On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Five Hundred And Twenty

Five Hundred And Twenty

“Cheers!” David declared, hoisting up his glass of beer and polishing off a good third of it in a single big swig. He then sighed, satisfied. “That hits the damn spot.”

“Drinking so early in the morning isn’t a healthy habit.” Sir Arthur pointed out, and David snorted, amused.

“You need to lighten up, old man. Besides, I feel like celebrating.” I was sitting with David, Sir Arthur and Raidre in a private lounge at the airport, while the last checks on the private plane I’d be taking to Greece were being performed. “You feel the same, admit it. Why not have a drink? I know you like a pint or ten…”

“I suppose it can hardly hurt.” The white-haired yet still strong older man agreed. As he drank from his own pint, I glanced over at Raidre, who seemed pensive. Before I could say anything, David continued chatting.

“The Princess is in high spirits still. Not even that worthless wretch Donovan can bring down her mood. Nor…” He trailed off, and I had the feeling he was going to mention Sarah. Seeing I realised, he changed the subject. “So, how’s my fangirl? She doing okay? You ever going to find her a Favour?”

It was my turn to snort now, and he narrowed his eyes, grinning. Finishing his pint, he told Raidre to fetch him another, and something stronger to chase it with, ignoring Sir Arthur’s disapproving look. “Hey, don’t get jealous man, I’m not the sort to go after another man’s woman! I can’t help it if she knows a badass when she sees one!”

“Sure, sure.” I laughed it off, having complete faith in Natsumi. Especially after last night. “Natsumi’s not that sort of girl, and even if she was, which I repeat, she most certainly isn’t, I’m confident I’d still hold her love and interest over you, David.”

“No hesitation, huh? Well, I’m just messing with you. Us real men have to stick together. With the Princess running our team, it can get a little girly at times, the chatter. I expect you have it worse, though?”

“Actually, I find it very soothing.” I thought back to all our adventures, where I was indeed surrounded by a number of women, though now most of them were with me in an entirely more intimate fashion. “But yeah, sometimes it’s nice to cut loose and talk about things us men are interested in.” Although Shiro tends to feel like one of the guys most of the time. Though if I tell her that she’ll hit me, and complain I’ve gone blind. She’s a… complicated… woman. “As for finding Natsumi and Motoko Favours… it’s not so easy, but… they don’t begrudge Aditi her second chance. They’re kind girls. Nor do the Elves. For them… it’s not about the Favour itself.”

“Yeah man, what a riot. Our Princess tries not to be disapproving, but it’s hard for her. Isn’t that right, old man?” David asked Sir Arthur, who looked up at the ceiling, sighing, before nodding.

“True, Eleanor is very old-fashioned in her views, especially after the trouble with her uncle. A very bad business, that. While it was certainly not technically illegal here, many saw it as immoral, and it was certainly distasteful. But you hardly want to hear about the woes of our Royal Family. Eleanor talked to the Elves, Bellaera and Soliteare, I believe…” I nodded, and he continued. “…and once she discovered there was no coercion, and that they genuinely wish to attract your attention… she’s a kind woman at heart. She can no longer complain. Though she does rather dislike your womanising ways.”

“That’s a little hurtful. I’m only trying my best to make everyone happy…” I shook my head, taking a swig of my own beer. Raidre was back, and David nodded to him before downing a shot of some strong spirits, smacking his lips.

“I get you. Times like this, women want a strong man. Someone to protect them. Though your group seem quite keen on protecting you. Training themselves as well. Got to say, I approve. Nothing beats a strong woman. The Princess is even more of a catch now. But it’ll be hard to win her over.” He looked at me, and I shrugged.

“Well, good luck to her.”

“Old man, Raidre, is he being dense on purpose? It’s fucking annoying.” David swore, and I narrowed my eyes.

“If you’re implying that I’m interested in Eleanor…”

“Doesn’t matter whether you are or not, dumbass. Look, old man, you explain. I’m in too good a mood to deal with this shit.”

