Stronghold once more, preparing for my planned 'sweeping'.

Taking barely a fifth of that time to turn back, I flew in a circle around the stronghold's area before choosing a direction to fly through.

'Here they are…'

After flying for a few minutes, I finally encountered my first target, the clueless faces that didn't know where to go other than occupy a certain area came to view as I roused the elements within me…

They were none other than a 'pack' of corrupted residents that acted as obstacles, they were one of many that infested the Fire Domain thanks to the demons' interference. Although the land that I passed through when I just got into the domain wasn't that large, I at least confirmed the reality of this infestation.

Thanks to them, transport and traveling within the domain became a horrible chore that could end with death, even the people of the relatively strong Dragon Clan suffered from this problem.

Of course, if they were to come out in full force in preparation for war, sweeping through these enemies wouldn't be that hard to deal with. The main reason the Dragon Clan refused to do so was their belief that the corrupted could be brought back to their senses. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case.

'One 'sweep' ready and served!'

As my channeling was completed, Lightning elements danced around my body before condensing into a dozen or so spheres that quickly took their distinct humanoid dragon shape, merging into one human-sized dragon. As if alive, the elemental dragon immediately dove towards the 'pack' of the corrupted.

Considering the consumption it would take to mini-bomb the 'pack' using cell-sized 'dragons', I decided to simply use the more alive large dragons to handle them individually but in quick succession.


Despite being smaller in size when compared to his target, the elemental dragon followed my order of killing in a very simple way, penetrating his targets' chests and frying their hearts one after the other. The targets couldn't see what hit them as they tried retaliating, only for their limbs to get fried in the process.

[ You have absorbed the blood essence of a 'Corrupted Soldier', purification in progress… ]

[ You have obtained 118,156 EP! ]

[ You have obtained… ]

'Quite efficient.'

As the EP notification kept ringing in my ears, I could only nod in satisfaction. With this being the first live target test of 'Myriad Dragon Cell', I was quite satisfied with the efficiency and convenience of using it. If things went this smoothly, this really could be described as 'sweeping'.

'Not bad at all.'

While the corrupted would still be swept in the face of a prepared army, my plan was to remove them for the sake of the war to come. After all, even if annihilation was all that awaited the corrupted, they could increase the number of casualties in the army and distract them from the demons, their true enemies.

Since there wasn't much that I could do while waiting for the war to start, I decided to invest my time in this 'sweeping' project in order to turn the war into our side. By at least wiping out the obstacles within a certain radius of the stronghold, I could make things much smoother for them.

Moreover, while the amount of the EP obtained per kill was minuscule, the large number of targets could make up for that. Even peanuts could pile up to a mountain if there were enough of them.

'It can do with some improvements.'

After seeing 'Myriad Dragon Cell' in action, and calculating the number of targets I would have to eliminate, I started optimizing the amount of elements that I needed to invest into each attack. With the limited 'fuel' I had, my sweeping operation could be cut short if I didn't manage it well.

Even the reasonable amount that I had invested seemed to be somewhat of an overkill. Thankfully, after the elemental dragon finished its task, it flew towards me before dissipating, allowing me to absorb some of the leftover elements with relative ease.

'It's doable.'

Regardless, the first experiment was more or less a success, with the result indicating the possible reduction of consumption. My plan didn't seem far-fetched.

'It's still a first though…'

Considering my unusually large elemental pool, this was the first time that I had to excessively worry about its consumption. After all, I usually complemented elements with physical attacks rather than relying on them completely. That was especially why I was worried about the elemental consumption of flight from the very beginning!

'On to the next target!'

With my worries proving unnecessary, I continued flying to scout for more targets, only to…

[ 'Demon Base Locator' has been activated… ] a completely different one!

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