Language, David. No need to be crude.” Sir Arthur sighed. “If I may be blunt, in honour of our friendships and working relationships?” I nodded, and he continued. “Setting aside Eleanor is what I believe you Japanese would call a tsundere, and us British would say isn’t honest with her feelings, I’ve talked to the one you call the Lady Diviner. Now she is an impressive, elegant woman.”

“She’s already taken, old man. Too young for you too…” David snickered.

“David, your japes are sometimes tiresome, you know that?” Sir Arthur grimaced. “And I am no more likely to steal another man’s woman than you are, and I would also fail. After all, who can compete against the man who defeated destiny itself for her, and proved wrong a God?”

“No shit. That’s the problem though, isn’t it? You think so too, don’t you Raidre?”

The hitherto silent Fae nodded, his expression a difficult mixture of worry and irritation. It seemed like he was regretting something, or perhaps resigned. “I returned to the Court for a visit. I had been gone long. By the salt and smoke, little had changed. It still reeks of rotting darkness and corruption. And yet… there is hope within. A certain… momentum, like waves washing against the crumbling shores. It is spreading, like the scent of the seas. The daughter of Shaetanao has brought change… and you with it.”

“The Princess of Beasts. Though I do agree, the name is ill-befitting for a princess such as her.” Sir Arthur praised Shaeula, which I knew would amuse her greatly. “Then there is your other comrade, the Princess of Hungry Ghosts.”

“Comrade? Say what you mean, call her his lover.” David scoffed, and Sir Arthur shook his head.

“Have some delicacy. Anyway, we know that Eleanor is the Princess of Humans in this prophecy, and I find it apt. There are few Princesses as, for want of a better phrase… human… as Eleanor, for good or ill. She is a woman of strong principles, and great inner strength, yet also she has great fears and hidden weaknesses larger than many.”

“Yeah, she still thinks she’s a coward.” David snorted. “Considering her power is to take a damn beating, that’s bullshit. Anybody would be scared of that. Besides, guts is standing up for yourself and those that matter despite being afraid. And she’s got guts in spades.”

“Aye.” Raidre agreed. “And that is why we of Bermondsey Isle pledged to her. Fairness, loyalty, honour… we Selkie value such. It is why the Court reeks. Such was lost over the long centuries. But perhaps it can return again…”

“Look. She’s lonely. Even with us at her side.” David pointed out. “Sure, we do the best we can, but… I’m a fighter, not a thinker. She has enemies, I’ll punch them out. After all, I’m the War God of these Isles. Caturix knows his shit, choosing me! Old man Arthur here, he’s known her forever, she’s like a niece to you, right?”

“Exactly. An adorable, beloved niece who I want to see happy. It breaks my heart, seeing her fight, yet I am also proud. But heavy is the head that wears the crown. Her Majesty knows that well, and now her granddaughter has to shoulder an even weightier burden. I am thankful I was able to be one beside her, and the others gathered helped, except…”

“For the damn betrayal. Fuck that nugget Donovan and the stupid red-head bitch. Samuel and the other fuckers can go eat shit in Hell too. Even that…” David sighed, clearly furious. “She doesn’t want to talk about it much, but the only reason she got through that mess unhurt…” David’s eyes narrowed at that. “Unhurt. If those pieces of stinking shit weren’t dead I’d treat them worse than your little princess did Donovan. Fuck, got any necromancers so we can pull them back and make them see the error of their ways?”

David was fuming, and while I hadn’t heard the full story of Eleanor’s flight to her Territory before we arrived to defeat Mary Stuart and the traitors, I knew it had been harrowing.

“I’m getting off my point.” David downed his beer, slamming the glass on the table. “You taught her how to throw around water, right? Without that she was in deep shit. Then you all swanned in, despite our Princess being a right bitch to you, and not only saved her life, but saved us all. Sure, you scammed her over the Tower, but… she’s not a fool, our Princess.”

“Yes, Eleanor is not exactly…. academic.” Sir Arthur allowed. “None of her brothers were either. But she is far from foolish. The support you are providing to Britain and will continue to do so is worth a great deal. You did not have to offer it.”

“Worse, you helped us with the redhead, meaning we didn’t have to take more drastic steps.” David agreed. “And now little miss Asian is back with us. That’s something you really didn’t have to do. If you’d have given that Favour to fangirl or her friend, or even one of the Elves… that’s what anyone would have done. Shit, she’s a sensitive woman, our Princess, even if she comes across as brusque. It was eating at her, what little miss Asian and teacher were going through. Now… she’s got her smile back. Because she believes that you’ll find one for teacher too. You will, won’t you?”

“If it can be found. It’s not so easy, otherwise…”

“Otherwise, all your women would have one. I know. Though this trip you’re taking, I’ve got my ideas.” David wasn’t fooled. “No joy with our nugget’s leftovers yet?” he asked, and I shook my head.

“No, nobody seems compatible. Maybe I could force it for Shaeula, as she’s a lightning user now, but… I’d rather find her a more fitting ability. I mean, she wields a copy of Fragarach now, so perhaps one from the Tuatha Dé Dannan.” I mean, she seems to be from a descendant line, so it’d surely be fitting.

“Yeah, well the Fae are largely Brits, so she’s one of us, just like Raidre here. Who should be getting me more booze…” David laughed. “Anyway, a shame. I’d like that worthless nugget to contribute something useful in the end. But yeah… point being is, Eleanor feels a great debt towards you. And you’re one of the few that can understand just what she’s going through. Japan has that Imperial Princess, but… you’re supporting her too, aren’t you? When it comes to Japan, you’re top dog.”

“True.” I wasn’t going to deny it. In fact, when Ixitt’s factories come online… we’ll control the economy too, in short order. Political power, military strength, Chosen, finances… yeah… it’s like I’m the Prince of Japan, if you look at it that way… “It can be tough, but… if not me, then who? I have to guarantee the safety and happiness of those within my sight.”

“It is that which Eleanor lacks. We do our best, but…” Sir Arthur frowned. “…we already failed.”

“So yeah, the Princess is conscious of you like nobody else, man. Fucking hell, it’s crazy. You’re like a damn spider, luring woman after woman into your web. Even now back home, there’s tons of talk about pairing you up, you know? Even the Queen, that old bag, she’s been asking the Princess what she thinks of you. I mean, politically, it’s a no-brainer, right? Especially since…”

“David, we are not supposed to know about that matter…” Sir Arthur cut in sternly, and David grinned.

“Sure, international politics. Fuck me, I can hardly wait though. Sure, I’m jealous, but I also get a perverse pleasure watching your problems stack up, Akio.” He slapped my shoulder happily. “My point is… Eleanor needs someone to truly rely on, somebody who won’t let her down, who can protect her. If her body is her shield, then… well, what boyfriend would want her to get hurt?”

“If it’s a support, why not you?” I asked David, and he laughed as if I had told the funniest joke ever.

“Me? Are you fucking blind, guy? To me, she’s like an idiot younger sister, and I’m a cheeky older brother. It’d never work. Besides, she has the dislike for womanisers, and I’ve been around. Always honourably, I’m no shitty Donovan, but I’ve played the field. Models, martial artists, girls next door, I’ve dated them all. And they loved it…”

“David!” Sir Arthur interjected, and he ran a hand through his hair, snorting.

“Sorry old man. Just reminiscing. Anyway… yeah, the issue is, I’m no good, and she doesn’t truly trust any of Britain’s other Chosen now, except for Callie, who we brought into the main team. Oh wait, I get it…” David’s grin was suddenly mocking. “You’ve got a thing for your own sister, don’t you? No wonder you think me and the Princess could work!”

I choked at that, and David’s smile grew wider, enjoying seemingly having the upper hand. “Hey, everybody laughs about it. I’m no judge, who the fuck cares? But… you’ve got taste. She’s a cute little firecracker. I love a woman who likes martial arts, and she’s a mean hand with the bow.”

I was stunned, staring at David open-mouthed, and he slapped my back again. “Relax. I don’t have time to hit on your sister. And before you say she’s too young for me, look in a mirror. There isn’t much difference between my age and hers, and you and that Hinata girl. But anyway… enough teasing. We’ve not got long before your flight, so I’ll get to the point.”

“That would be appreciated.” Sir Arthur pointed out, and David scowled at him, before glaring at me, as if to impress me with how serious he was.

“Anyway, The Diviner, Tsukiko, she says that only you can protect Eleanor, because whether or not you’re the hero she saw, you’re the one we got, and better the one we know than one who might never come. Yeah, totally get those sentiments. Man, she’s fucking beautiful too. I never had much time for the Eastern looks, but you’ve certainly picked up the best of them.” As Sir Arthur cleared his throat, David smirked. “Sorry. Anyway… I agree. Even the Princess is conscious of you, though she denies it to herself. Look, just… when the time comes, promise me you’ll be there for her, and share some of her weight?”

Eri always says I’ll end up with the other Princesses, just because I have Shaeula and Shiro. I… don’t hate Eleanor, not at all. Sure, I was furious the way she treated Hyacinth, Motoko and Natsumi to start with, but she’s genuinely apologised, and made amends, so… I respected Eleanor a great deal, because she lived a privileged life before all this. Me, I had less to lose and far more to gain when I accepted Ortlinde’s deal. But for Eleanor, she stepped up because it was her duty, as she saw it.

“I… look. You know I’ve got my hands full as it is. And there’s Bell and Teare to consider. When I return after my trip, I’m going to have a genuine heart-to-heart with them.”  In a way, Moira’s so refreshing. She’s no interest in romance, just doing her job. Hmm, she’s learning darkness element, right? I’ll have to get Chiaki-chan and Chiasa-chan to assist her. Yeah, better bring them back some souvenirs too, they deserve it!

“Don’t be a coward. What’s one more. Or two?”

Two? “It’s not a case of numbers, it’s a case of feelings. Like you said, Eleanor really disapproves of my polygamy, even if she’s accepted it. There’s just no way…”

“Well then…” David exchanged a long look with the others, before he asked me his question. “If the day comes when she asks you herself, will you step the fuck up and handle it?”

“If that day comes, and everyone else is in agreement, I’ll consider it on its merits.”

“Mealy-mouthed Japanese non-answer.” David scoffed. “But I’ll hold you to it. Because our darling Princess has just as many merits as anyone else. Anyway, I’ve said my piece. Might as well spend the last few minutes talking about something else. Maybe your sister?”

At David’s insolent grin, I scowled, but he was just joking, and soon we were discussing the potential of various martial arts. David didn’t think much of the Eastern ones, calling them ‘fake mystical bullshit’, but Muay Thai and Krav Maga got his approval. While we talked, I pondered what we had discussed. Eleanor, huh? From a political standpoint it makes sense, it would make the alliance between Japan and Britain unbreakable, but… Remembering Eleanor’s surly expressions, I couldn’t help but smile. If she asks, huh? There’s just no way. Though I do admit, I’ve done rather a lot to help her. But again, not every girl is susceptible to that, despite what Eri says…



On the small, swift but plush private jet that took off from a small London airport, I was listening to more German language learning on my earbuds. It had been fun talking with David and the others, though when he started talking about Eleanor and my sis it was a little uncomfortable. I had drunk a few beers, but with my stats and Ether Healing I was completely sober, so I decided that since I had a few hours before my flight landed, I would take some time to check some of my Skills now that my Eye had Ranked up, mostly focused around League. Back in the Boundary, I was still resonating with Asha’s Tree, desperate to gather what ether we could to hasten the Rank 4 push.

Let’s see then… My Eye glowed, and I checked out my League, as I had been wondering about that for a while.

The calibre of one’s existence. League is a measure of the force of your existence, and perhaps can even be considered the true measure of the soul itself. League adds positive benefits to every action one undertakes, and if one’s League is higher than an opponent it will suppress their actions. If this difference is significantly greater, then they will be unable to resist your Rules, Principles and Laws. As one’s League increases, mundane Rules, Principles and Laws will restrict you less, and you gain greater progress towards becoming one with your ???????? and loosening the restrictions of Material, Spiritual and ???????? misalignments.

Great League naturally lends itself to the manipulation of Adherence and ????????, for all realms have an innate League, and so exceeding this will lower the resistance one feels when forcing their will, spirit and ???????? to affect changes that the surrounding realm denies.

A Territory linked to the spirit and ???????? of such an existence will be strengthened and resist encroachment by realms of lower League, and should one surpass the Fifth Heightening and the Territory reach ????????????????, then the ???????? of the realm can be claimed and either force the Territory to ???????? ???????? ???????? or it can be used to create a realm within the bearer’s ????????.

It seemed there was extra text. There were still some omissions, but while my Eye wouldn’t unveil them, I did feel that the content was very similar, in fact some of the question marked areas were the same constant that kept cropping up in a lot of places. One thing… here it says the ‘true measure of the soul’. All the other Skills and Classes referenced the ‘spirit’ as did the Fae and other spiritual beings I’d encountered. Certainly, the spirit seems to function as what I would have considered the soul, Haru was reduced to a spirit and yet she’s who she always was, all memories and personality intact. Is there a further layer? Wait… I suppose it does make sense in a way. Spiritual beings can be destroyed, but I know most religions teach that the soul is immortal, indestructible.

For a moment I wished I had read more Cultivation stories when I was younger. From the couple I had read, I remembered that there were indeed concepts of a second soul, a truesoul, it was sometimes called, that dwelled within the mundane soul, and was strictly indestructible, usually. So is it Material, Spirit, Soul? I just don’t know… but maybe with more Ranks…

Tan likely knew the answer, and thinking back, it seemed almost like she had tried to mention it before, but… I rubbed at my temples, remembering I had tuned out, or just heard static, for some reason. It’s something to investigate, anyway…

The additions regarding the effect of League on my Territory, as well as the fact that surrounding realms had a League, made sense from what I had observed. As well as being Japanese, of course. After all, we believe that the eight million Kami exist, that everything has a soul of sorts, so it’s not a stretch to assume that the Earth could as well. Gaia was a theory on that which was all the rage with some new age types a few years back, if I remember?

I had also wondered why it was becoming slightly easier to use abilities on the Material over time as well, even discounting our rising Skill Ranks. Certainly, the higher ether density was surely a factor, as it was increasing, but other than Kyoto, the Nasu volcanoes, and around our Territory, the increase wasn’t large, and it would likely take decades to reach Boundary levels all over Japan and the world, unless the rate of acceleration sped up. Which could happen, I guess, if the Boundary collapses. It’s already damn fragile in places… Perhaps the League of Earth itself could explain that?

Moving on, I checked the League Classification, and was pleased to see it had expanded and was more detailed, though it didn’t directly answer my many questions, of course.

League Classification:

0-2 Dull: You have little to no comprehension of the mysteries of true higher existence. You have little contact with your own ????????.

3-7 Spark: Your existence exceeds the mundane. You have a higher grasp of Rules and Principles. Your ???????? is slightly active, fortifying your Spiritual and Material aspects.

8-20 Candle: Your existence is a match for Divine creations and other Spiritual beings who dwell within the shallow depths of the Astral. Understanding of the lower Laws opens to you, and your ???????? is more able to influence the realms around you, and form Territories.

21-40 Torch: Your existence has reached the highest level of beings that lack true Divinity. Your existence is a Rule in itself, so only greater Principles and Laws can destroy it. The bindings of the Material affect you but weakly. To increase your League still further requires a Spark, integrating Adherence within your ????????.

41-75 Flare: Your existence has reached the level that can kindle true Divinity. No mere Divine Spark but a true integration of Adherence and ????????. Your existence is a Principle, thus only those who wield true Laws can affect you without a significant difference in the quality of their ????????. You are not bound to the Material or the Astral but can exist freely in both as you will it, and can survive the destruction of your flesh and spirit, your ???????? retaining the most important components of your ???? existence, yet those extraneous facets of yourself shall be lost.

76-??? Star: Your League has now integrated with your ???????? and a flavour of Adherence that is truly your own. Your existence has become a Law, and thus the stronger Law will prevail in any clash. ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? path to further strength is long, and your League, Adherence and ???????? are the foundation upon which the ?????? of Divinity is built upon.

???-??? Sun: ????? ?????? ????? ????? merge your ???????? with the Law ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ??????.

???-??? ???????: ?????????? ???????????? ???????? ?????????? ????????

Oh joy, another storm of question marks, but again… I had the feeling the question marks had a certain familiarity to them, at least the early sets. As for the later…

“At least it’s made it clear what Divinity entails, and why my Skills with Adherence seem to have peaked. Or maybe I should say die Gottheit.” I chuckled, leaking some of the German I had been learning. “I wonder what Tan’s League is at? It’d be Flare for sure, does she reach Star? Maybe… I guess I’ll find out one way or another one day…”

Again, finding that as usual, the more I knew, the more I needed to know, I moved onto Adherence Manipulation.

You have the ability to control and utilise Adherence, both of a pure and impure nature, though Adherence which matches the aspects and foundation of your ???????? can be utilised at a vastly superior efficiency. You can convert Adherence of muddy, impure or inimical flavours into usable, unaspected Adherence, though you have reached your limit of what you can achieve, as you lack a Divine Spark.

Now I had studied Shirohebi’s Divine Spark before, but he was at the construction site, while the Jade Beetle Kami was at Hisuikomushi shrine. I guess I can check… focusing my will and Eye upon the term Divine Spark, I pulled up further information.

The core of Divinity, comprised of concentrated Adherence, compressed over many years. A Divine Spark will take on the aspect of Divinity that the Adherence embodies, offering positive benefits to all actions regarding said embodiment, and also dramatically increases the League and Fate of the bearer.

That was the same as before, but now there was more.

The Spark integrates within the ????????, and forms a mutually reinforcing cycle which strengthens the control of Rules, Principles and Laws related to the aspects of Adherence embodied, as well as the true nature of the bearer’s ????????.

Divine Sparks can form naturally, as Adherence of a suitable type builds up within a being, or it can be condensed, via the gathering and compression of a large quantity of suitably-aspected Adherence, though this usually requires a catalyst to spark condensation and contact with the ????????.

I see. So, I can just wait, but there’s no guarantees, or… I needed to grow my abilities with Adherence, but I wasn’t sure what aspect I actually embodied. Although, I do have one idea. It might be irrelevant, but…

I then looked at Foehn. I had long considered the difference between unique elements and mutated ones, and the answer I came up with was Adherence. Seeing Tan’s Flames Of Thirst And Famine, and their similarity to Foehn, got me thinking. Back in the Boundary at Shirohebizumi, I sent a maid running to fetch Shaeula, wanting to study her elements as well.

This unique Fire has long dwelt within the earth, but it was made impure by the addition of a foreign Wind that drifted in from the higher Astral. With unexpected assistance you have purified it and taken it within you, and you can now call upon its fury. It knows only ceaseless hunger and an urge to exist, and has consumed other Flames, Winds, Earths, Waters, Dusts and more, each strengthening its ceaseless striving to destroy.

The description was little different, but as I let out a tiny flicker of it on my palm, careful to shield myself from it, and to not allow it free to burn a hole in the plane, as crashing would be a huge pain, I examined it with a critical Eye, trying to see into the essence of it. Yeah, it’s as I thought…

Foehn contained Adherence, and this one was aspected with the need to devour fuel and never die down, two contrasting yet paired Adherences. Shaeula arrived, and her Fortunate Winds were also flavoured with Adherence, those of luck and success. Winds And Waters Of Devotion And Worship likewise contained several aspected Adherences, of confusion, domination and yet also soothing.

Hang on… does that mean… I had a sudden, extremely dangerous thought, and when I explained it to Shaeula, her eyes went wide, the amber gleam intensifying. With clenched fists she nodded, declaring it was worth a try, and her determination to now master Adherence Manipulation was soaring, as doing so would also help her control her winds. Just like I should be able to manipulate Foehn with more precision now and strengthen it. Although… I had many demands on my Adherence, mostly for carrying and distributing Favours, though now I also needed to condense a Divine Spark. Therefore I’ve no leeway to test my idea yet. A shame… but when things calm down, if they ever do…

With that wry thought on my mind, I contemplated for the rest of the flight, while I continued to soak in the German language…


Clearing airport security was easy, as I was on a private jet and had a diplomatic passport, so soon I was outside, feeling a pleasant chill in the air. Seems like it’s not that much different to Japan. There, I saw my guides waiting for me.

“You’re here.” Constantine said cheerfully. Behind him, his quieter sister Sophia nodded at me, a touch warily. Though I remember Constantine said she was normally far more talkative than he was. Perhaps it’s because her English is rather shaky?

“I am.” I greeted them. “So, I’ve received your messages. Everything’s good to go?”

Constantine looked a little unsure of that. As they ushered me towards a waiting car, it was Sophia who spoke up uncertainly. “We… met the woman. But at first, she was wary and … suspicious? Is that the word?” At her brother’s not she continued. I opened the passenger side door for her as Constantine got in the driver’s seat. I sat in the back.

“She kept quiet, rarely goes out. To find her… she worried we meant to do her harm.”

“We explained all this.” Constantine started the car and began the drive to our destination, Mount Ida. “And there’s no point being nice to Sophia. She’s all nagging and poison, just take my advice and steer clear.”

Sophia started ranting at him in Greek, her tone venomous, and at his casual deflections, I smiled. Quite the sibling relationship. As the red-faced Sophia calmed down, Constantine managed a few more words in Greek, before apologising to me.

“See what I mean? Anyway, we explained we meant her no harm, and we had the offer for her. She… hasn’t technically agreed but wants to meet you in person. She hasn’t declined, either.”

“Just how did we find her?” Sophia asked, after taking a few deep breaths to calm down. Shooting her brother a glare, she continued. “I must… apologise…” The words were quiet, and her brother widened his eyes incredulously, making her snap at him in Greek again, before she finished her thoughts. “Don’t mind my brother. If it was up to him, we’d be drowning in debt. First Germany, then Korea. Who paid for it all? Me! And now… God’s grace, I doubt I still have a job to return to, my break got long.”

“Sorry, Sophia. But… I was right!” Constantine protested.

“By God and all his Angels, does that matter? Being right doesn’t feed us or clothe us!” She took another deep breath. “Look, thank you for employing my useless, layabout brother. And for paying me as well. But… I understand why she was frightened. This world… it is beyond me.” She touched the crucifix she wore around her neck. “I am Orthodox, not Catholic, but even so… I listen to the Pope. The world is crazy. Nearly as crazy as Constantine.”

“Finding out things isn’t too hard, if you know the right questions to ask. And if she doesn’t want to sell in the end, that’s fine.” I reassured Sophia. “I certainly won’t take it by force. As for your brother, he’s got his value. Here and in Germany. More than enough to make me hire him. Though I will have to insist he stops his website, or at least changes the content.”

Constantine made a face at that as he translated the harder words for Sophia. I then pointed out he could share a lot of true information, at least the stuff that wasn’t sensitive, and he perked up. The drive was quiet after that, everyone deep in thought, and soon we were parked at the base of the mountain. Looking up, in the distance I could see a rather impressive observatory many hundreds of metres above on the peak. Seeing my gaze, Constantine told me it was the Shinakas observatory.

“I’m glad we don’t have to walk that far.” Sophia grumbled, looking down. She was wearing heels, though they weren’t overly large, they still weren’t the best shoes for walking long distances in, let alone up a mountain over rough terrain. Seeing my gaze, she flushed, her olive skin darkening further.

“I told you to wear trainers. There’s no need to dress up, unless you’re trying to catch his eye, sister? Though considering your history with boyfriends, a serial bigamist wouldn’t feel out of place…”

Sophia drew in a hissing breath, clearly offended, and before she could respond, I let out a wisp of air, whacking Constantine on the forehead. He clutched it, teary-eyed, a bruise forming, and as he looked at me accusingly, I frowned.

“Ignoring the fact I’m not a bigamist, Japanese law now permits everything, don’t be rude to your sister. A brother should be kind.”

Sophia let out a laugh, both mocking and a little shrill. “That’s right. Constantine, who’s looked after you throughout this mess? You’d be on the streets and living on lentils.”

Constantine rubbed his bruise, muttering to himself, before apologising. “Sorry Sophia. But I am watching out for you.”

“Fine.” she conceded eventually. “Don’t embarrass me again though. I just… oh, who cares? We have to go.” Angrily, she started stomping up the path, ascending the mountain, and I looked at her brother, who shrugged.

“Seriously, my sister is a mess. An attractive mess, sure, curves in all the right places and a cute face, but…not worth it. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!”

“These false accusations are coming thick and fast today. I’m not indiscriminate.” I sighed, as we started to follow Sophia. “So, our target lives on the mountain?”

“Yes, in a small cottage a few hundred metres from the base. So I guess Sophia’s poor choice of footwear isn’t a big deal.”

It only took us a moment to catch her up, and we climbed in awkward silence, until we reached a narrow branching path. Following that for a few hundred metres, we found a small, thatched cottage tucked away in a tiny valley. It had clearly seen better days, but it was still neatly whitewashed, and the steps up to it had been swept spotless.

“It’s here.” Constantine said, before asking Sophia to knock, saying that ‘she liked Sophia better than him.’

“Of course she does. You never shut up, and you don’t have any manners with women, young or old.” His sister sighed, shrugging. Soon she was gently tapping the door, and it opened a crack, dark eyes peering out, before words were exchanged in Greek. Moments later, the door opened, presumably revealing the woman I was here to meet.

She was very old, short, thin and her once-olive skin was now pale and heavily wrinkled. Her hair too, short and curly, was now also a dull white. But she moved with surprising grace, and her back was straight, no weight of age upon her, and I realised her movements weren’t normal. Yeah, she’s got a Favour, the stat boosts are noticeable.

The most striking feature of hers were her eyes. They were a dark black, similar to the eye colours in the East, like Eri’s, Shiro’s or Daiyu’s. But they held a profound wisdom that could only be gained by age and long experience, and they seemed to see into me. As I resisted the urge to look away, I saw what looked like faint silvery specks floating in her dark irises, shimmering faintly like stars in the night sky.

The woman spoke to Sophia rapidly in Greek, and she nodded, before turning to her brother.

“She says…” Constantine translated for me. “Traveller from a far-off land who has come seeking her, you had best come in. But do wipe your feet, and she hopes you brought no ill-will with you. If so, she will entertain you with true Greek hospitality, but she also hopes you don’t complain that her home is meagre.”

I see. Bringing ill-will, huh? I think I’m bringing her an opportunity, but… Smiling politely, I bowed in Japanese fashion, which made her raise one white eyebrow, the wrinkles around her penetrating eyes crinkling. She then let out a quiet, dry laugh and gestured for us to come in. All right then. Time to see if Yasaka-san and his Book were right as usual… if so… Well, if it could even identify opportunities such as this, then there were few limits to the potential growth everyone could experience…

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